The Election – Celia Marto – Division 5

The Election

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We have been running a mock election campaign for the last 3 weeks.  Our Candidates are 5 Arctic animals: Sam, the wolf; Neevee, the Caribou; Max, the walrus; Desneiges, the polar bear; and Charlie, the raven.  The students have listened to the candidates’ speeches, and have carefully considered the characteristics that the animals presented.  

We have also been role playing (using reader’s theatre scripts), the responsibilities and duties of the officials involved in the running of an election.

We have randomly selected and filled the positions of: Chief Electoral Officer, Returning Officer; Deputy Returning Officer; and polling clerks

Identification for voting

This week each student created their own driver’s license and voter registration card

…they weighed and measured themselves; jotted down their eye colour and gender so that they could properly fill out their driver’s license


Voting Day!!!

…at the voting table, our RO (Returning Officer), and his two polling clerks checked both pieces of identification before handing the “voters” a ballot with his initials… notice our diligent polling clerks crossing the voter names off the “List of Voters”.  Everyone took their roles seriously.  Our returning officer knew that only he and the voter could ever touch the ballot.  Privacy screens at the back round table, ensured a fair vote.  


Mrs. Aujla Helps Out!

The afternoon of voting day, Mrs. Aujla and the election officials at our school surprised us with an invitation to come up on the gym stage to watch Mrs. Aujla cast her ballot.  Mrs. Aujla generously took the students through each step of the voting process.  It was exciting to see it all happen in real time!  Unfortunately we couldn’t take any photos-privacy is very important during voting. 

The Winner!  

It was an exciting vote count as the Returning Officer opened the sealed ballot box, and revealed each ballot (to his polling clerks, officially), but to the whole “very curious” class in actual fact.  We only had one spoiled ballot, and are very proud that everyone exercised their right/responsibility to vote.  We set aside our fear of wolves, understanding that they had perhaps received an undeserved bad reputation in children’s literature, and decided to give this intelligent pack animal a chance to lead our class.  What fun!

1 thought on “The Election”

  1. Jan says:

    What a wonderful way to engage in the process. Active, meaningful and fun all rolled into one! Thanks for sharing. I’m tweeting this out to the world.

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