Category: Writers (Page 42 of 65)


Perpich said ‘the best thing you have is yourself’. Bryan should be confident. The teaching of Perpich is that the best thing you have is yourself don’t forget that. Use what you have like a hatchet it meant help Bryan to get home early before 4 days. Good positive money is useless when you’re in a forest there’s no stores in a forest. get motivated your the only thing you have.










The teachings of perpich

Blog #2 repost

Mr. Perpich said “stay positive and stay on top of things.”

By this I think Mr. Perpich means that Brian needs to keep trying and not give up. Bryan needs to get motivated and be more confident so he can survive longer in the woods. Brian needs to think about how he can survive “you are the only thing you have. Perpich also said you are your best asset use what you have. Brian needs to believe in himself to have courage and bravery. Brian needs to use his own resources like his hatchet, his clothing, and he can also use his brain to get food, water, and shelter, otherwise he will die from starvation and will not survive.



What Mr. Perpich meant you are the best asset is to have good thinking not bad thinking. He needs to stay

positive because if you don’t stay positive you will be thinking bad things instead of foussing  what’s happening. Being motivated will help you be energetic and do things faster. Having

a healthy body will help you be strong. A good brain will help you know what to do. Physical abilities help you defend yourself, fighting danger. Confidence will help you be brave.   And I think this

thinking way will help Brian  so that he can survive.



Blog#2 Re-Post

I think what Mr. Perpich means is to stay positive, use the things that you have with you and use it well.

Also to stay commandant. Also the plane crash and the pilot of the plane is dead.

I think that when Brian is thinking about what Mr. Perpich said is to just survive school, but he’s in the

wild so to survive the wild. Brian has to wait until the rescuers come and save him, it

might take days, weeks or even YEARS! Also Brian has only a hatchet, shelter and raspberries to survival

But Brain can get a little negative sometimes, but not too much.

Blog#2 (repost)

Brian is the best thing he has because he is the one who can decide what will happen to him. He could or let himself die himself, or he could get motivated and try to survive in the woods. Brian has to learn how to work with what he has and what he knows using his brain to plan everything out. It is very important that Brian takes value in his body, because he drank water from the lake using his hands as a cup to drink the water. If he didn’t drink the water he would have already died of thirst. To survive in the woods Brian needs to have confidence in everything he does, or else he might as well just sulk all day long, sit under the tree and do nothing. The last thing he has to do is to remember what Mr. Perpich said about staying on top of things and always be positive!

Repost blog #2

I think Perpich means that if you don’t know how to use the things you have then those things are useless. So you have to use your brain to get motivated and creative, use your body to get active and start trying. Brian has to try to survive and this helps him to think positively. That’s how Perpich helps him. If it wasn’t for Perpich Brian could have just thought negatively and could have just sat there and cried. He also might have been too scared to drink the water because the water was to dirty and would have died earlier. Even though Brian was scared, he still fought through the fear and drank the water. I think Brian is very brave and confident to try to keep going. He is fighting his difficulties. Brian might not. I have any food but he’s still determined to survive. The positive thinking was the key of Brian’s determination, bravery and confidence. I think Brian thinking positively is giving him a reason to survive and that if he survives this tragedy there will be an award waiting for him.

Blog#2 Re-post

What Perpich means by saying “You are the best thing you have” is that

you are the best thing. You are the only thing that’s going to help you,

your thinking is the best thing, when you think, about positive stuff,

not negative. The way I think this kind of thinking will help Brian is that

by thinking positive stuff he’ll get more motivated to do things that will

help him survive. Until his parents or the police find him. If he

thinks about negative things like he’s going to die or starve with no

food or water , that’s never going to help him. But if he thinks about

good thing and how to survive he might be able to stay alive for a couple

of weeks in the forest.

Blog #2 Repost The Teaching of Perpich

Brian remembers how Mr.Perpich is telling him how to always stay positive and that you’re the best thing you have. What Mr.Perpich means by that is that you’re your own best thing. Positive thinking might help Brian stay confident instead of negative thinking that will stress him and make him loose his motivation. You have value in your brain and body that will help you do something. If you have confidence, you will be able to do things other people without confidence can’t. Brian without motivation could just commit suicide and with confidence he would try to survive as long as possible. So just believe that you can do it, and if you never give up and you just might survive.

blog #2 repost

The plane crashed, Brian was sitting there under a tree alone. He thought the searchers might not find him for four days, he thought of what Perpich had always said “stay on top of things, you are the best thing you have.”

Why are you the best thing you have?

You are the best thing you have because you have your own body, you can walk around and find some plants that you can eat. You can find some tools too, to hunt animals.

You are the best thing you have because you can use your brain to think, you can think of some ideas of what you are going to do. You can think of some things you saw before about plane crashes and what they did. Maybe you really can find some things that are the best for you to do.

You are the best thing you have because you have legs & arms, you can build something that if a plane flies over it, the plane can see it (like: you can use huge rocks to build SOS).

You are the best thing you have no matter where you are and what happened.


Blog#2 repost

The teaching of Perpich

I think when Perpich said “you are the best thing you have” he meant that you don’t have

anything, but yourself. You should do the best thing you can. You should believe in yourself.

You have your own strength and ideas to solve problems. You will do things you want yourself

to do. You can control yourself.

Brian thought that searchers might find him that night, but he changed his mind. ”Maybe in

two days, three or four.” He realized something was wrong, he had flown in the wrong direction

of the flight plan. Maybe he was 300 or more kilometre off course. The searchers would search

along the flight plan’s way first. They wouldn’t be able to find him in a short time.

The pilot’s plane was in the deep of the lake. What if Brian was in the forest and they didn’t

see him and flew away? They would think he was dead. His mom and dad would be frantic.

Brian knew he could still live even for two, three or four days. He had to. Otherwise he would

have to die. Brian was very hungry. He thought of movies, how the main character ate plants

that they know they could eat. But Brian had nothing. No fire, no food, no machetes. He

needed to wait 4 more days. He could not wait by sitting under the tree and staring the lake for

four whole days. He got to do something. He needs food and water. He needs to survive. He

need to listen to Perpich, to stay positive. Or he will lose hope and die.

Oct.22, 2015

By Nina


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