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Getting near the end…

Hey folks!

We’re getting to that point again… last chance to post a blog, get that assignment into me, complete what is not yet done! This week I am compiling your marks, assessing work, and preparing for report cards.

Please be sure all your blogs are posted! (I have gone in a published everything that has been submitted. There are quite a few that are still in draft form. Please finish and post!). And let me know if there is a blog you’ve submitted yet still don’t see. I can look for it, but to the best of my knowledge, all submitted blogs have been published now. If you don’t see you’re it still is in draft form and means you can get in there, edit and submit.


Science test questions have been posted!

Please see our Science tab for more information on how you will be assessed on your Body Systems projects. A list of questions, for each my and Mrs. Greenlay’s class, is posted (and will be updated again), so you can see all possible test questions! The BODY SYSTEMS TEST will be the next class after our last presentation.

**There will be 20 questions. They will have fill in the blank, matching, and some multiple choice.

Mrs. Greenlay’s class: Tuesday, May 24th

Ms. Lanaway’s class: Thursday, May 26th

Spring has Sprung!

Welcome back, Division 3!!

I’m happy to see all your lovely faces and I look forward to the exciting things ahead. This week we continue our COMMUNITY MAPPING project and also return our attention to our science HUMAN BODY SYSTEMS project. This week we finish our research and next week we work on our presentations. Don’t forget your individual GENIUS QUESTIONS will also be included in your presentations (Tue or Wed – April 12/15th).

This week in HACE we will be looking at HEALTH and what kind of healthy sleeping habits we can develop.

March reminders…

clay tilesTerm 2 is now officially over! While we didn’t finish our science unit this term, and our themes of “community” continue into next term, we are saying goodbye to basketball, and hello to some new projects — community mapping, gymnastics, and clay tile making! I look forward to getting into these new activities with Division 3!!think-social-media

Today we had a special guest come in and remind us how to use the internet safely. We talked about Responsible Digital Citizenship and here are a few points I want you all to remember – please do not use your full name in any of your posts. Do not give personal information that the public could use to find or identify you. That includes pictures. We can not post pictures of ourselves or friends. Remember to THINK before you hit send!


February reminders…

Term 2 is quickly drawing to a close… be sure to get all your work in!

–> Please visit the Science page for detailed information about what is due and when. I’ve also included what Big Ideas and Core Competencies you will be assessed on for Term 2. Take a look!

Hey folks!

  • The homework board is up and running again (thanks Andy and Josh!).
  • I’ve updated our Language Arts page, so take a look… I’m listing all journal entries to help you stay organized and on top of things. Please take a look and make sure you have written and posted Journal Entries #1-4 by the end of this week (Feb 12).
  • LIT CIRCLES continue… please make an efffort to complete your reading and writing tasks by each Thursday so we can complete our Lit Circle meetings. It’s always a pain when we can’t meet because someone hasn’t done their homework. Remember you have all week to complete this
  • Feb 19 is a Professional Development day for teachers; no school.
  • Feb 26 is our Young People’s Concert. Don’t miss it! (or arrive late).

Division 3 Celebrates Family Day!

THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! … to the parents who came in and shared a family story with us Friday morning. They were interesting, rich, funny, and showed us how much love we have for our families!

And WELL DONE to Div. 3 for their great I AM FROM poems, which were displayed in the front foyer. Warms my heart to hear all about you and your families!

family day


Wow! January has come and gone, and Family day is upon us already! As you know, I’ve been asking parents and family of Division 3 to come and share a story with us this Friday, Feb 5th, when we will be celebrating Family Day (no school Feb 8th, so students can spend time with their families!). Be sure to come to Maywood to see our “I Am From” poems displayed throughout the school.

The week after that is Jump Rope for Heart (Friday, Feb 12).

In Science, we have begun learning about human body systems and research will begin shortly!IMG_7160

In Art, we’ve recently finished our winter scene paintings, and this week we will begin working with clay.


Tomorrow (Wed, Jan.13) we have a our snow shoeing trip at Mt. Seymour. Will will be going into winter conditions and could encounter cold snow, rain, or sleet. It could also be mild and sunny. Prepare for all of the above! Please make sure you have:

  • snow or hiking boots
  • winter coat (or outer shell with warm layers underneath)
  • snow (or rain) pants.
  • good wool socks to keep feet warm
  • mitten or gloves, toque (warm hat)
  • packed lunch and extra snacks
  • water bottle

Please review the newsletter to refresh what items your child needs. We’re all super excited about it, and I know if they can stay warm and dry that day it will be even better! Please visit this link: newsletterRaquettes à neige dans le vallon de Loriaz, au dessus de Vallorcine






  • January 18th is the Young Peoples Concert.



The Force Awakens!

As a celebration, students in divisions 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 7 will be attending “Star Wars: Episode 7: The Force Awakens” rated PG at SilverCity Metropolis on Friday, Jan. 8, 2016 at 8:30AM in the morning.

***The early morning time is so we can be back at school for hot lunch program by 12:00 noon.

Students may purchase popcorn and drinks as pre-orders only. Students may not order food on the day of the field trip. The concession stand is not open! Pre orders are also at a reduced rate.

the force awakensPlease return notice with payment by Wednesday, December 16th.

Payment may be made ONLINE or EXACT CHANGE only!

Students continue to work on their blogs!

Students have been working on self-editing and getting peers to help proof-read their blogs before posting. We’re also working on providing feedback and using the site to comment on each other’s blog posts. This term, our posts have focused on the novel we are reading, Hatchet.

Parents: don’t panic when you see students’ most recent blog, which has them writing from Brian’s perspective. We have been exploring Brian’s darkest moments while stranded in the Canadian wilderness canadian wildernessand some posts are quite dramatic! Take a look at your child’s blog by finding their name in the column to the right.



Hey Div. 3 — don’t forget to get your field trip forms into me by Friday. We’re no longer looking for parent drivers, so don’t worry about that. However, we still need a few extra trail chaperones. If you are interested in joining us for a fun snow day please contact me.

The permission form can be found here. If you are unsure about what to wear, please check the permission form for more info. We ask that any clothing or outer wear that you need first be sought among friends and family. Often a cousin or friend has what you’re looking for and is willing to lend it out for a day. Good luck!

Erica Koltenuk greets the sun by jumping for joy while showshoeing in Utah's Wasatch Mountains.

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