January 2022 – Celia Marto – Division 5

Month: January 2022

Div. 6’s New Year’s Babies Are in!!!

We have received 55 Chum Salmon, eyed eggs.  There is a little black dot that you can see through the soft outer shell of the egg.  This is how we know that this egg has been fertilized and contains a little embryo.

In other news, 

Happy New Year to all our families and many thanks for your kind and thoughtful Christmas gifts.  I am filled with gratitude.

This week, I very much missed the students and thought of them often.  As we once again negotiate the rocky waters of another variant, I have made some changes in the class and there have been changes at the school level as well.


  • Entering and exiting the school:  Div. 6 will be using a different entrance and exit door upon their return on Monday.  We are returning to the same entrance we used last year (the door closest to the new building in the upper field).  Mrs. Andrews’ class and ours will be the only two classes using that entrance
  • staggered recess and lunch (primary/intermediate)
  • in our class, furniture has been moved, the carpet has been rolled up and the desks have been spread out even further.  We were already in rows and remain so
  • we are continuing to put our coats and bags at our desks and using the cloakroom as little as possible
  • windows are to be kept open
  • handwashing routines are always in place
  • masking rules continue as before
  • a limit of 1 student at a time to view the salmon tank
  • health checks at the door, before entering the school building

How can parents help?

  • make sure your child has a mask and some spares (throughout a day of play, the masks sometimes break, or get soiled and wet)
  • If your child is not feeling well, please keep them at home as advised
  • because it can get cold in the classroom due to the open windows, it is helpful to have a heavy sweater or sweatshirt on hand.  It can be difficult to work with their outdoor jacket; although sometimes we do that too


Lastly, I am sure you have been hearing about functional closures in the news. Mr. Lee will be sending home a letter explaining any changes, as well as what a functional closure is.

Next week I will be asking students to practice getting on TEAMS, hopefully at school as well as from home.  This will help to ensure that we are ready to go online if needed.

I am excited to see the students on Monday and I wish you all a good weekend.  Do not hesitate to email if you have any questions, and I will endeavour to send out information as we go.


Mrs. Marto

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