Category: Writers (Page 56 of 65)

Prediction about Gabriel’s “pale eyes”

I think Gabriel has the same birthmother as Jonas and I predict that because of the pale eyes they both have unlikely from the others in the community who has brown eyes. I think this will be significant to the story because Gabriel has been treated differently as the others in his age category. Because he’s been called by his name before the ceremony of one and he has been outside of the nurturing center where he stays at all the time. I also predict that the reason why Jonas saw the apple change was because of his special eye color so I think the pale eyes will affect the story.



ceremony of age

On my sixth birthday I went to lumby for the first time it was important to me because I met my grandpa jerry, I went fishing for the first time too it was a very important part of my life. On my seventh birthday I got my first D.S. it is important to me because it was my first hand held game system that I could take with me. My twelfth birthday I got my iPhone it was very important because it is a phone and it is a responsibility

Pale eyes

Gabe’s pale eyes might mean that maybe Gabe will grow up to be the same as Jonas. Or maybe that Gabe will some how ending up to be Jonas’s lost brother that somehow they ended up together.

Ceremony of Ages

– On  the Ceremony of 4: You get a Gameboy  that you can keep until the Ceremony of  9.

– On the Ceremony of 9: You lose the Gameboy and you get a brand new bike.

– On the Ceremony of 12: You get your own phone which means you are responsible now.


Freedom of choice

One time when I had a choice of either going swimming or skating I could not make up my mind and that caused me to stress. The reason I could not make up my mind was because my brother wanted to go to swimming and my dad wanted to too nothing and I wanted to go skating so then. I had to make a choice of either going skating, swimming or do nothing. All of the choices led to making someone sad and I wanted to see everyone have a good time so making the wrong choice would make someone sad, then I would feel mad and sad for making the wrong dissection. At the end I decided to make the final choice the final choice was to go swimming. And it turned out it was not such a bad idea.

Freedom of choice!!! Soccer Tryouts!

At this time it was about two weeks away till school starts. Soccer tryouts were right around the corner. Lacrosse wasn’t over yet so I was still pretty busy. My dad told me that I could try out for the U13 Burnaby metro team. I was pumped. So long story short it got shut down by some old man that didn’t want his good players going to a different club.

So I’ve played with BGSC (Burnaby girls soccer club) for about seven years. And they set up there first metro team. I went out there and tried my hardest. Played my best. And never stopped running. After tryouts I got news that I didn’t make it. The metro coach was good friends with my dad so I got the news before anybody else did. He told my dad that my score was two points away from making it. I wasn’t upset at all. But then my dad told me that ALL of my friends made it. More than 5 girls that were on my team. Now I was mad. The next day my dad told me he signed me up for BC Summer games. (Just a tournament in the summer time) so I went. I was super tired because I had a rough sleep the night before. I saw all of my friends from soccer there, and they were all bragging about how they made metro. Which made me extra mad.

I still wanted to play soccer that year so my mom took me to the BGSC tryouts. There were only 15 people there! So the instructor told me that we all make it, but we will be played in bronze.

That night I searched around for club tryouts. That’s when I came across cliff ave. I went to their tryouts and made the gold team! I was super excited. But I had made a promise to the bronze team that I would play with them.

So in the end I told BGSC that I am going to play for Cliff Avenue.



The Freedom to Choose

I always have trouble picking…

“T.V or homework?”

I chose these because I usually have trouble sometimes… I think I’m relating to Jonas because its hard to choose, which causes me to have anxiety! I guess that’s why Jonas’s community is so strict because they don’t allow them to choose for themselves. In reality we are aloud to choose and it sometimes can cause anxiety… In our society there are other people that can choose for us; our parents, coaches, teachers and siblings. In The Giver the Elders assign their jobs and marriage.

In conclusion… I usually pick homework because I choose the one that is more educational and important.

Freedom of Choice

My dad told me that he would get me a Go Kart or an Mini Bike. But I would have to pick which one I wanted. That made me stress out because I wanted a Go Kart but there was a Mini Bike ( I like bikes ) It made me feel like I wanted to throw up, But I thought about it, and then I made a decision. I wanted the Go Kart.

Ceremony of age

Ceremony Of 2

When you turn the age of 2, you get your first comfort object, and also get two uniforms, one to wear at home and one to wear outside. You get your first comfort object in the age of two because some of the parents might be working late and when you have to go to bed before they came you will need something to comfort you. Also you get your first pairs of home and outside uniform. That will separate you from the other age categories.

Ceremony Of 11

When you turn the age of 11, you start attending school, and you get your first school uniform. And you get a special day to do whatever you want in the community. Because I’ve always wanted to have the time to be able to do things I couldn’t do in a daily basis so you get a day of free time.

Ceremony Of 12

When you turn the age of 12, you will get assigned for you first job and you work only on Saturday for an hour. This is to help you and get you ready for your permanent assignment when you get older. You also get you first ever brand new phone and you get to change your name permanently. I decided this because you get more responsible so you have more choices than when you were young.

Pale Eyes Post

I think Gabe and Jonas are both going to be the receiver because they both have the same Colored Eyes, But the current receiver has pale Eyes and gabe and Jonas maybe had the same birthmother.

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