Magic Nature Wands – Celia Marto – Division 5

Magic Nature Wands

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Double-pronged magic!









Magic Buttercup Power!





Maple seeds dropping in soon - MSU Extension

We even found and used these beautiful

tinted oak seed pods from the park.


Today, in class, we had a try at making our Magic Nature Wands.  Kids online, you will be assigned yours on Wednesday (Wink, Wink, you can start yours ahead of time).   I wasn’t sure they would work, but the experiment was a success! These wands are filled with the new flowers of spring and are just gorgeous!

They also have great power, duh, duh, duh!  Their special power will be announced, for everyone, at Wednesday’s Zoom class – 10:30. Their power is linked to a Knights of Boo’Gar writing assignment that will also come out on Wednesday.  Online kids, please take a photo of your wand and upload it to Teams.  I want to continue to display your work.

Although I was inspired by the wands below (from: minimadthings  I love the freshness of our examples.  We didn’t even finish today and I actually put the wands in the upstairs fridge.  Here’s hoping they still look good tomorrow.  So, don’t wait to take that photo!

These nature wands are super easy to make and lots of fun for imaginative minds to play with. From the Mini Mad Things children's craft blog.

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