Valentine’s Day, Monday, Div. 6 – Celia Marto – Division 5

Valentine’s Day, Monday, Div. 6

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Dear Div. 6 Parents,

Our class will be celebrating Valentine’s Day on Monday with some special activities.  If you are intending to send a treat (not required), please remember that as part of Covid Protocols, we require that it be individually wrapped and that it be at school by this Friday so that I can ‘quarantine’ the treats before handing them out.

If your child is handing out Valentine Cards, please remember that we have 20 students in our class.  Please make sure that each child in the class receives a card so that no one feels left out.  Your child is bringing home a list of our classroom names today (in their planner).  As a time-saver, you may wish to only write “from: your child’s name”.  You do not have to write individual names on each card, but I did provide the names in the case that you wish to address the cards with their first names.

Final reminders:

-Math quizzes went home last Friday, please have the students correct their work and get them back to me signed by the parents

A Happy Valentine’s Day in advance,

Mrs. Marto

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