Category: Writers (Page 48 of 65)



The feeling I had when reading this book were very dramatic. But to be honest the book is not my kind of book, but it’s okay. It’s very dramatic because there are A LOT of cliff hanger. It’s one of those books that really grab you in the story, and you can’t stop reading it. I have another two feelings for the book, it’s very sad and serious. Let us start with the sad part shale us. The book is sometimes RED and hot but sometimes it’s blue and sad. It’s sometime sad and down because you don’t know if someone going to be friends with someone else anymore. Or maybe somebody betrayed somebody and didn’t mean to betray them. And sometimes it’s RED and serious, For example, Let’s say someone is Furious with somebody. It’s very serious, it’s not one of those quirky books that are all silly and happy no, it is very serious. And that concludes my blog.

The Uglies

The Uglies (the feelings I had reading this book is…)

When I was reading this book I thought it was pretty weird because in the society if you turn 16 you had to get an operation to turn pretty and if you’re under 16 you are considered an ugly, but what is ugly to them? Uneven eyes? Pimples? Seems like things that are different about a person is ugly and being pretty is having perfect and other things considered beautiful .But if you’re under 5 years old you are a littlie and live your parents in crumbly Ville. All the Uglies live in ugly ville and the pretties live in pretty ville. When I first started this book I knew it was going to be a utopian society because in our world we don’t separate people just because they are supposedly ugly or pretty. I think this book is showing us that getting plastic surgery to be prettier isn’t everything because in the Uglies pretties just have fun and don’t have to listen to rules but behind the fun the surgery can also go wrong and be ugly. If I lived in a world like in the book, being labeled ugly or pretty id feel bad about it and really want the operation but in the book it seems like everyone is ok with the labeling. Even though this book is a little weird it tells you a really good message that being good looking isn’t as great as it sounds because if you happen to get plastic surgery things might not go as planned. I think this book is also about true friendship because in the book peris, Tally’s “best friend” is a pretty and it looks like he still cares about Tally but it seems like he is embarrassed by her but when she turns pretty he will like her more. Do you think that’s a true friend?
There is also a girl named Shay who tally meets doesn’t want to turn pretty so she runs away to a place called smoke she first asks her if Tally wants to go but Tally refuses to go because she actually wants to turn pretty. But when Tally realizes she has a choice between finding shay…Or not turn pretty at all could change her perspective about turning pretty for good, getting plastic surgery can get UGLY.

maze runner wild card

                     The Maze Runner wild card

I really liked the passage when Chuck died, well I don’t like the part, but I like it because the author described everything so well. The emotion, the feelings, it felt like I was really there, like Chuck died in front of me.

“Something happened within Thomas. It scared deep down in his chest, a seed of rage. Of revenge. Of hate. Something dark and terrible .and then it exploded, bursting though his lungs, through his neck, through is arms and legs. Through his mind.” I found that statement very powerful because that is how Thomas felt like when Chuck died, his emotion, the way he felt.


I also liked this passage because if you read that passage and haven’t read the book, it doesn’t really explain what just happened, but since I know what happened, it explains a lot. Like when he thinks about revenge, because when Thomas came out of The Box, Chuck was the annoying boy who always asked questions to see if he remembered anything, he said that he felt like getting rid of him or wanting to punch him in the face. Maybe he hated Chuck at that moment because he went and sacrificed himself and died, when Thomas could have done that. I really enjoyed this book and want to continue the series to see what will happen next.

Weaving + the YPC

In both SAM2 and our weaving projects we both demonstrate that you can take something that no one wants and nobody has a use for and you can turn it into something people can enjoy. We also demonstrate that you don’t have to use conventional materials to make something both functional and beautiful. we also demonstrate that you don’t have to go out and buy expensive materials, you can just use what ever you find in your backyard.

Weaving and the Y.P.C

What do I think the Sam2 Concert and our weaving project have in common and their similarities? I think one of the things these events have in common are that they both use things that are not really used. Sam2 uses things from the dump and they make instruments like drums, xylophones, also they had these balloon things that if you pressed on it would make and high squeaky sound and in our weaving project we are taking plants like ivy and willow and making our own things like circles or crowns. Another thing these events have in common is that you can be creative and you can use your imagination to make things that nobody would expect that you could make things with material like scrap or plants. For example in the Sam2 Concert they made these instruments that were made out of coke cans and when you spun them around they would make an unusual sound and in our weaving project I made something that was like a chain made from willow and I can still add more things on it. These things have a lot of things in common and it was really fun to get to see Sam2 and do our weaving project.

Weaving + YPC

The main thing weaving and SAM2 have in common is that they both use natural resources.

First, they are both using resources that would eventually not have use. SAM2 collected things from construction sites and other places. For example, they used construction materials to make drums. They used stuff like dishwasher pipes to also make their own instruments. By doing this it is helping the environment by not wasting resources.

For weaving, you are using plants to make loops and other stuff. Like SAM2, we collected stuff other people were not really using. We went to a garden and collected ivy. Then, we used the ivy along with willow. Like SAM2 it helps the environment because these things wouldn’t really get used.

In conclusion, we are saving resources by doing this. It would originally take wood and other materials to make these stuff, but we don’t really need it by using unwanted materials. It saves natural resources.

Weaving and the YPC

Some similarities I have noticed are that we all used unwanted items! Green ivy is what we used grows is an invasive specie meaning that it’s not supposed to grow here, but in other country’s. SAM2 also used unwanted items. They used items like pipes from boats, sheet metal etc. They used their materials for musical instruments like drums, xylophones and more. We made art with the ivy and made cool things like wreaths, eyes, nets and more.

Some other similarities are that we all had challenges. For when we weaved, the challenge I had was that the green ivy would break or dry out and I couldn’t use it, or that my piece would  start to fall apart. SAM2 must had  troubles too like something falling out like a screw, or having the wrong measurements like the sheet metal being cut to small or too big, or the screws didn’t fit the indicated slots. We all had challenges.



SAM2 and Weaving! Similar???

Our class weaving project and the “SAM2” performance are actually very similar. I know you’re thinking, “Weaving is a hobby. How is that like a performance?” Well it is. They are two different things with similar attributes. Weaving uses plants you can almost find anywhere. Old broken branches can be turned into art! This is the same as the SAM2 show. They get sheets of metal and construction worksite scraps and make them into music. People would have thrown out the dead plants and un-useful branches. People would have trashed the old sheet metal and discarded the odd pieces of wood. But instead we have turned these things into useful items! And I think they are both equally contributing to the community. And they are doing what they love. One making art, the other making sound. Out of things that we would never have thought of. So even though they both are doing completely different things. They both have changed a bit of the community. And hopefully people can learn to love their creativity and try it themselves.



Weaving and Y.P.C Sam2

Weaving and the sam2 they use scraps that aren’t usually used for playing music like sam2 used stuff from boats and from junkyards.
The weaving we use different stuff for holding stuff together like ivy, English ivy but we aren’t use English ivy for the willow that we are using. Sam2 and the weaving the both use stuff that aren’t regularly used for stuff like weaving and stuff for music.Sam2 they use stuff like pot bottoms scraps from boats bike like with the pop cans and the things like the balloons and the tube I look like a bag pipes

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