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My Idea of love in THE GIVER

My Idea of Love in THE GIVER


By Anekin Gladstone

  • Why Is love obsolete


Love is obsolete because your partner gets chosen for you. Probably didn’t like your partner at all and you might of hated her. In the past but you have to tolerate It because you may get released If you don’t or you may not have a good functioning family unit like the others.



  • What does love mean In that community


Love probably means In that community Liking something more then another thing But In the book the mother and father said (Jonas you of all people. Precision of language Please! And Do you take pride in my accomplishments) (Jonas’s mom said Do you understand why It’s Inappropriate to use a world like love ‘love’?) So In that community Love Is probably meaningless for them Because the pill makes them lose all emotions probably Like love, sadness, hatred all 3 of them probably don’t have a meaning In that community


“Love” In The Giver

Why do you think love has become obsolete?


I think love has become obsolete in this community because, you can have feelings for someone then get matched with someone you don’t like. Also in this community is really strict so if two people like the same person it would mess up things in order. I predict that the community used to have emotions like love but didn’t work out well that the government made the community more regulated, and got rid of all the emotions.


What do you think love means in this community?


In this community I think love means meaningless and useless. Because when Jonas asked his parents if they loved him, his father said “Jonas. You, of all people. Precision of language, please!” and that he appreciated Jonas. I think he said that because he doesn’t know what love means and how it feels like

At the end of the chapter Jonas told Gabriel that things are going to change, by that i think he is going to bring back the colors, snow, hill, pain and emotions. Also when he decided to NOT take the pill for his stirrings is because he wants to have and feel the love in his dreams.

“Love” in The Giver

I think that love has become obselete in this community because, If you love someone and they get relesed you won’t feel hurt. I think before the community had Samenes, people were alowwed to show affection to one another, but the comunity elders changed and so did the rules.

I think love is forbiden and meaningless in this community because,when Jonas asked his parrents,”Do you love me?” His father replied saying he should use a word like enjoy as in,” Do you enjoy me?” or “do you take pride in my accomplishments?”.Also because his mother mentioned that using a word like “Love” was in inapropriate in the community. I think that when the people hear the word,”Love” I think they think of showing affection or having emotions toward someone else. I think the community dosen’t want this because,the “stirring” take emotions away from people so if they have “Love” it just has no effect for the pill.

“Love” in “The Giver.”

I think that love isn’t used in the community because, their rules are so strict that they want everybody to be the same, and there are different kinds of love. When Jonas came home after his training, he asked his parents if they loved him. HIs mom said that ‘love”  is a very generalized word, so meaningless that it’s become obsolete. his dad suggested to use the word enjoy as in ” do you enjoy me?” or ” do you take pride in my accomplishments?”. I think that his parents don’t “love” him, just because of the community and how the rules are. Love could be obsolete.


Love in “The Giver”

I think love is obsolete because this community wants to have sameness as in chapter eleven page 85, “Before sameness”. For example everyone has the same eyes besides Jones, The giver and Gabriel. Also they are only aloud two children one boy and one girl. Love is obsolete because the community has different meanings of love. Love is not the same for everyone because it don’t fit in the community. That is maybe why love is not precise language for this community. This is why the meaning of love it obsolete in this particular for community. This particular community has some words for love but they don’t have the same meaning or even the same meaning. I think love is too powerful of language for this community.

What does love mean in this community?

Love means nothing in the community because it is is not important in the community it has no meaning because it has no fashion that’s why it is obsolete in this community.


Freedom of Choice

On a weekend, I tried out for a basketball camp that would help me develop my skills, with the best players in metro Vancouver. There were probably 60-70 girls there, all ranging from Gr.7-10. After waiting a couple of days, they finally posted the results. I got in! I was so happy and excited, until I realized that I would be playing too much basketball. At first I was supposed to play in two teams. The year ahead of me and my age group. That was supposed to be my plan if I didn’t get into the camp (cp-zone). Both teams were probably going to practice 2-3 times a week plus a game. Cp-zone was going to practice every weekend until the 2nd week of Nov. I knew for sure that I was going to go to the camp, but I didn’t know which team to play in. I played with the year ahead of me last year and it was so fun, but this year, there season only lasted until mid Nov. My age group seemed okay, but I didn’t know that much of them, but there season lasts until late Mar. I felt so confused, I just didn’t know what to do. In the end my parents convinced me that playing with my age group would be better, because I would have a leadership role. In the other team I was the youngest one there, so it would be very difficult for me to take a good leadership role. So far I don’t regret my decision, because my team is really fun and good. I also get to see the year ahead of me once and awhile, so that’s good. That’s when I had a little bit of anxiety and made a difficult decision.

Freedom of Choice

A time when I had freedom of choice and it caused me anxiety was when I had to choose between skating lessons and swimming lessons. This was a very hard decision for me because I was in level seven in skating and would soon move on to figure skating which I had grown an interest for. And I was in level eight in swimming and would go on to competitive swimming and life guard training. The reason I could not continue both because a couple of months before my baby brother was born. It would have been very hectic for my mom to take me both lessons twice a week with my brother. Some days I felt like doing skating and some days I felt like continuing as a swimmer. I could probably say that this was a very tough decision to make. A couple of weeks later, there was an all girls hockey league starting and I wanted to try out. Ever since then I have enjoyed hockey thoroughly. I would have never imagined myself having an interest in playing floor hockey. This has now become my passion and I have won a couple of trophies with my team. Although I still feel like I want to be a skater and swimmer, I am grateful that I did not have to make that choice on the spot because I probably have never known the joy of playing floor hockey.

Thoughts and Connections

My first thoughts on the book was that it was interesting, because I think that it’s interesting reading about a diffrent society and life of people that may be diffrent then your own . My connection to the book is is kind of simmalar to the chineese one -child policy which I have read about in a magazine. It allows two children in the family if the first child is a girl. A question that came into my mind about the story was that, What if you have two boys? or two girls? because in the story they mentioned that you could only have one girl and one boy?

Freedom of Choice

On  my sister’s birthday I am so confused between two gifts, I liked both gifts. I had freedom to give both gifts. But I didn’t know which my sister would like. I asked my family which gift she would like. They said she would like the first one. So then I made my choice. The gift was a dress.

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