April 6, 2020 – Updates

To all my Psychology 12, AP Capstone, and Law 12 classes: keep calm and wash you hands. For some of you, this period of an indefinite school closure will feel like freedom and for others it may feel like boredom or being overwhelmed. Either way, Mihic is thinking of you. I’m one of those weirdos who misses going into work, talking to people while drinking gallons of coffee so ya, this is a combination of boredom and stress all in one. 

I have nothing to report until next week when I’ll begin posting activities for each of my classes (don’t worry – I’ll email them out too). If you’re bored, you can always check out my Twitter account (@MsMihic) where I’ve posted a daily log since going into Covid lockdown and where I’ve also shared some course-related ideas. 


Hi gang!

Hopefully you’re all doing well, staying safe, and keeping as sane as you can at this strange time.

As you already know, school is closed for the indefinite future.  Does that mean school is cancelled? Absolutely not! We’re just moving to a modified and online format. I know that many of you may have a lot on you plate right now so I’m just trying to slowly build some routine and structure into your lives over the next while. 

Task 1: Log into Microsoft Teams. This is easiest by:

  1. Going into you school Office 365 account using your username and password. You will need to use your school email and password and then click on the top left corner to select teams once logged in. It is labelled as “O365-North-Mihic-PSYCH12-P1”.
  2. In the “Post” section, write a comment as to how you’re doing, any questions, comments, what you thought about the Tiger King show on Netflix,  or whatever (but keep it clean)… just so I know you’re ok otherwise I’ll be calling home by the end of the week. Feel free to email me if none of this makes sense.

We’ll start some real work next week. 

Take care and stay safe. 

Ms. Mihic


Chat soon!

Memory Olympics!

Hi all, 

The Memory Olympics will take place on Tuesday, January 28 and Wednesday, January 29 where your memory skills will be tested! You can participate in groups of up to 4; groups may choose to have every member participate in each event, some, or one. At the ends of the events, scores will be tabulated. Everyone gets 50% for participating and only one group has the potential of getting 100%. This activity is worth 25 marks. These are the following events:

  • Parts of a … 
  • Random Numbers
  • Playing Cards
  • Names and Faces
  • “Vocabulary” Marathon

Check out for memorization techniques from Joshua Foer, author of Moonwalking with Einstein


Socials 11 – In-class Essay Tip

Tomorrow you will be writing your first in-class essay. The following is a list of Do’s and Don’ts.


  • bring your M.A.N.I.A booket
  • bring your Apocalypse: Video Questions
  • bring any other additional notes
  • bring a pen
  • double-space
  • staple your notes to your essay when you are done
  • take your time to re-read and make corrections or additions.


  • have your phone out
  • have a pre-written essay
  • have notes posing as a pre-written essay
  • stress out. School is about developing skills and not chasing a number.

Need more motivation? Check out the marking rubric here and scroll to last page.



Canada Votes 2015!

All Socials 11 classes will be making formal political speeches in their classes this Monday, October 19th. Once everyone has had their minute to promote the party they feel should lead Canada for the next four years, we will put it to a vote. Stay tuned for Student Vote results. In the meantime, check out what the parties have to say:

Conservative Party

Liberal Party



Who will you vote for?

Here is the rubric for those interested students .

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