"To teach is to touch a life forever."

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The Peace Book and Remembrance Day Wreath

In preparation for Remembrance Day next week, students listened to a story about peace. The story was called The Peace Book by Todd Parr. During the read aloud, students were enthusiastic about sharing what peace meant to them.  After brainstorming ideas on the whiteboard, students were given a chance to draw what peace meant to them on a dove and add their pictures to a class wreath. The students learned that dove is a symbol for peace.


The kids love Centers! Some of the toys we have in the classroom include trains, Lego, dolls, kitchen area, board games, marble run, and the list goes on! This year due to Covid, the kids are at the same center for the entire week with the same peers; over the weekend, our toys “are in quarantine”. The kids are encouraged to choose a new center each week. That way, they can learn to interact with different peers in the class and learn to play new games. They  wash their hands before and after play. They have been super cleaners when Centers is over 🙂 I am so proud of them!



Fall Unit – Leaf Man

Yesterday, Division 15 listened to a story about a Leaf Man character. Then they had the opportunity to create their own leaf characters with natural materials – sticks, rocks, sand, leaves!

Virtual Public Library Storytime and Tour

What a special opportunity! Ana from the McGill Public Library read us a story today on Zoom. She also took us on a tour of the library virtually. She encouraged the students to visit the public library to borrow books with their favorite fictional characters like Clifford the big red dog, Piggie and Elephant, Pigeon, and etc.

Library and Borrowing Books

Division 15 is almost ready to go to the school library and take out books. Today, Mrs.Stocker showed us how to check out books from the library. We learned how to find our library stick, what a barcode is, and how to check books out with a scanner. “Got it”!

3 Ways to Read A Book

In preparation for our Daily 5 Language Arts Program, students are learning to build their STAMINA. When reading with your child at home, please use the “3 Ways to Read a Book” visual to support their reading at home.

These are some pictures of us reading to self and building our stamina:


Rain, Rain, Rain!

This week, Division 15 had fun playing and exploring in the rain! Many students came prepared for the rainy weather and were able to step and jump in puddles. Students said: “Look how high I can make a splash!”, “Look at me jump jump jump.”, “I think I see a train track under the puddle.”, “I like the rain!”. We also spent some time in the undercover area and explored with sidewalk chalk. Some drew pictures of themselves and their families, drew rainbows, wrote their name, created a game of drawing “blackholes” so friends were not allowed to step in these blackholes, and etc. Meanwhile, others played hopscotch and were amazed at how well they could jump in these squares. Fun times!

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