Category: Writers (Page 38 of 65)

Blog #4 Habitat

Brian is fulfilling part of his habitat requirements by finding food. Collecting berries was one of them. He went in the forest he found gut cherries, but it gave him diarrhea. So he went back in the forest, but this time he past the gut cherries. Once he went in deeper he found raspberries. These he knew he could eat. Even though the raspberries was a good source of food, Brian did not give up finding something better, maybe something that is meat.

Brian is also getting use to nature by getting use to what his surroundings are. Like when something sounds, Brian can tell that like it’s a bird or whatever it was. And also he can tell what type and what animal it is. Brian is also getting used to the animals around him, like when he heard the wolf, he was calmly turning around and saw the wolf. But when the turtle came in his shelter, he went back to sleep, and he could get though the night without anything disturbing him.

Brian is more in tune with nature because he can use his brain more smoothly and quickly, for example the wolf, Brian did not hesitate or panic because he knew that if he did not harm the wolf then the wolf won’t harm him. But the first time Brian saw the bear he was scared because he was not fully in tune with nature.

Brain is also getting used to making and using his weapons, for example he made a bow and arrow he aimed at the fish and caught the fish, but when he was using the hatchet to kill the fish he usually would miss, but now he has a bow and arrow that will almost always never miss a fish. And Brian now still has leftover fish skin that Brain will never eat, he would use it as bait!


Blog#4 Re-post2

Brian fulfills his habitat requirement with food, water, shelter, and space. First Brian’s food is raspberries and raw turtle eggs. Now Brian is trying to make a tool to catch the fish he found in the lake. Once again Brian is showing motivation to survive. Second Brian knows he needs drinking water to survive, so he built his shelter around the lake the plane landed in. When Brian drank the lake water he threw up. I think he drank too much. Third Brian told himself that he had to be under shelter. Brian built his lean-to under a little bit of rock. He built his lean-to door out of twigs, sticks and leaves. Fifth Brian has Brian has lots of space. Brian in is the Canadian woods and there are lots of lakes and bushes. Brian even made fire in the space. When the porcupine attacked Brian he threw his hatchet and missed. So the hatchet hit the rock and sparks flew. The next day Brian made the sparks grow and the fire started. All the thing that have happened caused Brian to be more in tune with nature. For example if he hears a chirp he knows it’s a bird, or if he hears a gust of wind he know is blowing west. Brian has grown on this adventure. When Brian saw the rescue plane leave, he lost hope. Brian didn’t give up. He would not let himself die in the woods. Brian saw the fish in the lake, so he built a bow and arrow. He tired a lot of times but failed. Then he remembered his biology class he took. The fish were just below where he had hit. Then Brian caught the fish. For the next few weeks Brian had food! Brian had tough hope.

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How is Brian fulfilling his habitat needs water, food, shelter and space?

Brian is fulfilling his habitat needs of water, food, shelter and space by working for it. He is getting his water from the lake, it is clean water that he can drink but not the cleanest. He is getting his food from raspberry bushes and raw turtle eggs. He got is shelter by working for it. He got the wood and started building his lean-to. It turned out to be one on the best things he’s built so far. And for space there is not much to say other than he had more than enough space for and of his needs.

How is Brian becoming more “in-tune” with nature?

Brian started to notice a change in himself. He noticed that he started looking at things more. By that I mean when he looked at the lake he didn’t just look at the lake, he looked at the ripples in the water and the way the wind was blowing to make in ripples on the water. When he looked at everything now it would all be different from how he saw it before and it is because he needs all those plants and wood and other parts of nature that he didn’t he need back in the city, and now that he needs then he looks at not what it is but how it could also help him to survive. He also noticed a change in his body, as he was sleeping in his lean-to he would always keep the fire alive and all that smoke from all those days it made his face and body start to look like leather.

blog #4 re-post

Since Brian’s plane crashed in the lake, he needed to survive in a new habitat. First, he tried to catch a fish with his hands, but it didn’t work. Then he made a spear but it didn’t work because it wasn’t fast enough to catch a fish. He tried to make a bow and arrow. It took 2 and a half days to make a bow and arrow. Finally he made a bow. He started to catch a fish but it didn’t work. So he spent an hour to until   remembered that water bends the light and he needed to shoot under the fish. It worked. That day he caught many fishes Second he saw turtle egg in the hole. First try it taste.  Second try it taste a bit better. Last try it taste good. Finally, he found a ridge to build a shelter. He used his hatchet to cut woods to build a lean-to. It was hard work but he feel great because he has his own space. Brian is in-tune with nature. He is thinking of his teacher’s teaching and he is now use to eat berries, food, build. And he is using his senses and noticing more.


Bryan is more in-tune with nature. Because he looks around him he knows when a bear is going to attack him. Bryan catches fish in the L shaped lake he ate sunfish. Bryan has a lean-to and then he made a spear but it did not work. Bryan ate sunfish cooked then and ate more but it was not enough. Bryan made a lean-to by the ridge the lean-to was roughly made. Bryan ate sunfish he cooked the fish with the fire.

Blog#4 Repost Blog #2

When Brian witnessed a plane crash in the Canadian wilderness, his space around him was a lot of pine trees, a lake, a ridge and some animals and insects. In the wilderness Brian has found some raspberries for him to eat. Also Brian has found turtle eggs and fish to eat, by the beach. There was also water for Brian to drink by the lake he witnessed the plane crash and it made him sick. For his shelter Brian used sticks and logs to make his lean-to. And Brian has found a better shelter than his lean-to, Brian put his shelter under a stone overhang under a ridge to make his perfect shelter. His shelter will protect him from danger. Brian also succeeded of making a campfire, the campfire gave Brian warmth and protection. All of this habitat requirements makes Brian becoming more in-tune with nature and to start learning and understanding nature. In Brian’s Habitat, Brian is being more aware of his surroundings. Brian is able to hear and to see everything around him. Brian could hear the animals around him and the movement of water. All of Brian’s senses can hear, see, feel, touch and smell of nature. And then Brian started to realize he was changing, he was changing to old Brian to a new Brian. Like when Brian saw the wolf, they were communicating. And Brian is understanding the wolf and is not frighten because he is in-tune with nature. When Brian created a bow and a spear, he already knows what materials he was going to use. He also knows how the bow and spear works and how to use them for survival. Like when Brian tried to catch the fish with his spear, he learned that water has more density when he tried to kill with his bow and arrow at it. The more Brian learns about nature, the better survivor in the wilderness.

Blog 4 Habitat

There was a bear behind him he eat berries he screamed mom he did go down to the lake he first went to the bear was behind him he was thrown the hatchet but he missed and thrown it on the wall and there was a lit and he saw he bright light he lay on his side and put his head on his arm and closed his eyes because that was all he could do now all he could think of being able to do he could his eyes and slept dreamless deep and down.

Habitat Blog#4

Brian been fulfilling lots of his habitat requirements. First he found raspberries bushes so he already has lots of food from the bushes. Before he found raspberry bushes he had to eat the gut cherries that gave him diarrhoea. He also has four turtle eggs to eat. Even though he has a fire he has no way to cook the eggs, so he has to eat the eggs raw.

Brian has also found a place to build his shelter which is in a carved out hole on the side of a ridge and he used sticks and leaves for the door. He uses the ridge a roof to protect him from natural weather such as sun, rain and wind. It can also protect him from animals that might try to hurt him. The shelter also gave him a peace of mind so he can sleep better. The shelter can also keep him busy so he doesn’t think about bad memories and why the rescuers hasn’t come yet.

Brian has also discovered lots of space throughout his journey. First, he crash landed in a lake so he has water, but it’s not very clean because the first time he drank the water he vomited. He also has raspberry bushes so he now has plenty of food, but that doesn’t have a lot of protein in it so it’s not very good. Brian also already found a place to build his lean-to so he got shelter. So Brian has already fulfilled all his habitat requirements to survive.

Throughout Brian’s adventure he has become more and more in tune with nature, it feels like he’s an animal now. For example when he first got to the lake it never accord to him that there were fish inside the water and that the fish was food, that’s an example of him using his five senses more. Another example is that is that when he saw the wolf he wasn’t afraid he knew where the wolf belongs in the wilderness and where he belongs, he’s also not afraid of the wolf he just looks at the wolf. Also when he heard a bear he knew it was a bear and he did what his five senses told him to do, he didn’t do what his mind told him to do.


When Brian crashed the plane on the lake, that’s when the story got interesting.
That’s when Brian found lake (as in water), shelter, food and Brian made fire.
Brian has found gut berries, raspberries and raw eggs.
Brian found shelter by walking a little far away from the lake, Brian fix the (as in lean-to) shelter
a little bit.
Brian also made fire, which took a lot of hard work and tries.
Brian got his first fish, so now he has hope, tough hope.
Brian is sort of into nature.
Brain made fire, fire is protection, light, cooking food, to keep warm and peace of mind.
Habitat is forest, lake ridge, trees, bushes and Brian is in the Northern Canadian forest.

Blog #4

When the plane crashed brian needed food. He found a water in lake brian build his own habitat

What brian did first was he used a bark from the tree and his hatchet to make a fire.

And brian thought looking around but all he could see was grass and brush.

Brian had an English teacher a guy named Perpich who was always talking about being positive, thinking

Positive, staying on top of things.

Brian say was another part of the woods, another part of all of it.

He knew the wolf now as the wolf knew him and he nodded to it, nodded and smiled.

He had forgotten that water refracts bends light. He had learned that somewhere in some class maybe it

was biology-he couldn’t remember.

But it did bend light and that meant the fish were not where they appeared to be.

He would not forgot his first hit. Not ever. He held the fish against the skyuntil it stopped wiggling held it

And looked to the sky and felt his throat tighten, smell, and fill with pride at what he had done.

He had done food.

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