Category: Writers (Page 41 of 65)

The motivation

There are three ways Brian demonstrated his motivation to survive in the forest. First, he built a lean-to to protect himself from the rain, cold, mosquitos, and hot sun so he slept in the lean-to. He built a lean-to with sticks, and dried grass near the lake because they might find him. Second, he started to looks for the berries to stay healthy. First he found some gut berries because the birds were eating so he knew that it’s not poison. And he eat it and he puked after he ate gut berries. And he found some raspberries and it taste way better than the gut berries. Finally, he saw a spark fly from his hatchet when it hit the rock. And he realized that he could make a fire. He used kindling as rocks, dried grass, twigs, and he made a fire. This helped Brian stay warm, safe, and now he could cook food as fish. Brian know that if he doesn’t stay motivated he couldn’t do all of these things

Blog#3 Brian’s Motivation To Survive

There are three times when Brian has showed motivation to survive. First he made a lean-to for himself. When Brian built his lean-to he thought that he had to stay close to the lake. He didn’t want to diminish any chance of being found, Brian thought that maybe from above the rescuers could see the plane. Brian also chose for his lean-to to be under a little bit of rock.  Second Brian knew that he was starving, but he didn’t want to get lost. So he told himself as long as he kept the ”L” shape lake in sight he wouldn’t get lost. Brian went searching, then he found the gut berries! Brian collected and ate lots and lots. When he went back to his lean-to Brian started to throw-up. Brian ate too many gut berries. The next day he told himself that he couldn’t  eat anymore of the gut berries. He want to find other food. When he climbed up a hill he found…..raspberries! Brian ate lots, then when he turned around he saw a bear, Brian ran. Brian realized that he had to go back and collect more in order to survive and he did. Third when Brian saw sparks(made from his hatchet and the dark rock)he kept trying and trying. He told himself that he’s going to succeed. Brian tried many ways then….Brian saw fire! Brian is showing his motivation to survive because he wants to live his life, he doesn’t want to die in the Canadian woods.

How has Brian demonstration to survive

There are there ways Perpich’s teachings helped Brian survive.

First, it helped started living in the woods, he build a lean-to to protect himself from mosquitos, the hot sun, and the cold rain. He started to not feel that sad, he started to live in the natural like if he was born there.

Second, it helped Brian find food. He started to feel hungry, so he stand up and walk around to see if there are somethings that he can eat, when he find a berry bush, he didn’t just eat it, he watch the birds to eat it first. If Perpich didn’t teach him anything, Brian might just sit there beside the tree with pain.

Last, it helped Brian started trying to build some fire, he used his hatchet to make sparks, and he ripped the 20$ bill that his mom gave him, and start some fire. Now he had a guard, something that could keep him warm, and something that made him happy just like a friend, he don’t want to live it.

Brian listened to Perpich’s teachings and survived, but if Perpich didn’t teach him anything, maybe Brian will just think about the pain in his head.

That’s why Perpich’s teachings is a very important thing to help Brian survive.

Blog # 3 How Brian has shown motivation to survive

Blog # 3 How Brian has shown motivation to survive?

There are three ways Brian shows that he’s motivated by Perpich’s words.

First, Brian had to build a shelter so he had a place to sleep and be safe from mosquitos, sun, rain and other insects. He wanted to make a lean-to against the rock, but he decided to check the far side of the ridge. Then he found a place that had a smooth ledge on the top so he could almost stand under it. It felt very dry there. He use the hatchet to cut the wood to make a door for his shelter.

Second, Brian knew that he had to eat something so he could survive. He found cherries first, but the cherries didn’t taste really good. Brian didn’t give up. He kept looking for food around the lake’s edge until the found something to eat. Then he found some raspberries, Brian realizes that the raspberries are safe because the birds are eating too.

Finally, Brian really needed a fire, so he could keep warm and cook food. The porcupine had attacked him and he threw the hatchet hit the rocks and made a shower of sparks. Then he got the idea-the sparks would make fire. He strikes with the flat part of the hatchet and hit the black rock gently. The hit was too light so nothing happened. Not even a spark. He strikes harder, then two or three skipped off and died immediately. Brian swung it harder, and sparks flew toward the sand beneath the rock. He need some tinder or kindling. He tried some dried grass and watched the sparks skipped off and die. He tried small twigs, but it is worse than dried grass. He had no problem getting the sparks, but he need something soft, fine and fluffy to catch on the fire. Brian reviewed what his science teacher had taught him about making a fire. He had twigs and sparks. He thought for a moment, then he knew what he need-some air. Brian had air, but maybe more. He tried, and it works, but the fire still haven’t done. He blew as fast he could, the sparks stronger. He collected some twigs and branches, tried again, and then the fire burning.

Brian listened to Perpich’s words to stay motivated, that helped him to stay hopeful and survive.

Blog #3 Motivation is the key

Brian remembered what Perich said, so Brian tried to get motivated right away. Brian did 3 things to get motivated.

First, Brian tried to find a good place for a shelter right away because he knew that he needed to have a shelter to sleep in. And in case any animals try to attack him he would be safe in his shelter. Also in case it would rain he will still be dry in his shelter.

Second, Brian needed find food. He found gut cherries, but it gave him diarrhea. He needed something better, so he went out to the forest to find another source of food. After he went searching for a while he found raspberries. These he knew he could eat.

Finally, Brian did not give up making the fire because he spent 2 hours making the fire. He spent 2 hours because he knew it was important for his survival. He kept feeding the fire because he did not want to do the whole process again because it was a lot of hard work.

Brian got motivated because he did the right thing!

Brian’s lucky motivation

Brian was motivated by several ways from his teacher Perpich.

Brian wakes up and thinks about Mr.Perpich’s motivation. With Brian’s motivation he thinks about building a shelter for more shade and protection but first Brian needs some sticks and wood so he goes searching in the forest. After a few minutes of walking Brian uses his hatchet cuts off some branches of wood and collects his sticks now Brian can make his shelter. Brian has completed his shelter it turns out to be a lean-to. After Brian built his lean-to he was tired he needed some food to have more energy because today for Brian was a long day so he decided to go hunt for food. After a few minutes of walking Brian saw some raspberries but Brian had to know if it was safe to eat and not poisonous then Brian saw a bird approaching the raspberry bush and the bird eat it then Brian knew it was safe to eat. After Brian’s lovely snack he had been full then he saw a bear! Brian stood still for a second then he panicked and ran away but then he stopped and thought to himself the bear was no harm it was eating raspberries as well so he just went back to shelter. When Brian got back to his shelter he was still shaking and nervous of the bear so he put the hatchet by his head to feel safer.


And this is how Mr.Perpich’s motivation helped Brian.

Repost blog 2

I think what Perpich means by that is…

To become confident, be cautious, be safe in new situations.

Take care of yourself.

It will help Brian think about what he do to survive.

Try to think what the importance of staying ahead of things.

Perpich is trying to motivate him in his mind, making Brian think positive.

Perpich helped Brian to make a fire.

Perpich made Brian find food.

Brian did a lot by being positive.

The teaching of Perpich blog#2

When Perpich is saying “you are the best thing you got” he is trying to say is you are the one that can change everything and that you are strong and stay positive and never give up you got to help your mom and you are the man of the house or keep calm when you are in a problem and that you can fight a fight and you are lucky to have a life and be thankful for who you are and your family

Blog #2 Re-post

Brian remembers Mr. Perpich said you’re the best asset to Brian. And Mr. Perpich said to get on top     of things and to get motivated. Mr. Perpich teachings could help Brian to survive in the forest. Brian can’t just do nothing. You have value in your brain and body. You can use Brain, so you can plan what is right to do and think positively. Or you can use your body, so you can build a shelter or a campfire to survive in the forest. Brian should be more confident and to be more strong in the forest.

The Teachings of Perpich Re post

The Teachings of Perpich

The plane crashed, and now Brian was on a mysterious forest in Canada himself. Now Brain was remembering memories to survive. And one of these memories was his English teacher saying

“You are the best thing you have!”  But Brian wonders “what does it mean?”

I think Perpich is trying to say don’t let your body stop you, because you have a a brain that can change ways that your body tells you that let you survive. You will also have to use your brain to survive. I think “you are the best thing” also means that you need to think positive, not thinking negative. All Brian needs is confidence to survive, he needs to trust himself. For example he needs to trust what he eats and all the dangers around him, he needs to trust what his brain says too. As Perpich said “you are the best thing you have”!


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