Salmon Eggs Arrived this Week
We are now adoptive parents of 55 chum salmon eggs that arrived on Monday from the Seymour Hatchery. The salmonid program is an ideal hands-on enrichment to our Science program. It pairs perfectly with our ongoing environmental studies on the Ocean (with Mrs. Rudolph’s/Glavas’ class), but it also serves as a provocation (an activity that stimulates ideas and connections) for Social Studies.
Through the salmonid program, we will explore some of the Big Ideas of the Social Studies Grade 3 curriculum such as looking at how the indigenous peoples of B.C. value the well-being of our land, and how the salmon connect us to indigenous knowledge, ways of life, and traditions that have been passed down through oral history. We will also continue to explore characteristics of coastal communities and, in conjunction with Mrs. Mar’s class, look at the Grade 2 curricular Big Ideas that ask us to explore how local actions can have global consequences and vice versa. We will continue to share out about our projects.
Sia was so excited to have the eggs’ hatching in her class. She described their appearance, the life cycle and what happens after hatching to us during dinner time. So intriguing!