A Look at Some of our Work – Celia Marto – Division 5

A Look at Some of our Work

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Have a look at what Div. 6 has been working on this term:

Harvest Pumpkin Art  and Harvest Corn Work by Div. 6

-if you look closely to the left of the corn art, you can also see that, as part of our social-emotional learning, we wrote about what we are grateful for in our lives


Spiders (not scientifically correct, an artistic rendering)


Money Centres, patterning, Halloween candy graph


-measuring out a 1/4 of an acre because we know that up to 64 000 spiders can live in 1 acre.  Of course, we divided 64 000 by 4.

-in Science, we are observing a local living thing to see how it changes through the seasons.  Students also had to decide how they would measure and note the changes over time.

Science-spiders, our local environment/Social Studies-research process/Informational Writing

-2-3 times/week I read 1 page out of a non-fiction book  (we also talked about the unique characteristics of a non-fiction book)

-the students were then asked what fact they had heard.  I wrote those facts on strips of paper; reinforcing that in note-taking I could use keywords

-when we had amassed enough facts, the students were each given 2-3 facts and asked to start grouping them on the carpet.  The students went about this task trying to find like categories and groups.

-after organizing the facts on the carpet, we put them on the bulletin board

-in the following days (for the introduction facts category), I had the students organize the facts within that category to put them in order

-lastly, the students practiced “writing” these facts in a short research project where they were also asked to include transition words

-Phew! What a fantastic learning journey.

Students checked off the words they used.

Reading, thinking, and writing about our reading

Eerie Elementary

-comparing Eerie Elementary to Parkcrest

-writing about exciting events and onomatopoeia (figurative language)

-our favorite scenes (art)


Social Emotional Learning

-learning how to plot our feelings on a mood meter and also how to regulate our energy using our “tools”.  We brainstormed the tools we could use to regulate our mood from low energy to higher energy and happier.  We also brainstormed the reverse.  How to reduce our energy.  We found out that there are a lot of overlapping tools and students made a toolbox of strategies that work best for them.

-we also continue to develop our understanding of our own identity.  When we are being our best selves, what characteristics describe us at our best?




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