Category: Writers (Page 46 of 65)


When I was alone. When my family went out shopping for snacks and stuff like that for school. I was left home alone I honestly don’t care if I am alone or not, but being alone is nice once in a wile to… I was just home watching Netflix or like T.V eating a sand witch and drinking pop and whatever stuff like that so yea.


A time when I was alone…..

Once I  was alone with my friends in a really big church I was seven  years old at that time. The adults were still having dinner.  We were playing hide and seek, I was trying to find a place to hide.

Then I got lost from all the stairs,paths,and turns.It was also night , so it was  dark and scary. So I just sat on one of the stairs.

I was so scared I didn’t even have the energy to cry. I sat there for something that felt like hours, but was probably about fifteen minutes. After about two minutes later the ”it” person found me. I got saved! I felt so happy and relieved. Then we played the instruments in the music room ,because it was safer there.

When I was alone

When I was alone was when my family went out shopping and I stayed home alone. I was fine on my own I wasn’t scared. I was just watching T.V with some popcorn and stuff like that not to much and nothing to special.


When I was alone

When I first come here, my mom took me to T & T and we went  to bakery, I saw a little box, full of hard strings, I took one and play with it, it’ s so fun! I thought. We kept walking, but when we went to buy some snacks, my string was broken! So I decided to get another one, so I told mom, but I am only 7 years old!  instead of saying, mom, can I go get another string? I said” mom, wait here, I’ll come back in a minute!” and I ran away to the bakery. But my mom don’t know where I am going, so she yelled” wait! ” But I just ran away. When I come back, I didn’t saw my mom, and than I knew, I was lost. I have no idea of where I am going, I just ran around, I am so scared that I am going to be lost forever, I went to the bakery again, than I heard someone calling” HOPE! Hope!” It was my mom, so, I find my mom and went home.


One day me and my friend Martin went to the library to the library to play games. I had a feeling that something would go wrong because it was getting dark and we were going to stay there for an hour. At first we were having lots of but once it started to get dark I was worrying about going home by myself. When the library closed everybody came out and I was scared that somebody was going to follow us. But once we got close to the park Martin went the other way to go home and I was alone. I was shivering with fear looked back once and saw a guy that didn’t look so nice. At this point I was sprinting home and didn’t dare to look back. When I finally got home I was relieved and warm.


Once I got lost in a forest when I went  camping with my family parents, it was dark and was trying to find a way out, how did I get lost? Well, I was playing hide ‘n seek with my brother and then I got lost, I don’t know how but. Continuing, I climbed the highest tree in the forest (to find the way out), when I got on the top of the tree I tried to find the way out and it worked, but when I got out I realised I went to the back of the forest, so I had to go back to the same tree , find the way out and try to find my parents, which was the hardest part, so I went back to my dad’s car and then I saw a paper that my parents wrote “Rodrigo if you are reading this your parents are in the forest looking for you so just stay in the car and wait for us and DON’T play video games. So I stayed in the car reading, but it got boring so I got my tablet and played video games, and when they came back they got happy but mad ’cause they found me, but they told me not to play video games, but still, everything went back to normal.



When I was alone

Once I got alone is when I’m lost in the mall. My family-my mom, grandma, dad older sister and me were heading to Macdonald. But they were walking really fast and I wasn’t paying attention. By the time I passed the ‘Costume’s Centre’, I can’t find them. I just stand there and wait for a while (5min.) and I start to having a little picnicked , I thought of telling the bystanders , let the workers to call my mom’s number and let her to go to where I am. But I moved around a little bit and I decided start to heading to the Macdonald. When I’m arrived, I found them ordering. I told my mom what happened, she says when we all know where to go, we don’t wait. We go straight to the target place. She told me that it’s a great idea to find them instead stay where I am. It felt really bad when myself standing in the centre of mall and people that I don’t know are passing me. After that, I didn’t get lost any more.



Once I was lost in Walmart because I was looking at toys I use to be obsessed with toys at that time. I didn’t know my mom was in the clothes section, that’s the last place I would look. I searched the whole store, but I didn’t find my mom. I was so sad I started crying, until a man saw me alone walking by myself until he helped me find my mom in the clothes section my mom was looking at jackets then we walked home.


I was once lost in the mall when we went shopping on boxing day. It was lunch time so my mom told us that we could go to the food court to have lunch. I wanted to go home because I usually get annoyed when I stay somewhere really crowded and noisy for a long time. but it was lunch time and I was hungry so I went up to the food court. Apparently, some store had a huge sale or something, so people came and left, came and left. It was like a traffic jam in there. I stood there for a while not knowing what to do, so I waited for the people to clear. finally, a few minutes later the people were gone so was my mom! I looked around but I couldn’t find her so I went to the food court. I had to use the washroom so I went there and there was my mom with my sister! Can you believe it? Anyways, later we sat down and had lunch.

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