November 2023 – Celia Marto – Division 5

Month: November 2023

Happy Diwali

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To our families who are celebrating this week, Happy Diwali.  May the festival of lights brighten your life and bring you moments of joy!


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Our wreath turned out beautifully.  The Core Competencies in the B.C. Curriculum highlight the importance of working together to achieve a common goal.  In making this wreath, we had to problem solve and get through small frustrations while showing our flexible thinking.  I wasn’t sure if the students realised how many obstacles we had overcome, as a group, to arrive at our finished wreath as not all students were aware of individual stumbling blocks.  To make this learning and our actions more evident, I decided to display many of our challenges in a way that we could see it from each other’s perspectives.  Ultimately, it was a teachable moment that helped us build our understanding of perseverance.  Congratulations to Div. 9!


Our Remembrance Day Wreath

Mrs. Marto and Mrs. Andrew’s Class (our buddy class), in a choral recitation, performed this poem at our assembly on Friday.


For those who left

Never to return

For those who returned

But were never the same



Little poppy

As red as can be

To show that we REMEMBER

Those that fought

To make us free

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