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Have a great summer everyone!

WOW! June went quickly and here we are in July already!

What a great year’s it’s been. I feel hopeful and so proud of my students! You’ve all come so far! I want to wish our Grade 8’s excellent new beginnings at their new school, wherever that may be. Remember to keep in touch, and let this last school year and the great class community that we all helped to build, remain in your hearts and help you to navigate the murky waters ahead. We are all wishing you the very best!!

Until we meet again, this is Ms. L signing off for a couple months of well deserved rest and fun with friends and family! xo

Don’t forget!

This week:

  • Submit your pizza/drink orders to Mr. Sanderson
  • Memoirs (12 to choose from) – Due Thur, May 31 (Mr. Modica-Amore)
  • Photos (1 baby and 1 recent) and quoteDue Fri, June 1st (Mr. Modica-Amore)
  • SPORTS DAY is June 15th. Early dismissal (1:30 pm)

Newsletters coming home with ALL IMPORTANT DATES included. Needs to be signed and returned.

May and June updates!

Hey’all! The end of term (and school year) is just around the corner! You’re on the home stretch now! We have a busy couple months left. Here’s what coming up:

  • May 15 – Volunteer Tea
  • May 21 – Victoria Day (stat holiday)
  • May 23 – Bottle Drive (run by Div. 4)
  • May 25 – Carnival Bingo
  • May 28 – Pro-D (no school) 


We also have some more exciting things happening for our grade 6/7 classes. In June we have 4 canoeing lessons and 3 loonie swims. 


  1. Wednesday, June 6
  2. Wednesday, June 13
  3. Wednesday, June 20
  4. Friday, June 22


Loonie Swims:

  1. Monday, June 4
  2. Tuesday, June 5
  3. Monday, June 25


End of year:

  • June 25 – Year-end Picnic & Loonie Swim
  • June 26 – Gr. 7 “Retreat” to Burnaby South
  • June 27 – Awards Ceremony (report cards go home)
  • June 28 – Leaving Ceremony (and last day for students)
  • June 29 – Admin day (school closed, teachers on site)

Kanaka Creek a Success!

What a fantastic field trip to Kanaka Creek Regional Park. Co-hosted by Metro Vancouver and their interpretive and volunteer staff, we were fortunate enough to visit 5 different stations representing the critical parts of our ecosystem. Students got their hands dirty and explored the bugs and plant life found in the nearby creek and pond. They explored the fish hatchery, learned about the Chum and Coho raised there, and got to release the salmon fry directly into their natural creek habitat.

An exploration of all the interconnections found in nature wouldn’t be complete without a look at the local animals. Students looked at clues provided by park staff to guess the mystery animals that make Kanaka Creek Park and area their home. Students used animal tracks, scat, skulls, furs and feathers to identify the animals. Ask your child which of the four animals they “encountered”!

All of Maywood was able to visit Kanaka Creek Regional Park over two days and we are so grateful for the generous support from Wild BC and the Habitat Conservation Trust Foundation, The Pacific Parklands Foundation for helping with bus cost, Metro Vancouver Parks for providing staff and volunteers and keeping our parks so beautifully kept, and finally, to all the fantastic volunteers who ran some of the stations and made sure we knew where we were going!

A great day was had by all (even though we got a bit wet on Wednesday)!



Static vs. Dynamic Characters

Tony Stark and Captain America – are they dynamic or static characters? For more on this, visit my Language Arts page.

Please also go to Google Classroom to view your returned assignments for BOTB Reading Response, and BOTB Questions, Book 1. I’m still looking for submissions from Bardya, Francis, Jayden, Jeriah, Autumn, Nickolas, and Kenan. These assignments were due April 6 (it is now 10 days late, so I have assigned 0/100 but if you submit this assignment in the next week, I can change your grade).

Student Leds coming up!

Hey folks,

Please get those Student Led forms (blue sheet) handed in so that I know when to expect families.

Families: you will be coming in to see what’s happening in Division 4 and to see the progress your child is making. This year, we are focusing on sharing  learning through students’ BLOGfolios (formally, ePortfolios). I will be providing laptops so parent/guardians can sign-in to their child’s Blogfolio and view/read what they’re working on. I’m really encouraging folks to provide feedback IN THE BLOG. We’ll show you how to login as yourself so that you can do this!

I’m also collecting CANOE forms and money from students. If you haven’t yet, please get these in to me. There is a yellow consent form, a white City of Burnaby waiver form, as well as $10/$20 to help offset costs of this 4-part canoe field trip (lessons) to Burnaby Lake.

Track and Field has begun!

Track practices are in the mornings, Mon and Wed at 7:45-8:45am

Track meets happen at Swanguard Stadium. Dates are:

Thursday April 5 Grades 6/7

100m, 200m, 400m

15:30 – 17:30h Swangard
Tuesday April 10 Grades 4/5

100m, 200m, 400m

15:30 – 17:30h Swangard
Tuesday April 17 Grades 6/7

100m, 800m, 200m

15:30 – 17:30h Swangard
Thursday April 19 Grades 4/5

100m, 800m, 200m

15:30 – 17:30h Swangard
Tuesday May 1 All Day

Awards Meet (Small Schools)

09:30 – 14:30h Swangard
Thursday May 3 All Day

Awards Meet (Large Schools)

09:30 – 14:30h Swangard

Does reading make you smarter?

Bardya commented to my previous Battle of the Books post (below), “Another month of constant reading!”. I did not miss the sarcasm there! But I also wanted to say, “You’re welcome!“, because I know that reading builds intelligence! Bardya, you can thank me later! In the meantime, here are two blog posts I found on the topic. Please pick one and write a BLOG RESPONSE to the article. I also will be asking some comprehension questions later. You can thank, Bardya, for that one!


Article Image


Battle of the Books coming up!

Battle of the Books has begun. Visit the Language Arts page for more info… First Round Battle is April 3-6th.

**Two new assignments have been put into the Google Classroom. One assignment is due April 6 and the next is April 20th. You will want to get started on this right away, as the first one is a larger assignment and will take some time.

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