Category: Writers (Page 9 of 65)

Blog # 6 October Precept

I think that Mr. Browne’s October Precept: “Your deeds are your monuments” means that whatever you do before you pass away will be commemorated to your legacy through the years. Auggie understands that others aren’t judging his deeds, they’re judging his face and for that he understands it all even though he has facial problems. I think that the gifts to life are disguised so that we’ll find out for ourselves how important they really are.

Mr. Browne’s October Precept is one of the themes for “Wonder” because it is allowing you to see what is inside of everyone and how you can leave a memory on people when you’re nice or when you’re mean. Even if someone who lived a life of poverty and for the people who take care of them have no occupation, the good things we do in life always seem to find a way out, and that is what we’re most likely to be remembered for.

Such like St. Therese, a French Carmelite nun from Lisieux, France who believed that she would not get famous or rich, so she served God by the little things that she did in life. Her quote: “Love proves itself by deeds, so how am I to show you my love? Great deeds are forbidden me. The only way I can show my love is by scattering flowers, and these flowers are every little sacrifice, every glance and work, and the doing of the least actions for love.” St. Therese is showing that deeds don’t all have to be miraculous and huge they just need to be something from the heart, she is representing that deeds can come from small places but turn out to be something special and true.

Blog #6 what August feels about the October Precept?

Why did August write a great essay for Mr. Brown’s precept. Octobers precept is ‘’Your deeds are your monument.’’ August thinks this is important because it doesn’t matter what you look like but what you to do for people. This makes you who you are. He also thinks what you do for someone they might change and might hang out with him more. He thinks if you judge the book by its cover you might not know what that person can do. He thinks your deeds are you monument because what you do for people they will all ways remember for who you are. It important to the book because to Auggie he understands it a lot people don’t want to touch him so they say terrible things about him. It’s important to the book because it has to do with Auggie getting bullied from people.

Blog: #6 Right to explain how the October precept means to August and how does it contribute to the story

I think The October precept means that you should be remembered for all the good and helpful things you do for others. I think you should not be remembered for how rich and cool you are but how kind and humble you are towards others. I think this precept means a lot for Auggie because he always gets judged by his face and not his delightful personality. I think Auggie feels like he is not appreciated enough because no matter how nice Auggie is to people, people just can’t take him seriously. Auggie might be very emotional because he hasn’t really met anyone that doesn’t get surprised after the first time they meet. I always think that Auggie is a nice person so that’s why I think the things you say and do always over shadow the way we look like or dress like.

I think it contributes to the story because the story is about Auggie having a face disorder and looking different from others, which might mean that this precept is trying to connect with Auggie with how the whole story is playing out. He realizes that people always see him differently but he sees himself as a normal person but others don’t see him as a normal person.

Blog#6: What does the October precept mean to August?

 How is the October precept mean to Auggie? For August, it’s a huge deal for him. He wants to make a good impression, after all it’s his first time in school. The precept for October is “Your deeds are like monuments” In his essay, he wrote a very deep response. He stated that the monuments were built to honor that person of what they did. He also stated instead of using stone, they use the memories that you had with them in order to build it.

August wants to make a good impression. Even if the kids are mean to him, he won’t give up. He mentioned he got used to this problem, as in he doesn’t get effected by the insults that much as it used too. After all this time, August get to meet people in his age. Which makes him happy.

The precept really encourage August and he wants to show he’s an ordinary kid. If his peers give him a chance. He REALLY wants to fit in, which is why it’s important to him. I’m assuming it’s the reason why he pushed himself to write a good essay for Mr. Brown. Which expresses his feelings about the precept in a detailed way. The precept is important to August because he wants to show people he’s normal. But August is in a position where everyone doesn’t really like him. August want to still treat them good. He wants to choose kind.

What Does the October Precept Mean To August and How Does It Connect With the Story?

I think August wrote the October precept because what he does is more important than what he looks like. August was born differently than the other kids but he still acts the same as them. Other people don’t like to look at him because of what he looks like but he is still a very nice person. He does not care what other people think about him. They also don’t want to touch him because of how he looks like. But for him he just ignores what they say. He just does what he likes to do not what the other kids say to him.


I think the October precept connects with the story because the other kids that says bad things about August are there deeds that stays forever in Auggie’s head. Just like when Julian keeps on asking him what happened to his face. He ask if he got in a fire or something. He also ask on Halloween if he is going to be Darth Sidious, and his friend that was with him from the start of his school year said that he could not believe that he hang out with August. August heart was broken but he still has a friend her name is Summer. For me I think that is how the October precept connects with the story.

Blog#6(what does October precept means to August)……..

I think October precept from Mr. Brown “your deeds are your monument” means to August is if you do good deeds people will remember you and the most important thing that the people will remember is your action because people doesn’t care what you look like. People died like Terry Fox people was judging him by how he look , how he can run by one leg the other one iron made. He was running for cancer and he want to achieve his goal (his goal was, he wants to run one place to another and help from the cancer I think?)That’s what people do.

the book wonder August was treated badly at school people doesn’t want to talk to him because how he look people thought his weird, August thought jack Will was his friend but he was just force to hang out with  him but jack will doesn’t even like him he was just acting to like him. August only have a very little friends but little did they know August was very nice and he was just trying his best to make friends but people is just judging him. Jack will wasn’t doing the October precept the only nice person is Summer, Charlotte, and other people. Probably in the next story he might do the October precept to Jack Will so he can like him and be friends him again.

what the October precept means to the book is some people are doing goods deeds but the other people aren’t doing the October precept, half people doesn’t care about the precept they just care about being cool and stuff. There is only one kid the aren’t normal and some people care about him some people doesn’t care about him (August).people are saying to him “look at him his weird”,”he eat weird”, and”who would be friends with him”.

Halloween Blog #5

Halloween Blog #5

 Last Halloween we went to a street that a lot of people went to. I saw a lot of decorations almost all of the houses in that street. I heard some fireworks, after the fireworks exploded, I smelled the sulphur near the fireworks. There was a swing that sometimes moved by itself, it was on tree.  Last year was my cousins first Halloween. Some of the houses didn’t have any decorations. One of the houses had a TV showing a Halloween movie clip. I could hear some kids’ screaming because of decorations. There was a pumpkin and a cat, if you touched them it would move. After trick or treating, I got a lot of candies and chocolate. I grabbed the chocolate and ate it, it taste good. There is a lot of candy that I don’t really like so my mom eats the ones I don’t like. I enjoyed trick or treating.


It was Halloween night, one of my favorite holidays. I was going to go trick or treating. We didn’t really decorate but that was okay. I pranced around in my snow queen costume, being careful not do accidentally step on anything (Like the cape part or the end of the dress). My costume was basically a sparkly blue dress with a lace cape-like thing attached to it. I also wore some sparkly blue shoes to match. I took one last peek in the mirror and shouted, “Mom! I’m ready!”

“Coming!” My mom shouted back

My little sister walked towards me. Because she was so little, she wasn’t wearing anything fancy. My sister was wearing a pink skirt and a green flower head band. She was supposed to be a fairy but my mom couldn’t find any fairy wings so my sister looks more like a ballerina than a fairy. “C’mon, let’s go get candy!” My sister said as she jumped up and down with excitement.

“Okay… we’re going!” My mom and I said.

We walked to the mall. I was really crowded and busy. I could hear the delighted squeals and screams of children as they ran to each store trying to fill their buckets with candy. I pointed to a store and my mom nodded. I giggled and ran to the store. “Trick-Or-Treat!!” I screamed as a man put a handful of candy in my bag. “Look mom!” I said, pointing to the candy in my bag. She smiled and we walked to another store to get candy.

Soon my bag was getting a little heavy because it was full of different kinds of treats. I started to eat some of my candy to make my bag lighter. The candy smelt wonderful! I grabbed a lollipop. It tasted like green apple. One of my favorite candy flavors. “Save some of your candy for when you get home…” My mom said.

“Aww! Can’t I have ONE candy I pleaded. My mom nodded and said, “Okay, just ONE”

I smiled and happily ate the lollipop.

Once we got home, I ran to my room and grabbed a book. I started to read as I ate my candy. “I love Halloween…” I thought.

Blog #6: What does the October precept mean to August

Mr. Browne’s precept for October is:

You deeds are your monument.

It means that you are remembered for the things that you do. Things are not important at all, action are more important than what you say and what you look like.

Why does August think that? Remember, people treat August badly because he look different? They look at his face weirdly? They judge him only because he looks weird? And don’t even look his act? People never sit beside him, or don’t say anything to him, expect the bad word.

The people who died, but they still in their monument. If you walked in the hallway normally, the people may not even know who you are; but if you did play in a big, famous concert. They know you are player or the singer, they’ll remember you for a long time, or maybe even forever?

Blog#6 October’s Precept

“August is a monster” other people say. “Your deeds are your monuments.” Auggies writing for his essay was specific and sounded like he thought about it very hard. That it was very close to his heart, he provided a lot of evidence to support his statement.

I think that “your deeds are your monuments” mean so much to August because he wants to be remembered of something special. August wants to be heard, he doesn’t want people to remember him because of the way he looks!

This precept is so important to Auggie because all that people see when they look at him is a monster, well some people. August thinks that he is ugly, even though he has friends. His enemies bringing him down.

August is a kind and caring person. He knows that inside and his family! It’s the people around him who put him down. If only people stop judging a book by its cover.

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