Celia Marto – Division 5 – Page 8 – Comings and Goings

Click here for the Shape of the Day

Stuffies and Teddies in windows?

(Mrs. Marto’s window.  I went off script and used my pigeon instead of a Teddy Bear.  I was inspired by Mrs. Devlin’s Pigeon!)

Worldwide Movement!

This information comes from Mrs. Devlin.  She told me about this new trend to bring people together and help us make connections to each other.  Here is the information she gave me.

There is a worldwide trend growing that started in New Zealand as a way to spread positivity.
If you’d like to join in, all you need to do is place a teddy bear in a window that can be seen from the street. For young kids, it turns into a bit of a hunt and a game, looking for the bears and seeing if more and more appear each day.
Click here for a little background from an ABC news article.
Have fun, Div. 5!
Spread the news!

Click here for the Shape of the Day

Audible Books as an Online Resource:

(not required by the teacher; use for your child’s enjoyment and growth)

During Tuesday’s Zoom Class, I asked the kids if they preferred reading online books to ‘real’ books.  While there were answers going both ways, it was clear that students liked the convenience and large selection of books available online.

During the Covid Crisis, Audible Books is making read aloud online books available free to kids.  Passwords are not required.  Click on the link below and check this website out.

Click here for Audible Books

Click Here for the shape of the day

Math Practice:

Click Here for a Khan Academy multiplication word problem.

Click Here for a Khan Academy division word problem.  There is a little multiplication quiz that will come up on your screen after you complete this word problem.  You can do that too.

Grade 2’s and 3’s who are looking to extend their understanding of multiplication: listen to these 2 lessons on the “associative properties of multiplication”.  It is age-appropriate and not as hard as it sounds.

Click here


Click here


Click here for the Microsoft Link on how to hand in assignments on Microsoft Teams.

Click here for today’s Shape of the Day


Math lesson for Grade 2’s and 3’s.  Click on the link below.



Grade 2’s another tiny Math lesson that you should watch after you’ve watched the one above.



P.E.  link for the Hamster Workout



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