Hello Families! We are on Week Six of remote learning and it has been such a positive learning experience for us all! Thank you for continuing to support your child at home. It is greatly appreciated!


We are very fortunate to have the unique opportunity to learn about Painted Lady butterflies for the next three weeks! Mrs. Lee will be sharing her home with 6 of these little creatures, and will be giving updates every few days as to how they are doing. There is a new tab on our menu above called “Painted Lady Butterflies”. Go to this tab to find updates and links to anything butterfly related. For this week though, we have included the butterfly activities and links on the home page. We hope this experience will be fun and exciting for everyone!


Butterflies start off as caterpillars. They are very small. They will be living in a small plastic tub with a layer of food (soy, wheat and vitamins) on the bottom for the caterpillar to eat. They will mainly eat and rest for up to 14 days or until they move onto the next stage in their development. We can keep track of their growth with a Butterfly Journal. Mrs. Lee has started one and you can too! Click here to get a copy of the Butterfly Journal.


Science: Why are Butterflies So Colourful?

Watch this video from Mystery Science to find out more. After watching the video, click on “Extensions” or the blue tab “Hands on Activity” to make a paper butterfly. There will also be instructions on how to make a flower card for the butterfly to rest in at the end of this craft video. Take a photo or video of your paper butterfly flying!

Click here to see how to draw a butterfly. Add patterns to your butterfly. Make the pattern symmetrical (the left side is the same as the right side). After drawing and colouring your butterfly, write a story about your butterfly. Where did it fly to? What adventure did it go on?

Check out the new story in our Storybook Corner called “From Caterpillar to Butterfly”.

Make origami butterflies! Don’t forget to watch Mrs. Rawnsley read “Butterflies for Kiri” before you make them.


Make Word Family flowers! A word family is a set of words that have the same endings and sound the same, but the first letter(s) is (are) different. For example the “-ap” word family includes: cap, map, lap, tap, flap, etc. There are 4 word families included in this activity, but you can make more word families by making different flower centers and petals. Other word families you could use: -at, -ed, -op, -in, -ug. Make a garden full of Word Family flowers!

Create a story. Go to Scholastic Story Starters. Spin the wheel and see what interesting or silly character you will write about. Use your imagination! You can draw a picture of your story and print it out too! Happy writing!

Make your own Glitter or Sensory Calm down Jars to support your child’s social and emotional needs. This jar is a container usually filled with a liquid solution where different materials can float and flow creating a visually soothing and pleasant experience. By shaking the jar and watching the glitter slowly fall down to the bottom of the jar, children have a few moments to take a breath and calm their anxious or upset feelings. Read this poem to them while they use the sensory jar.

Check out our Recipes tab for a delicious and healthy recipe of Zucchini Waffles!

Take a walk outside or around your neighbourhood and ESTIMATE:

How many minutes will it take to go around your block?

How many trees are there along your block?

How tall (in centimetres) is the flower plant in front of your house?

How many rocks it will take to fill up a cup?

How far (in metres) can you hop on one foot?

How many steps it takes from your front door to the mailbox?

What other ways can you estimate?

We are excited about the new learning opportunities this week and hope you enjoy doing them with your child! Remember to send your child’s teacher all their learning.

Mrs. Lee, Ms. Maratovic, and Ms. Nero