Category: Writers (Page 57 of 65)

Ceremony of ages

On your 1st Ceremony. You get named And get your first teddy bear

On your 2nd Ceremony. You learn how to walk and how to eat right

On your 3rd Ceremony. You learn how to ride a bike and you go to your first school

On your 4th Ceremony. You get a Gameboy  And you go to normal school Elementary


Freedom of Choice

A time when I had freedom of choice that caused me anxiety was when I had to choose between two instruments for the grade 7 band. At first I really wanted to play the bass clarinet because I played clarinet for 2 years and I really liked the instrument. So when I found out that there was such thing as a bass clarinet I wanted to play it.

Few days later I talked with my music teacher about the instrument I chose to play in the band, she suggested that I should consider playing the oboe because the band teacher wants an oboe player, and also that if I played the oboe that I would get more solo parts. Even though I made my mind solid about playing the bass clarinet, I wanted to have solo parts in concerts. So I was thinking about it for three days to try to find the instrument that I want to play for the year. It was one of the hardest choices I made in school, also it caused me anxiety because the due date was coming up and I had to let my band teacher know on the following Monday. And my mom was rushing me to choose my instrument because my sister had to go to the music store to rent her instrument so my mom told me that she wants me to rent the instrument when my sister goes to the music store.

But I finally chose my instrument and it’s the bass clarinet!

My Ah-Ha Moment

One of my new thoughts I had were that Jonas was starting to have stirrings. Stirrings are like dreams that the community tries to stop. To stop having stirrings, you have to take these pills. These pills make people forget about what their stirring were. When Jonas had his first stirring, and after taking his pill. Jonas still wanted to have stirrings. He thought they felt good inside him. I think that they want to stop these stirrings because it might lead to their birth mothers. The community doesn’t want people to even know who their birth mother even is.

My Ah-Ha moment

 In chapter 5 we learned about “the stirrings” and how Jonas shared his dreams with his family .Then he told of his dreams ,his mom gave him a pill for the stirrings to go away .I wondered why aren’t they aloud to have “stirrings “ ,as we get further into the book more weird and tough rules are read about. This is just another clue on how the people are running this society. We are learning more about how this is a society with a lot of strange rules like only   two parents and a boy and a girl, how you get assigned a job etc.

My Cover Prediction

I have already read a couple of chapters from last year, but I don’t remember much. I can’t remember the names but I kind of remember the story line. I wasn’t very far into the book so nothing “big” or “exciting” happened. I’ll just base my prediction from the cover:

I think the man on the cover is wise. He looks like he lived a long life. And he has so much wisdom to share with the world. And the forest looks special. Not like any other forest. It looks like a home to someone or something. I think the old man has something to do with it.





I think the stirrings are dreams and imagination. The pills get rid of all dreams and imagination. Because they have such a strict community they want the people to follow the rules. They want people following the rules because they don’t want people going off into their own little worlds and imagine about things. But the community wants everyone to be on task and not imagine NOV 5 2014

Ah-Ha Moment

My partner and I were discussing about Jonas’s stirrings, why the government doesn’t want the community to have stirrings, and also what it tells us about the community. We think the stirrings are like dreams that lead you into your future, or it gives you clues about the secrets the government might be hiding from the community. And we think that the reason why they don’t want them to have stirrings is because they want to keep the secrets safe. It tells me that the government is not honest and that they have something to hide from the community.

Ah Ha Moment

One thing that made me say ah-ha was when they said they had to take pills so they would not have stirrings. I think the community is not allowed to like other people because the government gets to pick who they get to marry in the future. this tells me that the community is not allowed to have stirrings or like other people that means the government is really strict.

Gabe’s eyes

I think Gabriel’s eyes are special. Like Jonas said; most people have dark eyes. Shades of brown. And pale eyes are unusual in this community. I wonder if his eyes are pale blue or pale green. The author doesn’t give much detail with that. I have a feeling that Gabe will grow up to be someone great. Change something about the community. Make a difference. He seems like he will grow up to be a wise man. With special powers. Not like super natural powers. But have the ability to be kind and nice. And share things with others. But I think that later in the book, he will be a big part in the story.


Gabriel’s pale eyes

I think that Gabriel’s pale eyes mean something like that the nurtures made a mistake for example they forgot to to give some kind of chemical, maybe Jonas and Gabriel are related because there the only two people that have “pale eyes” also I predict that maybe Jonas and Gabriel’s can only see the apple change for example maybe they can see more than normal people I honestly think that Gabriel is going to be a big factor in the Giver I also think that Gabriel and Jonas are some way related.

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