AP Psychology Exam Review Dates

It’s that time of year where we begin preparing for the AP College Board’s final exam which will be taking place at noon on May 7th in the library and another classroom. In anticipation of that, I will be running 3 1-hour long review sessions over the the next week and a half. You may choose to attend one or all of the sessions where we will go through the highlights of each unit. Feel free to bring friends from Ms. Carey’s class as well. Here are the dates:

Units 1-4: Tue., April 24 @ 3:15pm
Units 5-9: Thu., April 26 @ 3:15pm
Units 10-14: Tue., May 1 @ 3:15pm

Hope to see you there!

AP Psych Exam Prep

Countdown to the AP Exam starts now!

You should have attended Monday’s AP Bubbling Party in the North Caf. If you did not, make sure you contact Mr. Scaligine ASAP so you could catch up on what was missed. 

The Diagnostic Test will be distributed in class either tomorrow or Thursday. Get it and complete at some point this weekend. Take the survey one you have completed the test:


Now is also the time to begin organizing, adding to, and reviewing those Cornell notes/index cards. 

We have received permission from Ms. Carey to access her review materials which can be downloaded from these following links:

Who’s Who: Psychologists to Know

Year End Review Notes

Multiple Choice Review: Units 1 to 7a

Multiple Choice Review: Units 7b to 14

Lastly, after school review dates are as follows:

Wednesday, April 19 – 3:15-4:15 – Units 1-4 

The first review session date has now changed to Friday, April 21 – 3:15-4:15 U1-4

Tuesday, April 25 –  3:15-4:15 – Units 5-9

Thursday, April 27 – 3:15-4:15 – Units 10-14

These are optional and will be rushing through to review the main concepts of each of the units. Please come with questions pertaining to these units on that session’s day. If you have a burning question, others might be thinking the same thing so do us all a favour and ASK!

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