Uncategorized – Page 6 – Celia Marto – Division 5

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This is both a welcome back and well wishes for a Happy Easter break.

As well…

Div.5 got off to a great start this week, starting our new novel, Flood Warning, about the Fraser River Flood in 1948. I can’t thank Orca Books enough for publishing local stories/histories such as this.  It is a perfect match with our theme.


We also continued with our Geometry Unit and the hands-on building of a large map of the Fraser River.  We will continue to add to it and learn its stories as we travel down from its headwaters at Mount Robson.


Just because I could, I threw in some geometry-our city signs our triangular prisms and the Rocky Mountains are tetrahedrons also known as triangular prisms!

I was watching the news this week and I saw a segment on “The Urban Salmon Project”.  In that segment, they told the story of a Brazilian photographer who, living in North Vancouver, came across the spawning salmon in a nearby creek.  Accustomed to taking photos of wildlife in Brazil, he began to document the salmon with his camera.

In speaking with friends and neighbours, he was surprised how many people were unaware of the fascinating salmon life cycle happening right in their midst.  The Urban Salmon Project is the first underwater documentation of salmonids in the Urban Watershed-two subjects we have been learning about in our class.

This Thursday night, there will be a 12-minute film premiere on youtube.  I am hoping that the film will stay on youtube long enough for me to show the class, but in case it doesn’t, I thought I’d put it out for you to share as families.

Documentary Premier!



We started off on Monday with a Zoom Presentation on Fresh Water in Metro Vancouver.  It was put on by the Green Bricks Education Society and was very well done.   The amount of information we took away was heartening. The care and management of our public freshwater infrastructure left me with pride.

After reviewing what we learned, each student was asked to write 3 facts that were new to them and/or made an impression.  I will be uploading those to their blogfolios shortly.

Then… our salmon eggs hatched!  We now have alevin exploring the bottom of the tank (can’t swim any higher).  The kids are super excited.

Following that exciting event, came our exploration of the Asian Lunar New Year.

We read PoPo’s Lucky Chinese New Year by Virginia Loh-Hagan and watched a video on Seollal, the Korean name for Lunar New Year.  On Thursday, we dressed in red and traditional clothing (Hanbok).  They received a red envelope with ‘chocolate money’ and a few other traditional treats.  It was a lot of fun to share knowledge and happiness as these are important traditional holidays for many of our students, and what better activity in a Covid Year but to appreciate being together.

Lastly, we celebrated Valentine’s Day.

Thank you to all the parents who sent Valentine’s cards.  In our social-emotional learning, we have watched a few videos on gratitude sent to us by Mrs. Blair, our school counselor.  The students understand that giving is a source of happiness and the Valentine cards you sent, let us put action to those emotions.

Have a great long weekend!


This unit has been lengthy, but we continue to work hard on these basic skills.  Today’s lesson was on problem-solving and the language that we need to understand in order to solve our word problems.

After teaching the lesson on specific language to look for when creating an equation, the students started their practice using their whiteboards.  One problem at a time was delivered to each student.  They were asked to also focus on the Personal Core Competency of “perseverance”.  They did just that.  They diligently persevered through many attempts with different strategies.  We even learned how using simpler numbers in the same word problem can help us to find the steps on how to solve the harder numbers.  Nicely done Div. 5.   Wednesday and Thursday, we’ll finish up the lesson and continue to practice with our text.


Literacy Week

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Division 5 put their best effort forward during this week.  I thank all the families and students who participated in our various activities, at home, and at school.  What a fantastic way to highlight the importance of reading.

Here’s a look at the door and bulletin board we entered for the contest.  We are super proud of how it turned out.



Thirty fertilized chum salmon eggs have been placed in our tank.  If you look closely, you’ll see the black dot of an eye.

The students are learning about the ideal conditions for salmon eggs in the wild and how our aquarium system tries to replicate those conditions.  We are also working to understand the lifecycle of the salmon.


Hour of Code takes place each year during Computer Science Education Week. The 2020 Computer Science Education Week is this week-December 7-13.  Of course, we can have an hour of code anytime.  Div. 5 did a wonderful job listening to instructions and helping each other.  Way to Go!


Concert Excitement

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The filming for the class concert song took place today.  Div. 5 was excited and looking festive.  See for yourself!  They also sounded beautiful.




RULER is a social-emotional learning program that we use in our class and many other classes at Parkcrest and across Burnaby (Yale Center for Emotional Intelligence).  It focuses on developing positive social, emotional, and cognitive behaviour in order to support our students’ well-being.  It is integrated into many subject areas but often supports our Core Competency Curriculum.

The RULER program helps us to recognize and name our emotions.  It is okay to feel all our emotions, but sometimes our emotions don’t match the situation we are in.  For example, we may be too energetic or angry to listen to a Math lesson.  The RULER program helps students develop a set of tools to self-regulate and get back to a more desirable mood for the activity they want to complete.

See the link below for more information:


The first part of the RULER program is developing a ‘charter’.  Its purpose is to create a positive culture and climate in our class.  I simply asked the students how they wanted to feel when they were in our class.  Through discussion, Div. 5 arrived at our charter.  For students, it is a powerful process.  In the end, we created a dual charter with an academic and a social side.  It’s not perfect, but it’s meaningful and authentic.  Our poster hangs on the wall and we refer to it often.


Just before Christmas, I reworded the charter guidelines (most parts) into a self-reflection.  The students then took the time to reflect on how they were doing according to our charter agreement and set goals for improvement.  In the upcoming days, look for your children’s responses in their blogfolios.  I will be posting them soon.

With the beginning of November upon us, I thought I would give a quick update on the Curricular Competencies we have been practicing and focussing on in class.  In the upcoming weeks, you will see samples of your child’s work in their blogfolios.

Language Arts and Social Studies:

-have often been integrated this term as we prepared for our Learning in Depth research

  • inquiry/research processes: notetaking; using keywords, using graphic organizers to organize and categorize information
  • we have also been brainstorming areas of interest and questions to guide inquiry directions as well as developing awareness of the variety of sources available for research
  • features of non-fiction books and how to use them for research: tables of content; glossaries, indexes, headings

We were lucky to have Mrs. Field come to our class to help us with our understanding of non-fiction books.

Language Arts:  Reading

  • We finished a class novel, Dolphins at Daybreak.  Together, we practiced:  how to write a summary (selecting the important events, using notetaking format to list them in sequential order), making connections (text-to-text, text-to-world, text-to-self), and working on comprehension strategies (summarizing, connecting, questioning, and activating our prior knowledge)
  • we are also working to answer comprehension questions using full sentences and practicing our ability to find the author’s message in a story
  • we started our “in-class” Guided Reading groups with different novels for each grouping.  We are practicing our fluency and decoding skills at our personal reading level
  • because we were able to practice writing summaries and making connections with our teacher using our first class novel, we are now trying to develop our independence and show that we can write summaries (according to our criteria), make connections, and respond to comprehension questions more independently

Language Arts: Writing

  • in addition to all of the above, we are using the Words Their Way program to continue to develop our sound knowledge
  • We do a 10-minute free write most days and share our writing with a small group on Friday.  We have been looking at all the forms of writing that are possible; from making lists to writing a play, to writing a poem or a review.  We are going to build toward a weekly editing session in the next term.
  • Journals/personal writing:  we have been looking at samples of writing that have helped us to understand the features of writing that you would see or not see in an emerging, developing, proficient, and extending piece of personal writing.  We are working to reduce repetition, add more relevant detail, use connecting words, and proofread for missing punctuation and spelling.  We have worked on idea generation, using brain pockets, so that our journal writing is not always about what we did on the weekend.


From the beginning of the year, we have been doing a weekly science problem that gets us thinking critically, drawing on our background knowledge, inferring possible reasons for our findings, and connecting.  Most often, we follow up those problems with  Core Competency self-assessments focussing on the Thinking Competencies.  In the example below, we connected our findings to humans and the need for snowshoes.  We then connected snowshoes to Indigenous technology.

Through our Wilderness Wednesday periods we go outside to observe, experience, and interpret our local environment. We have observed spider webs and noticed the abundance of spiders as a feature of autumn.  We have observed the regularity of webs and explored webs and patterning in Art.  We have also focused on trees and itemized the benefits trees provide.

We will soon be starting a unit on ecosystems.


  • we have worked to build number sense and mental math strategies by learning about place value
  • we have worked to represent our numbers pictorially, symbolically, and concretely
  • we have worked with money concepts
  • we have worked to build an understanding of estimation
  • we are currently learning about patterns; repeating, core, increasing, and decreasing


  • has been integrated into all the other subject areas and includes an opportunity to work with a variety of materials and some student self-assessments

Applied Design, Skills and Technologies

  • with the understanding that skills can be developed through play, centre-time is an important part of our week and students have access to a variety of building and design materials
  • they have created designed environments from marble runs to Plus Plus to Lego to wooden blocks to magnetic triangles.  Through trial and error, they have made changes, solved problems, and incorporated ideas from others


  • through games like Number Soccer, Hula Hut, and Circulation Volleyball, we have been learning fundamental movement skills that focus on running, kicking, catching, and safe movement in our gym
  • Through our social/emotional program RULER, we have identified that physical activity is an important daily component of our lives; it helps us to feel more confident and to be mentally strong

I am proud of the involvement and participation of all Div. 5 students in the many areas of learning listed above.  Our discussions are rich and our learning is shared and appreciated between classmates and friends.



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