Division 9

100 Day and Pink Shirt Day

Last week we celebrated 100 day. Here are some things we did!

Can you make a picture with 100?

How tall of a tower can you make with 100 cups? Our tallest tower was 19 cups tall!

100 Day poems:

For Pink Shirt Day we brainstormed what it means to be kind. Here is what we learned:

We also learned about what happens when we are not careful with our words and how it can hurt people’s feelings. We read Chrysanthemum by Kevin Henkes and each time a character said something mean we wrinkled the heart. We learned that sometimes we can’t undo the hurt that our words can create.

We’ve been working on our Love Monsters since Valentine’s week. Every one of them is unique and special,  just like us!


1 Comment

  1. Kenia

    That’s so cute, good job everything looks amazing 👏

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