Category: Writers (Page 44 of 65)

The teachings of Perpich

I think what Perpich means by that is…

To become confident, be cautious, be safe in new situations.

Take care of yourself.

It will help Brian think about what he do to survive.

Try to think what the importance of staying ahead of things.

Perpich is trying to motivate him in his mind, making Brian think positive.

The teaching of Perpich


I think Mr. Perpich means to keep trying and don’t give up. I think mr perpich means about being your best asset is you’re the only thing that you have

To survive.

The teachings of Perpich

What Mr. Perpich meant by “You are the best thing you have is that you always have yourself. You can use yourself to do all sorts of things. Sometimes you don’t need other tools to do things. You need your hands to do all sorts of stuff like eat, or write, and even type in a computer and some other things that can be hard for you or easy. You need to be able to have physical abilities to do things that other people can’t do or things that other people can do but you can do it better if you have physical abilities. To be positive and have good thinking is to not worry that you can’t do something that you want to do but instead you should believe that you can do anything if you try. If you don’t have positive thinking then you might not be able to do anything you want to be able to do, that is what can help Brian if he is stranded in the forest.


The Teaching Of Perpich

The thinking will help Brian to remember everything that he did do and he will also remember that has teacher to him and he will survive and he will properly get a single because there is something behind and him and he most pull out his hatchet because he will get baited by the wolf.

The Teachings Of Perpich

When Perpich is saying “You are your most valuable asset” and you are all you got I think he is trying to say to Brian that to get a move on not just sit there waiting for something to happen. He is saying get going start surviving. Get motivated and go. Then later in that day he got moving, remembering Perpich. He said to himself I am all l’ve got. I have to do something. Perpich would tell him to stop messing around. Get motivated. Perpich was also telling him you are the most valuable thing you’ve got right now. Perpich was a motivating guy and that’s what Brian thought when he was out in the woods alone. He thought about his motivation and how it would help him, and it did. He got motivated and got up and did something.

The teachings of Perpic

I think that is trying to mean that his body is the best thing to help him to survive, which means he will have to use his body to survive in the forest, he can also use his body to make things, but he can use his body parts to eat, I mean, if necessary.

One thing that Brian can do is think positive, because if he thinks negative, his heart will beat faster and faster, which can give him a heart attack, but, if he thinks positive, his heart will beat normally.

He can use the rest of the gas in the airplane to make fire.

He can use his hatchet to kill animals and eat them, or maybe even make clothes with their skin.

He can make a house on a tree to survive among the night in the forest.

He can eat the pilot if he has to.

If Brian has to survive he will have to do one of those things.

The Teachings Of Perpich

When Perpich said ” you are your best asset” he meant that the first thing you need to do is keep yourself safe, think of the consequence and use your brain to control your actions. There are lots of things in Brian’s pocket. Brain is his best asset because he can think and he can control himself. Now Brian has to find water and food until the Canadian Army comes and rescues him, but it might take the searchers  a long time to find him because he was going the wrong way for more than three hours. It wasn’t according to the flight plan, but Mr. Perpich always said to be positive.


Perpich said the best thing you have is a body. Brain should be confined. The teaching of per Pichpich if you don’t have a body is more important. Use what you have like a hatchet it meant help brain .to get home now early before 4 days. Good positive money is useless when you’re in a forest theirs no store. Perpich said get on top of things. Get motivated



The teachings of Perpich

I think when Perpich said “you are the best thing you have” he meant that you don’t have anything, but yourself. You should do the best thing you can. You should believe in yourself. You have your own strength and ideas to solve problems. You will do things you want yourself to do. You can control yourself.

Bryan thought that searchers might find him that night, but he changed his mind. ”Maybe in two days, three or four.” He realized something was wrong, he had flown in the wrong direction of the flight plan. Maybe he was 300 or more kilometre off course. The searchers would search along the flight plan’s way first. They wouldn’t be able to find him in a short time. The pilot’s plane was in the deep of the lake. What if Bryan was in the forest and they didn’t see him and flew away? They would think he was dead. His mom and dad would be frantic. Bryan knew he could still live even for two, three or four days. He had to. Otherwise he would have to die. Bryan was very hungry. He thought of movies, how the main character ate plants that they know they could eat. But Bryan had nothing. No fire, no food, no machetes. He needed to wait 4 more days. He could not wait by sitting under the tree and staring the lake for four whole days. He got to do something. He needs food and water. He needs to survive. He needs to listen to Perpich, to stay positive,or he will lose hope and die.


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