Le concours porte!

Division 10 students worked well as a group in completing this door decoration.

They designed it themselves and completed parts individually. It all came together in only two days!

We’re participating in a school-wide door decorating contest this week – as part of Literacy Week.

La lecture avec un.e ami.e

Division 10 has been practicing to read well with a partner. After the holiday break, we’ve needed to review basic rules such as sitting next each other or choosing one book to read together.

During these sessions, students practice important life skills like turn-taking, listening, making compromises, encouraging others, and even teaching.

La paix c’est…

Last week, students were asked  to reflect on what gives them peace.

Here are their answers:

Les émotions

Tima chooses an emotion from our helpful emotions poster. On the whiteboard, two tally marks have been drawn to show that Division 10 students have successfully identified two emotions already!

Students have been learning to identify feelings through a game this week.

We’ve been learning just how much we communicate through non-verbal clues – through facial expression or body language.

In this game, a student secretly chooses an emotion and then tries to represent it physically. Classmates have to guess what feeling their peer is acting out.

In playing this game, we’ve also been learning new French vocabulary such as “susceptible” (sensitive), “gêné” (embrassed), “coupable” (guilty), “fier” (proud), or “déçu” (disappointed).

We practice to read social clues to improve our emotional intelligence. When calmer and happier, learning comes easier!