Category: Writers (Page 54 of 65)


I think Jonas and Gabriel are dead because: when Jonas climbed the mountain, he was in pain because he fell off his bike and he scrapped his knee and twisted his ankle. Maybe when he fell of his bike he might of gotten dirt into the scab and got infected since he didn’t clean it. And that could’ve gotten into blood stream and gotten into the heart that could’ve made him sick. Jonas and Gabriel also had water from a lake, and who knew that the water was clean? It could’ve been dirt and infected with bacteria and germs.

When Jonas and Gabe reached the top of the mountain, how could a sled, the exact same one from the memory The Giver gave him, just appear out of nowhere, and exactly in the spot he needed it? It’s like a coincidence! Plus, wouldn’t it be covered in snow and or blown away?! It’s nearly impossible!






“Love” in The Giver

What do you think “Love” means in Jonas’ community? I predict that Love could be such a powerful word that it’s completely useless. I think this because in Chapter 16, after Jonas’ training, he returns home asking his father,

“Do you love me?”

His father replies with a chuckle and says that he needs to be more precise in language, preferably as, “Do you enjoy me,” or “Do you appreciate me?”

His father probably told him to correct himself because he doesn’t feel, or know what love really means. Love connects to enjoy and appreciate, they both mean “Do you like me?” though love is more of an emotion.

Love is that word that is so strong, emotional, and sometimes painful, like when a loss of a “loved one” as in our world. I think that’s why they created Sameness, and a match (a spouse), so that when an elder from that Family Unit is released, the others don’t feel depressed that a “loved” one has been lost into a “happy” place. They don’t want people do love each other, so they take pills to lose the feeling of love.

What do you think Love means?




Love In “The Giver”

Why do you think love has been obsolete?


I think love has been obsolete because there is no more point of the word love ,you get matched by the elders and it’s not based on how you like that person its if you like the same things ,love has just become a meaningless word that no one knows what it means it has become pointless of saying it . Chief elder wants the community to be sameness those pills they must not only take away the stirrings but it takes away all your emotions toward everything, on page 127 Jonas asked his father “do you love me”. Jonas’s father replied “Jonas you of all people precision language please”, Jonas mom said the community can’t run smoothly if people don’t use precision language .I think that this community is so clear on their rules that it has become an utopian society that nothing could get hurt as in emotional no one will miss anyone when there released it has no love or sadness .

What does loves mean to this community

I think love means something to strong for the community people to use ,on page 127 Jonas’s mom said “you could ask do you enjoy me instead of love me” .Those pills has to do something with love because Jonas wanted to grasp that feeling of Fiona but when he told his mom his mom quickly gave him the pills .If Jonas doesn’t take the pills maybe he will be able to fell love, only the giver and Jonas know what love is and the rest of the people think it’s a different think is an old word use a long time ago they must of took years to take away love .




The Giver Love assignment

I think love has gone obsolete because of the pills for the stirrings. I think the pill has to do something with the matter of fact that no one has feelings of love for other people. I think the pill interferes with the people’s feelings I also think the pill only affects their emotions of love. So here is how I think love went obsolete the people started to take the pill it interfered with their emotions after a few generations people started to forget what love is and after a few more generations people had totally forgotten what love is so it became obsolete and people never used it in their language due to precise language.

What do you think love means in the community

I think the community does not know the definition of love. I think that because of what I said above about the generations. I also think that people might have a little knowledge of what love is and means but I do not think they are too sure of what it means so they barely use it due to precise language. But over all I do not think they know what it means.


The Giver “Love”

  1. Why do you think love has become obsolete?

A: I think that love has become obsolete because since Sameness started, the community started taking the pills for the emotions, feelings and the stirrings and so the pills made all the feelings, emotions and the stirrings go away.

  1. What do you think love means to the community?

B: What I think love means to the community is just meaningless because the community doesn’t really even know what love is, all they know is that it is a word or language that they are not supposed to use because when Jonas asked his parents “do you love me”, his parents got shocked and said “precision of language please”, and so that got me thinking ok do his parents even know what love means, and what I think Jonas’s parents think about love is also meaningless and useless that’s why they got mad at him, his parents don’t even know what love is.

“love” the giver

Why do you think love has become obsolete?

Well in this community the government is trying to keep everyone and everything in order so they wouldn’t want you to love someone because it would mess up their aligned community where they decide who you live with, what assignment you get, and basically everything you do.




What do you think love means in the community?

I think love is like a meaning less word to them because they don’t even know what love is so they’ve never felt it before, and Jonas now knows what it is because the giver gave him the memories of love at Christmas. I also think it’s not really a word in their vocabulary because Jonas’s mother said to use precise language so I think they know it as a word know one uses anymore and not really a feeling.

“Love” in the Giver

I think that “Love” might be too big of a word for the community.  It’s such a vague word, that it could mean so many things. To the community “Love” might mean that your totally devoted to that person, that it becomes an obsession. But since they have to take the pills that stop you from having Stirrings/feelings. It has become obs0lete in Jonas’s time. For example back then, if the person you love gets released, you wont accept it and want to get released with them. Instead of a celebration of joy, you will feel pain and sadness. This will make the community chaotic, because everyone will be doing and feeling different things, which will make it a mess. When Jonas’s dad corrected him and said to use the right language, Jonas was confused , because he had his own meaning of “Love”, that his parents didn’t know about. His dad corrected him by saying “Do you enjoy me? Do you take pride in my accomplishments”? His answer to Jonas was yes. Jonas’s dad didn’t use the word “Love”, because he’s not totally devoted to Jonas, and is not uncontrollably attached to him. If he was, the community would be a wreck. That’s why “Love has become obsolete and what it means in their community.

Love in “the Giver”

Why do you think love has been obsolete?

I think love has been obsolete because there is no more point of the word love ,you get matched by the elders and it’s not based on how you like that person its if you like the same things ,love has just become a meaningless word that no one knows what it means it has become pointless of saying it . Chief elder wants the community to be sameness those pills they must not only take away the stirrings but it takes away all your emotions toward everything, on page 127 Jonas asked his father “do you love me”. Jonas’s father replied “Jonas you of all people precision language please”, Jonas mom said the community can’t run smoothly if people don’t use precision language .I think that this community is so clear on their rules that it has become an utopian society that nothing could get hurt as in emotional no one will miss anyone when there released it has no love or sadness.

What does loves mean to this community

I think love means something to strong for the community people to use ,on page 127 Jonas’s mom said “you could ask do you enjoy me instead of love me” .Those pills has to do something with love because Jonas wanted to grasp that feeling of Fiona but when he told his mom his mom quickly gave him the pills .If Jonas doesn’t take the pills maybe he will be able to fell love, only the giver and Jonas know what love is and the rest of the people think it’s a different think is an old word use a long time ago they must of took years to take away love .







“Love in the giver”

Why do you think love has become “obsolete”?

A: Since the community is so strict, they think that love is generous “obsolete” they might think love means eloping or skipping jobs, and working, spending time with each other.

What do you think “love” means to the community?

B: We thought that “Love doesn’t mean anything because when Jonas said to his dad “Do you love me” then Jonas’s mom told him “that’s not the right word” then I thought that love had no meaning from the real meaning of love and the stirrings are love and other stuffs so when the community takes the pills the emotion love doesn’t mean anything.


Love in “The Giver”

Why has the word love become obsolete?

I think love has become obsolete because there aren’t many choices that would involve love, as you just apply for a spouse. Also, it may have become obsolete because love would create chaos in the community, as if someone loved someone who was not there spouse, they may not want to stay with their current spouse, or if someone gets released, someone who loves them may want to go with them. It may also have become obsolete because love is such a broad term that can have several different meanings depending on the sentence its used in, and because this community focuses so much on precision of language, a broad term such as love would have no place in their community.

What do you think the word love means in the community?

I think the word love doesn’t really mean anything in their community, as there is so little use for it in a community with so few choices because when you apply for a spouse you are matched based on things such as disposition, intelligence, and other traits, not if you love someone or not.

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