Thank you for sending your social distancing 2 metres posters! You can see some of them in the new page in the top menu of the blog. They are a good reminder of how far 2 metres really is so that will help us stay safe when we are out in public. Have a wonderful Wednesday!!!

MORNING MESSAGE with Ms. Chin and guests

ZOOM – MUSIC with Mr. Smith at 2pm.

ASSIGNMENT #1 – WRITING – Email to me

Story writing takes many steps. We are in the PREWRITING stage where we are thinking of some ideas and details and begin to organize them. Today you will continue to plan your story in the style of Robert Munsch.

  • Reread your Plan from Monday to read and remember all the important features and details that you want to include. Here is a Beginning Middle End Map to make some notes for each section. Do NOT write sentences! Just put notes/ideas in short phrases or words about what will happen in each section. Be sure to include details about the characters, setting and events in your story. If your story happens at breakfast – what are the characters having for breakfast? If they are watching TV – what show are they watching?
  • Beginning – character names, setting (where the story happens) & every day event
  • Middle – problem/funny thing that happens during the every day event and something that repeats and/or a funny sound
  • End – how the problem is solved

ASSIGNMENT # 2 – MATH – Choosing Different Units of Linear Measurement

Here is the chart made by both Grade 2s and 3s during our Zoom meeting yesterday. It has all of the Linear Measurement Uses  we thought of together. If you think of any more uses, please put them in the comments.

We have learned about centimeters (cm) for measuring smaller items and metres (m) for measuring larger items. There are also kilometers (km) for measuring longer distances like walking, riding a bike or driving and millimetres (mm) for measuring very small items like ants, buttons or paper clips. Please complete the worksheet below by choosing which unit of measurement would work best for different items.

Linear Units of Measurement Worksheet


Create a poster or sign to hold up and show during the Montecito staff parade happening tomorrow at 1pm. It could say: We Miss You, We Will All Be Okay, See You Soon, We Are In This Together or something else of your choice!


Explore some new yoga  poses on Cosmic Kids Yoga. Choose a new video that you would like to try.