Singing songs and reciting rhymes is one of my favourite activities to do with children of all ages.  It can be done anywhere and anytime.  From singing birthday songs, to singing lullabies to put your child to sleep, there are many opportunities to sing to children.  All it requires is your voice.  It is free and fun!

Children love to listen to their parents’ voice, especially parents’ singing.  Best part is, you do not have to be a professional singer to entertain your children.  All you need is to start with repertoire of a few simple songs that your child responds to, and sing these songs regularly.

It can be favourite childhood rhymes, or new songs that you make upIf you only know the tune to some songs, consider humming the tune or clapping/tapping the beats to favourite songs.   Make up your own songs and be creative.

Singing songs and rhymes is a wonderful way to interact, sooth, and play with your children.  Regardless of how well you sing, your voice is your child’s favourite voice.  Happy singing.