Happy Earth Day Division 9!!!

I so enjoyed our Zoom meetings yesterday! It was very nice to see and hear everyone!!! Thank you to your parents for helping and to all of you for being so patient. You were all very respectful listeners and speakers in the meeting too : ) We will meet on Zoom again tomorrow, Thursday, at the same times for each grade. We will still meet in separate grade groups for tomorrow as we make sure that everyone is successful joining the group. We will even do a lesson!

RAZ KIDS RECORDING – thank you to those who have sent it to! The recording must be at least 30 seconds long or it won’t send. Also, you must click to the end of the book and click DONE then you will get a confirmation that your recording was sent to me (and your bonus stars!). Yesterday’s instructions about how to find the microphone to record were for a laptop/computer. If you are using the online version of Raz Kids on an iPad, the instructions I gave yesterday will still work. If you downloaded the Raz Kids App on your Ipad, you will find the microphone (it is white) in the top right corner of the screen. When it prompts you to allow the microphone access – say yes! Start recording and turn the pages all the way until the end to submit it. Again, you will get a confirmation that it was sent to me (and your bonus stars!)

ASSIGNMENTS – I have not been emailing to thank your parents for every assignment they send to me as I don’t want to overwhelm their inboxes. However, I will email back if I need you to add more writing or fix something in your work. I am keeping track of who has submitted which assignments and will let your parents know by email at the end of each week or beginning of the next week (some people catch up on the weekends) if you still need to send me anything. So if you don’t hear from me every time you submit something, please don’t worry!

MORNING MESSAGE –  here It might pop up as a file that you need to open.

WRITING – EARTH DAY PLEDGE-Send me a copy of your writing.

Write about actions that you will or will not do to help look after the Earth.  Your writing should be in a paragraph like a journal with an opening sentence, complete supporting sentences with details and a closing sentence. Remember to reread your writing for COPS (Capitalization Organization Punctuation Spelling). You are expected to write at least 5 sentences or more. Read my Earth Day writing example. It might pop up as a file that you need to open.

EARTH DAY ACTIVITIES – Take a picture of what you did and send it to me.

Watch this video about a Recycling System. Look for some “local” celebrities ; )

Choose one or more of these activities:

  1. Create something out of recycled materials
  2. Collect natural materials outside (Don’t take anything off of plants! Just collect things already on the ground) and create something
  3. Go on an Earth Day Scavenger Hunt
  4. Pitch-In Neighbourhood clean up – only if your parents are with you and they SAFELY do the picking up with tongs or gloves.  You can help them spot the items that are litter.
  5. Think of your own Earth Day activity or find one online that you want to do


Remember to start counting from the largest value coins to the smallest. After doing your math sheet today, play Addition or Subtraction War with a family member to practice your number facts.

Grade 2 Sheet

Grade 3 Sheet


Learn one or both of the line dances below. Then try to teach a family member the dance too!

The Sid Shuffle from the movie Ice Age

Cupid Shuffle