
This week, we’ve been focusing on estimation. Students are learning to estimate reasonably by looking for groups of 2, 5, or 10 and then using that quantity to estimate the total quantity.

Students’ impulse is to count immediately, but they’re learning that estimating is an important math skill in itself.

Counting collections at the ready.

Today, they did an estimation activity with a partner. In each Ziploc bag, there were up to 50 objects. They were asked to look for a referent, estimate, and then count with ten frames.

We practiced estimating by (1) first looking for a group of 5 – “a referent” (2) looking for other approximate groups of 5 (3) creating groups of 10 using mental math (4) and finally actually counting with groups of 10s and 1s using ten frames.

Interestingly, many pairs estimated the exact number of objects in their Ziploc. 🤔 We’ll continue to practice estimating to fully understand what it means.

Consider creating your own ‘counting collection’ at home. It’s a great way to practice skip counting too!



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