Adventures in Division 2

Reducing Litter Presentation

Division 2 recently did a presentation at the assembly about reducing litter on the schoolgrounds.  

Here is a link to the slide presentation the group created (the video has been removed because the file size was too large):

Why is there so much garbage on the school grounds? 

Some students have noticed that Sperling students are making more of an effort not to litter since our presentation!  How should we keep track of our progress as a school?  Post a comment with your ideas.



  1. drake2

    check the part of the school with the most litter every week or month and see if there is more or less.

  2. benjamin59

    How can we make sure litter isn’t being put on the ground without buying expensive cameras? Here are a few ideas.
    -Have every class clean up garbage every so often so ‘they get a taste of their own medicine’, otherwise known as what it feels like to pick up bags and bags of garbage.
    -Put more garbage cans around the school, because the main reason garbage is thrown on the ground is because people are too lazy to go inside to throw their litter.
    -Remind people why it is important to throw away garbage in the right place every so often, because some people hear all these messages but don’t understand why it is important to put litter in the trash can. I personally think adorable animals will be effective, because it will be memorable in kids hearts and motivate them to do the right thing.
    Thanks for reading! 😀 Happy Valentines Day~

  3. andrew80

    I think we should try making every class and their buddies to pick up garbage. This way hopefully we can teach the little kids the importance of not littering and that can be very harmful to other creatures.

  4. yaara1

    The reason the school grounds have so much garbage on them is because some of the kids don’t care. But the other kids are trying to make an effort. If the other kids start pulling their weight because if they don’t then the school grounds will be dirty for a long time and the earth will keep getting polluted which means more animals will keep getting harmed.

  5. yiheng1

    People are getting lazy and not putting their trash in the trash can or they can just put it in their pockets. I think we should add more garbage bins outside so they will actually put it in there. We need lots because when we put 1 bin out there. It overflows. We can also have a weekly garbage cleanup crew. Rotating around the classes. Maybe even a everyday garbage patrol will do the job telling everyone not to throw it on the ground or in the sewers.

  6. joshua97

    i think we should keep our garbage to ourselves and try to remind other people if they throw the garbage on the ground and we are put out more cans people can throw their garbage in!
    At last remember garbage are always harmful to animals!

  7. taylor13

    There should be a different class every week picking up garbage and keeping the school grounds clean. I think that kids are putting there garbage on the ground because there are not enough garbage cans outside so there just throwing it on the ground.

  8. kaivon1

    a place we should put trash cans is over the sewers because those are the places people mostly litter

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