Welcome to the Third Term – Celia Marto – Division 5

Welcome to the Third Term

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Our new theme for this term is Castles.  Despite our distant circumstances, I hope we will get to enjoy our castle theme just as much as our pirate theme.  We will explore the theme through our class novel, other books on Epic, art, applied design, and even math (castles are made of cylinders, cones, and rectangular prisms, after all).  Castles, dragons, knights, horses, kings, queens, princesses and princes! Let the fun begin!

Parents, you can help by starting to save small boxes, and toilet paper/paper towel rolls for an eventual building project.  Can you guess what it might be? Empty boxes from granola bars, soap bars, and even some smaller cereal boxes work really well.  You have about a month to collect as our building project will start the first or second week of May.  

1 thought on “Welcome to the Third Term”

  1. Kyong Im says:

    Hi Ms. Marto,
    Glad you reach me on the phone. Thank you. That was so sweet of you. Even the teachers’ parading through every single street was amazing. It made us how much we have missed our school.

    You chose the wonderful theme for this term. How exciting! They are going to build the castle themselves from mid-May. I will collect the recycling materials from today. Hope to hear from you soon again. Take good care please😊

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