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Term 2’s come to an end!

Yes! to everyone who got their work in on time! I’m busy marking it all and tabulating scores. Thur (Feb 21) was the last day of the term and I’m no longer taking in work for T2 (unless we have already spoken). For Science, the following assignments are necessary for assessment:

  • A Magical Place (reading/questions)
  • Ch. 2 – Winter (reading/questions)
  • YouTube video note-taking on body systems
  • Visual Dictionary of terms (indigenous ways of knowing).

All blogs (written and posted) and One-Pagers are also past due. If there was something you missed, please get it to me by Monday, Feb 25.

February Reminders:

  • Family Day (Feb 18)
  • Pro-D (Feb 22)
  • Pink Shirt Day (Feb 27)

March Reminders:

  • Spring Break runs March 16-31st


Welcome to a new year!!

Term 2 is well underway and I’m so excited to get into new units in Language Arts, Math and Science! 

In Language Arts we’ve started Literature Circles. Students have been given their reading groups, in some cases students have multiple novels to read. We continue to write our blogs, as seen in our BLOGFOLIOS.

In Science we’re starting a new unit in Biology, studying Bears and Body Systems which will include indigenous perspective and ways of knowing that touches on the interconnectedness of ecosystems.

In Math we’re into Unit 3 – Decimals (multiplying/dividing). We’ll be moving quickly to Unit 5: Fractions, Ratios and Percents (hopefully completing before Spring Break.

Winter Break is almost here!

Wow! Term 1 went fast! We’re almost at the end. Report cards have gone out. Parents/guardian: please return your child’s report card envelope, signed, so we can use it again next term.


  • School is back in session Monday, January 7, 2019
  • Snowshoeing will happen the first week back from holidays. Wednesday, January 9th. Please have your child bring their outer gear to school on Monday or Tuesday so teachers can check. For more information, here is the notice that went home with students last month. Snowshoeing-Letter_2018
  • we’ve already begun Term 2, but when we return to school in the new year, we will begin our Literature Circles for Language Arts. 


Forest Fridays have begun!


The next Forest Friday will be Nov. 30. Please dress for the weather!


Today we had our first FOREST FRIDAY!

This morning. Ms. Aprim, Ms. Stevens and myself went to Central Park and scanned the area for safety. We picked up garbage and made sure the site was safe for students to visit. 

Ms. Lanaway and Ms. Johansen’s classes (div. 4+5) spent the morning exploring the forest spaces, walking like Quiet Coyote, and creating forts and mini-houses! Creativity and wonder was in abundance! In the afternoon, Ms. Aprim and Ms. Steven’s classes were accompanied by their big buddy classes and got to explore in much the same way.

We are so fortunate to be in walking distance to this beautiful park, and today was especially magical with the sun shining through recently dropped rain, dripping off the cedar branches and spider webs, making for an especially beautiful visit!

The Google Classroom is up and running!

Students have been given two assignments in the G-classroom. Each assignment comes with an attachment, due date, and how many marks each is worth. The reading response was due Oct 26th. It is now past due. The Science assignment can also be found in the G-classroom. It’s due date is Nov.22 (No later, and no exceptions as marks exchange is the following week and I will need time to mark them!). 

Please check it out!

ALSO: the Language Arts page has been updated and now have all writing assignments and Word Walls posted. Please take a look!

Take Me Outside Day was a success!

Div 4 and 5 spent some extended time outdoors in celebration of TAKE ME OUTSIDE. I took both classes outside and played various eco-literacy games, reinforcing such concepts as food chains, predator-prey relationships, decomposers of the forest, and understanding the shared relationships and place in world among other living things.

Why did we do this?

Teachers at Maywood strongly believe that outdoor education is a vital part of a child’s growth and development. We want our students going to local places and parks to discover, explore, question, and imagine while they are immersed in a natural outdoor space.  Through mindful moments, play, scientific observations, and meaningful discussions, students engage with the world around them.


In 2011, Colin Harris, founder and Executive Director of Take Me Outside ran over 7,600 kilometres (the equivalent of 181 marathons!) from St. John’s, NL to Victoria, BC. Along the way, he visited 80 schools and met with almost 20,000 students, talking about the importance of finding balance between the amount of time they spend outside and the time they are spending in front of screens. The final day of his cross Canada run was in late October. To celebrate the end of his mega-run and to continue the momentum of awareness raising on this important issue, Take Me Outside Day was established. It is a day to highlight the importance of unplugging and spending time outside, being active and connecting with nature. It’s also a time to play and have fun in the fresh air. We hope you’ll join us. 

Below: Students play Predator-Prey, while the decomposers return the prey to the living.

Below: Who Am I, students have to guess their wildlife by asking questions, leading them to understand the different ways we can categorize living things.

Number the Stars!

We will be starting our read aloud this week, Number the Stars, by Lois Lowry. PLEASE DO NOT READ AHEAD – it will interfere with our PREDICTION making!

But, you can look ahead at our WORD WALL. These are terms that are used in the book that I want you to know the meaning of and be able to use them in a sentence.

To get to our word wall, go to LANGUAGE ARTS, then NOVELS, then find the link for Number the Stars. Here is a shortcut!

I hope you enjoy this novel as much as I have!

Welcome Division 4!!

By now you’re all in your classes and beginning new routines! Welcome to Lanaway’s Lounge!

Please keep up to date with classroom news – updates and reminders of upcoming events, assignment deadlines, and other responsibilities. I’ll be posting artwork and other success stories! 

Please keep an eye out for the Digital Citizenship – Social Media Guidelines form that has gone home with your child. We can not begin to work with the Google Classroom until I have all parent/guardian signatures for permission.

Other reminders:

  • All school supplies need to be in by this Friday
  • Student verification forms – signed and in by this Friday
  • Computer permissions form – signed and in by this Friday
  • Next week: Welcoming Conversations are happening next Wed + Thur. Please have your form for available time to come into the classroom returned by this Friday as well. 

Phew! Lots to have ready by this Friday!

We are hitting the road running… And speaking of which… Cross Country running is going ahead this year. Please listen to morning announcements for when to meet and learn about practices and upcoming meets.


Welcome back to school!

I’m so excited to see your smiley, happy faces! 

This week the intermediates will be rotating through the classes, giving students and teachers the opportunity to meet each other and ease back into the school year, while administration sort out new enrolling students and finalize class lists. This week we begin to set our minds and hearts to a new year of fun and learning!

* This week, don’t forget to bring pencil crayons, pens/pencils, calculator, ruler, scissors, a case to put it all in, as well as a water bottle and back pack!

Week at a glance:

Tue: Ms. Lanaway’s Div. 4 Grade 7’s for one hour only (Rm. 112)

Wed: Ms. L’s Gr. 7’s go to Ms. Sanderson’s class (Rm 205) for Home Room for the rest of the week. Ms. Lee’s grade 5/6’s come to me for HR (Rm. 112). Rotations 1 + 2

Thur: Rotations 3 + 4

Fri: Rotation 5. Star Assembly @ 1:15pm

Monday, Sept. 10th students are assigned to their classrooms for the year (hopefully!)

**Ms. Lanaway’s school supplies list remains much the same to all intermediate teachers’ supply list. See attached document. School Supplies List_2018


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