Category: Writers (Page 47 of 65)


When I was a kid, I think I was 7 year’s old. I was sleeping and I woke up and I saw my Mom, dad and sister were not there.  I was scared and started crying.I walked into the living room and I saw my uncle and  cousin  in the living room. I grabbed the telephone and went back to the room and called my mom. I asked her why were you guy’s not beside me,  she said that dad was driving her to work, and my sister woke up really early and she went with mom and dad. Mom  said bye and hung up the phone. My cousin heared me and asked what was wrong. I said my mom, dad and sister were not beside me.After she talked to me I stopped crying and got ready for school.


Once when I went hiking with my class in north Vancouver the school is called Queen Mary, I went in the forest with all my friends and I saw a puppy that was really cute so I stopped to pet the puppy and when I looked back my friends were all gone so I was scared because of course I thought I was going to get eaten by a bear so I looked around to see if I could find anyone from my class and……….I did! I found my friends Grace and Emanuel and I was really happy to see them because I couldn’t believe that I was alone in a forest and so we started walking until we got lost in the forest too! So we found a big large stick so if we find a bear we can hit it with the stick so we took the stick and went walking forward and finally we found the class and we told them what happened. Another day that I was alone was when I was in the sky train with my dad and we were going to go in the elevator and it was really crowded so my dad went running in and the elevator closed but I was still outside of the elevator and not inside with my dad so I got really scared because I was alone. I waited for a while to see if my dad would realize that I was gone and he would come and and get me but instead of my dad coming to get me there was a lady that came to me and said “every thing is going to be fine I’m not going to let anything happen to you ” so I felt safe with her and we waited until the elevator opened and out came my dad running to me and he said thank you to the lady and we went home and I told my mom and my little sister.

When I was alone

The time when I was alone, is when I went shopping in the mall with my mom. It was also very crowded in the mall, because it was Boxing Day. During shopping with my mom, I got distracted and I just stood there for a few seconds. But then I realized, my mom wasn’t by my side so I started looking for her around the mall. And I was worried that I couldn’t find her. While I was looking for her, finally saw my mom on the center of the mall and I went towards my mom. My mom said “where were you Russell?!” and I said “I got distracted”. When I was alone I felt lonely and worried.


At camping  me and my sister got lost at the park so I told my dad to pick me and my sister up but he took long so I told my sister to stay there and when I came back they where gone so I told some people to help me and when we found the camp sight my so my dad and me said to the adult thank you and the adult said ok. when she found my camp sight I said thank you and my parents said thank you for finding him then she said your welcome.

Who Am I?

Who am I?

My name is Chloe Jung. I was born in April 8th 2002, recently I turned thirteen. I have dark brown eyes, and long dark brown hair. My height is 165cm and I weigh 97 pounds.


Things I love to do.

I love to hang out with my friends, and study together, play video game, etc. I love baking and eating it afterwards. I also love travelling with families and friends. When I was around 7 my family and our close friends flew to Thailand, it was the best week of my life! I also love to be lazy and watch T.V shows during the weekend.


Things I hate to do usually are related to school. I hate studying for tests, and writing tests because it takes me a long time to memorize things, and I get really nervous and pressured. I also hate writing because it’s one of my worst subjects. Lastly I hate waking up early to go to school because I get tired no matter how early I go to bed and I always feel like I’m going to pass out when I wake up.


My most embarrassing moment was when I was on the swings (swinging while standing up) in a rainy day. Then suddenly I slipped and flew across the field and landed on the ground. When I landed I started to laugh because I thought it was hilarious that I slipped, and it was also fun to fly for few seconds. My other embarrassing moment was when I almost fell of the stage during a Christmas play last year. I was standing at the edge of the stage extension and someone was saying their line but I couldn’t see their face, so I leaned forward and almost face planted on the gym floor. But luckily someone below me caught me before I made a fool out of myself. It is an embarrassing moment because people were looking at me while the other person was talking.


Times I had been angry.

Most of my angry situations are when I feel like my mom plays favorites. Usually my sister would get what she wants and I would get a punishment. Also when my sister takes my stuff without telling me and then breaks it saying it was an “accident”. But when I take her stuff without asking she flips out at me. (Usually I break her stuff by accident, but the difference is that I fix it.). Lastly I get frustrated and kind of mad when some of my friends joke around even though I tell them to stop. Usually I do think it’s funny, but they sometimes cross the line. If I did the same to them they would storm off angry but I guess they think it’s only funny to do it to me. But we always just end up laughing.


Books of Umber (Book #1) Blog Post

I predict that Happenstance will free Umber and get away from Occo (his capturer) who wants Hap too. I think this because Hap got away from Occo last time. Hap has lots of powers like super jumping. Occo has special powers also. His powers could be better so he can get away from Occo most likely. I also predict that Occo will return in the next book (Books of Umber #2 Dragon Games).

Occo might still have unrevealed powers. He also could win and capture Hap and maybe kill Umber. Back in Chapter 11 Occo easily defeated 2 Kurahaven guards at the same time and survived a wooden table followed by a hundred candles. He was also able to attack Hap shortly after, though Hap did get away. In Chapter 27 (The last chapter I read) Occo almost killed a guard named Dodd.

If Hap does manage to free Umber and escape from Occo then they will probably search for WN and run into dragons. I think there will be dragons because the 2nd book is called Books of Umber Dragon Games. They will probably at least leave Kurahaven otherwise Occo will attack Kurahaven again. The back of the book also says Occo is a supernatural assassin.

I also think Occo might be Brother Caspar. I think this because Caspar was obsessed with green eyed people. He is also not in Kurahaven anymore. So it would make sense if it was him who was trying to catch Happenstance.

In conclusion, I think Hap will free Umber and escape from Occo. Then they will leave Kurahaven and look for WN.

Books of Umber. I predict…

Occo attacks again. The city is trembling in fear. They all wonder who is Occo? What does he want? People running, around the city, trying to get away from the creep. Everyone keeps their children close, running to find shelter, trying to get away from this weird monster attacking the city. Attacking a boy. Hap. Umber and Oates trying to free hap. But the monster, is too dangerous. What will happen next?

This is what I predict. I think that the story books of umber, needs to be a little more intriguing. That’s why I think that Occo will attack Hap again. But why would he attack? Well, my theory is that Occo would attack because the first time, he tried to attack Hap, he got saved by Oates, but the next time he might not be as lucky. I think that Occo is attacking Hap, for one main reason, my reason is that Occo and Hap might be from the same place? Maybe earth? Since this story takes place in another world. Hap and Occo have those green, eyes that are nocturnal. Nobody else seems to have them. Does this mean that they are from the same place? Maybe. When Occo was following Hap and Umber in that boat, it was pitch black, a normal person would have got lost at sea, easily but not Occo he followed that boat till it reached shore. Occo wouldn’t just attack hap, he should have a reason. In the book it said that Hap existed in an ancient law. I think that this might mean something. When Occo first planned the attack, he probably knew that Umber wouldn’t give Hap up so easily. That’s why he planned the attack. In our last section Umber got captured by Occo, maybe he is using Umber to get to Hp. Occo seems so eager to have Hap with him.

My other prediction is that, Umber will go to a different place, and he will have war with them. Why do I think this? I think this because on the cover of the next book. The dragon games, it shows someone on a horse holding a spear, type weapon. I also think that the creators are dragons, since it says dragon in the tittle. In the picture of the front title the dragon’s eyes are blue. This might have some symbolism. This looks like it might be some kind of big war, because if you see in the background there is some kind of big long wall that is brown. I think that this book will be really exciting

I really like the following passage

This part of the book has really caught my attention, at this moment when Thomas got stung  on purpose  I was like why would he do that, it was very weird because at that point I had no idea what he was going to happen was he going to die live or who knows  .But now I know he  did it for the memories I guess getting those memoriesmeant everything to Thomas because how else would he know who he really is ,don’t forget when you arrive in the glade you don’t know anything not even your name you don’t know what and where you are . I chose this part of the book because the author left you hanging like you didn’t  know what’s about to happen there could be millions ways the book could end personally I think that Thomas well eventually escape but don’t get more wrong the author did a great job of writing that page thumbs up to the author  ,also one of the weirdest memory Thomas had was when he had worked for the wicked “the creators of the maze “ , when Thomas came to the maze it was like 1/1000 of actually getting out of the maze but when he chose to risk his own life just to get back those memory’s  the chances increased a lot higher  because now they know who they are up against and where to go and stuff in conclusion I chose this passage because the author wrote this passage so great that it was like anything could happen to be honest the author left me hanging  .

Fever Crumb wild card post!

Fever Crumb wild card post

I really like this following passage…… I like this passage because…..

“Plastic tubes led from his veins, pumping out blood, pumping in chemicals. The robed assistants were busy fitting clumsy-looking metal hands to the armor that encased his arms. His real hands, discarded, stuck out of a soggy basket on the deck, looking pale and stupid and unreal.”

This passage made me cringe. I liked it a lot though, the words the author used. The way it was stated, made it feel more realistic than just a couple of sentences in a book. I had to stop and re-read the passage. It made me feel bad for the character that this happened to. But it also brought more life into the book. It made it a bit more interesting. And if this is the direction the book is heading than I am excited to read more of it.

I also liked this passage because it’s something about the book I will remember. When I finish the book and someone asks how it was, I will remember that part because it stood out for me. I’m disappointed that this passage came at the end of the book. I wish the whole was filled with passages like this. Hopefully you like this passage just as much as I do.


Language Arts Response #4

 The feelings I had in Reading “Uglies” were always different. I always had mixed emotions about the book and I always will. The way Tally always fought for her needs while trying not to hurt others amazed me. It left me feeling a bit dazed at how she does put others before herself, but she’ll always still care for herself.

I also felt the hatred Shay started growing for Tally. It made me a little sorrowful for Tally because she can`t control the actions of others. But because of those actions she can`t control, it`s led to Shay hating Tally, and leaving Shay feeling sorry for herself when she should be saying sorry to Tally.

I still feel the awkwardness from the start of the book when Tally visited Peris. It made me upset how Peris’ mind got taken over by the “Pretties”, and became embarrassed, and almost mad, over Tally coming to “The Pretty Mansion”. Also showing the embarrassment and making Tally feel ashamed about herself. This part made my unhappy because Tally’s own best friend made her feel bad about things she can’t control. Peris made Tally feel ashamed of her body and got angry at Tally for risking to not be turned into a pretty, and be banished from the community! Tally risked everything for her best friend, while Peris was furious and wouldn’t ever do the same for his own “best friend”. Some best friend Tally’s got.

Lastly, the feelings I had in reading how David and Tally make each other so happy, made me fill up with hope. It made me fill up with hope and happiness because the relationship they have makes me hope that everybody at some point in their life will have a life long relationship with someone who makes them happy. Everyone deserves a “David and Tally” relationship.

These are all the feelings I had in reading the book “Uglies”. I think everyone should try reading this book, and go through the tornado of emotions that this book causes.

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