Category: Writers (Page 51 of 65)

What I’m liking about weaving

I enjoy having a few minutes every day  just weaving, because it’s really relaxing. I’m not a real morning person, so doing something relaxing, really gets me started and ready to go for the day. I look forward to it, because it slowly gets my brain working and ready for the next subject. I also like how we can make anything we wanted to. It’s nice to see all the different and unique stuff we all made. What I don’t really like is that we don’t get enough time to weave. It takes awhile for everyone to get settled and actually weaving, so we end up with only 10 minutes of weaving. I would rather have one long portion of the day just weaving, than a lot of really short bursts. I really enjoy weaving and it’s a nice art project to work on.

Weaving Reflection

I thought our weaving project was hard. I did not like it that much.

First, it was hard for me to tie the knots because the ivy kept cracking whenever I tried. I also thought it was boring. Everything  I tried to make looked weird. The plants smelled like green beans. Those are the things I did not like.

What I did like I guess was that it cut Mixers and L.A. I also learned about plants and knots. I also saw what you could make with these plants. Without weaving these plants would not have that much use.

In conclusion, as I said I don’t like it that much. It is a good use of these plants though.

What do you like about weaving

When we started weaving I didn’t really know much, but as we kept going I started to like it and I learned a lot.

Through the weaving project I learned that you can make a beautiful artwork with just using materials from nature. We made something very unique just using willow branches and green ivy. We didn’t use materials we would normally use in art class, like paint, and paper. I never really thought of using plants (besides flowers) to make an art piece.

In my opinion I enjoyed weaving more than what we did at the beginning of the year which was painting and working with colors and shapes. The reason why I like weaving better than the Peter Max artwork is that we didn’t have any rules on how our piece should look like, unlike Peter Max painting where we could only choose two colors and think about how the shapes should be and the meaning behind our piece. In my opinion I like doing/making things where I actually get to do whatever we want and not having to consider about the connection you have with your work.

But there were some challenging parts about weaving. Because we had to use natural resources it didn’t look pretty or sometimes I couldn’t make it into the shape I wanted to. Also there were times when the green ivy won’t stay in the place I wanted it to be, so sometimes I wanted to use glue gun and glue the pieces together, instead of binding it with willow or ivy. But I found that the messiness completed the look in the end.

Overall I really enjoyed weaving and how we used stuff from nature and not from a factory!



What are you enjoying about weaving?
What I enjoy I about weaving is that you can make anything you want. I like that we can be creative in our own way. I like the ivy that we use beacause its bendable  and easy to hold things in place.

What are you finding challenging about weaving?                                                        I think the challenging part is the spirals because you have to tie knot after knot after knot. Sometimes they also get tangled up.

Weaving and the Y.P.C

Every year thousands of tons of garbage and waste, flood our fields and spread in our oceans. Do you know the dangers of this happening? For example the wildlife and the ocean life could consume theses products and eventually die. Well, what’s a better idea than recycling these unwanted materials and turning them into cool stuff that we can use in our daily lives.

At our last Y.P.C we saw a talented group of performers called Sam2. They made instruments using materials like unwanted metals, unwanted boat pieces and more. We might think how is this related to our class weaving project? In class we also have been using unwanted materials that are from nature and are called invasive spices. Some materials that we have been using are Ivy, and Willow. Ivy is a big problem for some people, that’s why is follows under the invasive species category. Most ivy is unwanted and it, keeps growing even if you pull it off. Willow is also considered to be an invasive spices, it cover the ground on most beaches, and it’s just floating everywhere. Most of this stuff is unwanted in our beaches.

Another thing that both our projects have in common, is giving back to nature. How are they giving back to nature? Both the projects are reducing the amount of garbage we produce, by using theses invasive spices and unwanted materials. This also increases awareness, that everybody can do this.

And last but not least, both our projects are giving back to the community. Sam2 inY.P.C are giving soothing and entreating music, to the community during outings or other community celebrations. Our weaving project could go in an art gallery and be viewed by the community. It also can be put in front of our school and be viewed by community members, family, and more. This tells me by the end of our weaving we will have helped the community to b a safer and brighter one.

What I’m Liking About Weaving/ What I Don’t like

What I’m liking about the weaving project is the creativity part of it. It’s so much fun just to see what you have created with unwanted things. It’s cool how you can use unwanted into abstract and items. I also like is coming up with an idea for my art piece like and eye or a fish or a tower. I like working with my friends with a piece and to join our ideas for one piece and to disagree and agree with an idea. When we finished the planning, we finished our planning, we would assign our jobs for the piece and join our assigned pieces and join them together.

What I don’t like about weaving is that when you try to tie something with the green ivy, it breaks and everything falls apart. It gets frustrating because I worked so hard and it all goes to waste. What I also don’t like is that the green ivy doesn’t tie! When I try to knot something together, it just falls apart or it strips and the main part of the ivy is gone. The last thing I don’t like is the willow is hard to break into small pieces. When I try to tear a piece off, the whole main piece goes with it. Sometimes I just leave the willow and continue other pieces.

what I like and don’t like about weaving…

There’s a lot of things I like about weaving one thing is that its nice and relaxing and it makes you creative and lets you use your imagination. It also is something that I have never done before and for the first time, our class was amazing, we got so much compliments and it was a great experience to do. What I don’t really like about weaving is that it takes a long and I mean a really long time to do. Also you need to find and have good materials like plants, ivy, willow, leaves and I could go on. It was fun to weave this term and I can’t wait to see what we’re going to do next term.




































Weaving. What do I like about weaving? what don’t I like about weaving? Is it seeing the crazy creations or making my own unique creation. The past couple of weeks our class has been focusing on weaving, with willow, and Ivy.

I think what I most like about weaving, is that you don’t have to have a plan of what you are going to be constructing. You do not need to know what you are going to be doing or how you are going to be doing it. The best part of weaving for me, is that you can just start constructing anything and keep adding to it then it will become something you never imagined it to be. I like to see other peoples crazy inventions. I also like how we are using items from nature. This is really important, because we are taking theses invasive spices and we are giving them back to nature, by displaying them altogether. What I also really like is how everyone’s creation is unique in their own way. It would be pretty boring if everyone had the same creation.

What don’t I like about weaving? Well, I don’t like how the willow become tough to work with if it doesn’t have enough moisture. I also don’t like when sometimes we run out of materials. I also don’t like when we have to weave even though, that time might be better to finish up some extra homework that we might have. But overall this class weaving project was a really fun and new experience for me.

Dead or Alive?

Dead? Alive? I really could argue for both sides: First off, he could be dead for a few reasons. One (though it’s not really a reason), that’s what I want; I’d love for the book to end that way. Another reason that he could be dead is that everything is too good to be true. From the snow on the hill to the sled that just happens to be there, waiting for them. I mean, what are the odds? A sled is just there, on the top of the hill, painted red, without a rider. I’m not sure if a little boy/girl put that sled there and went to the washroom or something and Jonas was just there at the perfect timing. Wait, I forgot. It’s Christmas morning. So they left it there over night? Maybe the Giver has communications outside his utopian society? Nope. Definitely not that last one. My biggest bet is the following: All his life he’s lived a lie. Everyone lied to him. His eyes lied to him. Then he receives the truth. Colour, music, pain, freedom, death, and love. He’s never been loved, unless you count the Giver’s affection for him. He’s never actually been truly loved. Like loved by your girlfriend or something. He realizes his dad is a lie, and lives one, like everyone else. He gets memories of snow and sledding. Then he gets his chance to really live the life he wants. Growing weaker and weaker he finds a red sled-his first seen colour and favourite thing to do-. What are the odds it’s a red sled. Instead of a multi coloured sled or a different colour sled, like blue. But no. What makes it feel more like Jonas is dead is the fact that that he’s being welcomed into the arms of a new family-along with Gabriel-. I think it’s his heaven. What he wanted-needed-deep down. He needed love, to feel. To be free. To have a life. To live a truthful life. Maybe he doesn’t though. Maybe, just maybe he doesn’t live that life, but dies in between both worlds. His and ours. Intertwined by only Jonas and Gabriel. That is why I think Jonas is dead, because it’s too good to be true.


Or… he’s hallucinating. Driven crazy by starvation and scrapes. One problem, it says in the book he slides on the sled. He slides down the hill with Gabriel on his chest with pain devouring his soul.

So maybe he’s not hallucinating. He could have survived and have gotten his preferred life, with loving parents, and crushes, and… well it could keep going.

Really there is no reason for me to believe that he’s alive. So I think that Jonas died and Gabriel did too. Both never getting the life of love and emotions they truly wanted. The End.


Why do think “love” is obsolete?

I think love is obsolete because if I apply for a wife but love someone else, that screws with the system and we have a divorce. If everyone starts following their hearts than its chaos. That’s why we can’t follow our hearts.

The community elders want everything strictly regulated and if someone decides to stop taking the pills for stirrings then love will be unleashed. I think the pills are stopping more than just the stirrings. I think its stopping emotions; love, anger, hatred, etc. I think this because your first crush comes naturally at your own age. Like Asher started taking his pills at a younger age than Jonas. It even said that Asher had a crush on Fiona. Taking what we know, the pills have got to be the reason no one has had girlfriend, or a second crush, because the pills are a drug that is devouring your emotions.

What does love mean to this community?

I think love is meaningless to them. To the whole community (except for Jonas and the Giver). When Jonas asked his father if he loved him, the answer was pretty much “no”. The word “love” is old fashion. They don’t know “true love” or the love for your family. Even the way you “love” a friend. They don’t know the different types of love. Whether it’s with your wife, parents, friend. The community doesn’t know the phrase “love you as a friend” or “goodnight mom, love you” or even “love you”. Yeah, it’s confusing, but this community has no feeling of love.

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