Category: Writers (Page 37 of 65)

Letter to my Mom and Dad

Dear Mom and Dad,
On June 2 2012, I was stuck in the wild, stuck without anything but a hatchet.
So now I’m writing this message for whoever finds this letter.
It has been 47 days, since the plane crash, now I have shelter, food, fish and raw turtle eggs.
It is really hard to survive the wild, I might commit suicide.
I’m trying my best to survive, but it’s too hard.
I feel it’s the end of me, the end of my life, end of my family.
I’m hopeless.
This message is here to tell you that I’m done, done for good.
Goodbye Mom and Dad.

A letter for mom and dad ( repost )

Dear mom and dad.

I’m in the middle of a Canadian forest and this letter will be the last of my life and I give up.

When I saw the plane going back for good, a bunch of words came to my head like: depressed, low, suicidal, blue, bad, terrible, sick, gutted, clouddown, funk, alone and even the word dead came. Right now I’m feeling even worse than that day when I got lost in the store.

In that time I saw the plane I felt glorious, I got as happy as if I had won the lottery, until I saw it going back. In that moment I got as sad as a jailed bird.

I have been in this forest for about 47 days, 47 days surviving in the wildness. I know I got really close, you might even say no, don’t give up now, sorry but it will end I n this moment.

If the plane would came back it would take years, and after those years I might even forget about you too. I thought that it would have been too much for me, so I give up.

This will be the last note in my life, goodbye.

From: Brian

How has Brian demonstrated motivation?

Brian remembered somethings that  his teacher, Mr.Perpich told him about getting motivated. The 3 main things he used to demonstrate motivation were: 1st, he looked for food and found rasberries and gutcherries. 2nd, Brian used his hatchet to make a fire to help him keep warm during the night.And finally,Brian made a lean-to to sleep in,with twigs, sticks and leaves.This is how Brian showed motivation.

habitat blog #4 (repost)

Brian is changing he is becoming more in tune with nature, and is fulfilling his habitat requirements. We all need food and water to survive, and so does Brian. He has found berries, turtle eggs, and is still trying to catch fish and birds. Brian has to eat the turtle eggs raw, but now that he has fire, if he catches fish or birds he would be able to can cook them. Drinking lake water can be a problem too, Brian has gotten sick and threw up all of the water he drank because he didn’t boil it. Finding shelter wasn’t a big problem for Brian. All he did was walk around the lake and at the end of a ridge he finds a cave like place where he builds his lean-to. His lean-to had a rock face as the roof and that was good because that could protect him from rain, sun and wind. You would also need a fire to survive and it took Brian a long time to make one but in the end he still had a fire. Fire gave him warmth, protection safety, and a peace of mind.

Brian starts noticing the space around him, where he lives, his habitat. He lived in a forest in the Canadian woods alone. But where he lived had a beautiful scenery, from his lean-to you could see the lake, the tall trees, and some berry bushes it was amazing. If you were in a life or death situation, you would start noticing the space around you and you would become more in tune with nature. If Brian would hear a sound, he wouldn’t just hear it he would know what was making the sound without even looking at it. In chapter 13 something really exciting happens, Brian was just sitting by the lake with his spear that he made, trying to catch fish. He tried many times but failed, then he had a sudden feeling that something was watching or staring at him. It was the same feeling he had when he was picking the raspberries and the bear came. He wouldn’t have known that the bear was behind him because he was busy stuffing himself with raspberries. It was a feeling inside him, a feeling that told him that there was something there. When he sat by the lake trying to catch fish the same feeling came to him again. Soon, he turned around and there was a wolf standing on a hill beside the lake watching Brian. Brian felt scared for a moment but soon he want scared anymore, the wolf didn’t want to hurt Brian, it was watching Brian, studying Brian. He nodded to the wolf and smiled, then the wolf walked back and 2 other wolves came, and Brian nodded then smiled. As you can see by changing the way he thinks the way he sees things he might have a chance

Blog #4 repost

Brian is fulfilling his habitat requirements by…

Building a lean-to and making a fire with his hatchet witch will provide him with protection, warmth, and light. Brian got food by finding berries, eating raw fish, finding and eating raw turtle eggs. Brian has water from the lake but every-time he drinks it he feels sick and throws up. His shelter is a scooped out cave, he built a lean-to by cutting willows with his hatchet. His shelter protects him from weather like rain, and wind. Also from predators like a porcupine. Water decreases his thirst but with bad side effects. Food makes Brian stronger and energizes him. Brian is in tune with nature by hearing and seeing everything around him, he’s noticing his sorroundings. Brian is using his senses for protection so he can hunt and not be the hunted. Brian can boil his water so he can not feel sick. Brian also got a fish by remembering what refraction was and finally shot the fish with his bow and arrow. He raised the fish in the air and headed back to his shelter and cooked the fish and ate it he smothered it in his face like he has been hungry for days. Brian is starting to be more connected by hunting he is having some kind of endless hunger that makes him hunt. He even made acquaintances with a wolf at the end of the lake.

Blog #4 Repost How is Brian fulfilling his Habitat’s requirements

Brian is fulfilling his habitat’s requirements in a lot of ways. Brian found food and water really close to him, he found raspberries as food in the bushes, he found water in a lake where the plane he was in crashed , without food or water Brian would live just about 3 days. Brian also has a spear and a hatchet to protect himself from animals, he can also use hatchet as a tool to make something. The thing to prevent him from getting sick is fire, Brian first found sparks by getting scared by porcupine and throwing hatchet at the wall and getting sparks, later Brian found wood and tinder so he can make a place where fire will burn and stay for pretty long. Brian has a lean-to shelter were he can protect himself form weather , he built it from a rock face and a few sticks, he uses rock face to protect himself from weather and animals and uses sticks to hold the rock face so it doesn’t fall on him or trap him.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Brian is getting in-tune with the nature because now he hears and sees things he couldn’t see or hear in a city and now he doesn’t have anything else to distract him from seeing or hearing nature. He got his senses so much better, he got his sight, sound, smell touch, and taste all a lot better. He can also know what animal it is just by listening. Those were ways Brian is fulfilling his habitat’s    requirements and how he is getting in tune with the nature.

Blog #4 Repost

Brian fulfills his habitat requirement with food, water, shelter, and space. First Brian’s food is raspberries and raw turtle eggs. Now Brian is trying to make a tool to catch the fish he found in the lake. Once again Brian is showing motivation to survive. Second Brian knows he needs drinking water to survive, so he built his shelter around the lake the plane landed in. When Brian drank the lake water he threw up. I think he drank too much. Third Brian told himself that he had to be under shelter. Brian built his lean-to under a little bit of rock. He built his lean-to door out of twigs, sticks and leaves. Fifth Brian has Brian has lots of space. Brian in is the Canadian woods and there are lots of lakes and bushes. Brian even made fire in the space. When the porcupine attacked Brian he threw his hatchet and missed. So the hatchet hit the rock and sparks flew. The next day Brian made the sparks grow and the fire started. All the thing that have happened caused Brian to be more in tune with nature. For example if he hears a chirp he knows it’s a bird, or if he hears a gust of wind he know is blowing west. Brian has grown on this adventure. When Brian saw the plane leave, he lost hope. Brian didn’t give up. He would not let himself die in the woods. Brian saw the fish in the lake, so this time he tried to built a bow and arrow. Brian made it out of sticks and his shoelaces.  He tired a lot of times but failed to hit the fish. Then he remembered his biology class he took. The fish were just below where he had hit. For the next few weeks Brian had food! Brian had tough hope.

Repost-How did Brian change.

In chapter#11 Brian is hiding the turtle’s eggs that he found near by the lake in his shelter. And Brian is still feeding his fire with wood and branches. After that day, he noticed that he was changing, his leg was back to normal and his face as well, but he knew that he was changing in something else. Brian could see the things now, not like in the city. Brian could see all the details, when he sees a bird for example, he doesn’t just see a bird, he sees its feathers and its colour, that city man could see all the details. Brian could even tell where the wind was going by looking at the water.

The city boy knew he was becoming part of nature. While he was thinking of that, he saw a fish jumping in the water and then Brian thought of something that he can’t resist. Food. He had to catch that fish- he thought. Brian made a spear to catch the fish. It didn’t matter how hard he tried but he couldn’t catch it, it was too fast- the city boy thought, Brian had another idea to catch the fish but it still didn’t work.

Brian is still thinking of what to use to catch that fish that he wanted so much.

In chapter#12 Brian steps on a bird that looks like a very small chicken, he still didn’t figure out what kind of bird that was but he calls it the Follbird. After that day, the city man founds a wolf in the middle of the Canadians forests, and Brian says that the wolf seemed to make contact with Brian. I think that the wolf was trying to say that he was the alpha, the predator. After that Brian saw that they had rescued the plane, which meant Brian was stuck there for ever. So he went back to his shelter with no hope, clouddown. Brian thought that he had no reason to live, so he started to cut himself. In the next day Brian was still there. Then he thought of two true things, he was not the same and he would never be like the old weak Brian, and the second thing was that he would not die, he would not let death in again. After all that thinking the nature man went outside to get the fish. But he still could not catch the fish in the lake, he couldn’t even kill the fish with his bow. Then he realized that there was something wrong, the arrow kept passing thought the fish but it didn’t seem to get hurt. Then he thought of something that he had learned in high school, refraction. That’s why Brian couldn’t get the fish, the fish seemed to be in a place but it was actually in another place. So Brian tried to catch the fish in another way. And at the end of the chapter everything worked, Brian was now full of strong hope.

Brian’s new habitat

Brian absolutely needs water to survive, plus he was unbelievable thirsty. He craw to the edge, but saw lots of bugs swimming in the lake. He got on the log that stands out. Then the water is clean. He stares into the water. No one ever told him that the lake water is safe, but no one told him not to drink the lake water. “I will just take a sip”, Brian thought. At first he only take a sip, but then he drank more and more. He could not stop. Brian stopped when him stomach is full of water. He walked weakly, and then he threw up. After he threw up, the thirsty had gone but he’s hungry now. The thirsty was stronger than hunger, so Brian didn’t feel it. Now he’s not thirsty anymore, so the hunger came. Brian needs to boil the water, so he won’t threw up when he drank a lot water at once. He would be sick if he don’t boiled the water. He won’t be diarrhea if he boiled the water before he drank it.

Brian was very hungry, so he went search for food, he walked around the edge of the lake and searched. He found cherries first, he saw the birds jumping on it but not eating it. Then he ate a lot of them. The next day he felt as his stomach had exploded. The cherries didn’t taste really good. Then he went to find other food. He found raspberries, he saw the birds eating it. Brian tried one, it taste really good, so he brought some to his shelter. At a night, a porcupine had attacked him, then it ran away. Brian wondered what animal and what is it doing when it came up from the water, climb on the sand, and went to back to the water. Brian went out to check. He saw a part of the sand that is a little higher than other place. After he digs it, he found eggs. Raw, turtle eggs. There were 17 of them and he ate 6 eggs. The first one taste awful, but the second one is okay. Brian try to make a spear to catch to fish, but he failed. Maybe there are other ways to catch the fish.

Brian need a lean-to or a shelter, so he starts searching around. He remembered that he and his friend had been talking about survival in the forest, they talked about shelter, so Brian knows it. He want to make a lean-to against the rock, but he decided to check the far end of the ridge. Then he got a good luck. It’s like a cave but not the same, Brian could almost stand under the roof. He collected some branches and grasses to make a door. The shelter would protect him from hot sun, cold rain insects and mosquitos. Then the mosquitos won’t eat him alive. The shelter can also keep him dry.

Brian’s habitat included forest, lake, and ridge. The forest is located northern. There are also trees and bushes, so he found cherries in the bushes. He had ate berries and raw turtle eggs, he possibly could eat fish and birds. Brian worked really hard to build a fire, and he made it. The fire can bring warmth, so he won’t be cold if outside of the shelter is raining. It brings him safety and security, because it brings light. He would be able to see when it’s dark, he would be able to know if any attackers comes. He felt as the fire is his friend, his only friend in the whole forest.

Brian starts to noticed how beautiful is the sun set is. He starts using his five senses. Then the plane came, Brian was in the forest so it makes a little hard to see. But they can still see him if they make a left turn. But they didn’t, so it leaves. The depression and disappointed filled in his body. Brian had been left. Brian thought the word Clouddown over and over again. He want to end his life by using the hatchet to cutting his arm. He want to die. But next morning, he’s still survive. So his hope came back to him. He was new. Brian saw the wolf and felt scared. He thinks this over again, this is the wolf’s territory, but the plane crashed and he lived in the forest, maybe the wolf already knew it. They chose to not do anything to him. Then the felt of scared flew away. He nodded to every wolf. He felt as the wolf and he understand each other. Brian stayed in the lake and tried to catch the fish for hours and hours. He couldn’t understand. Why can’t he catch the fish? He thought and thought, then he get it. The light bends in water through the air because the water and air isn’t the same subject. He tried again, and a gold fish struggles in the air. He had done his food. Brian made a fork and cooked the fish, it taste delicious. He went to catch the fish by using to spear again, cook it, and eat it. He had ate nothing past those days. He think he must have ate over 20 fishes. He thinks he is filled of hopes now, though hopes. He had to work for it, work for the hopes.





Since the plane crashed, Brian need to survive in his new habitat, there’s four things Brian did to build his habitat.

First, Brian used sticks and leaves to build a lean-to, he didn’t just build it, and he looked around and saw a ridge that’s perfect for building a lean-to. So he walk around the forest to get sticks and to cut some big branches with his hatchet.

Second, he walked around the forest to find food. At first, he walked around and find some birds eating berries, so he think that maybe he can eat it too. But the berries has seeds, and some are still green, not ready to eat. Brian don’t really like it. He went to find food again, this time he was lucky, he find some raspberry bushes, but then he saw a bear, he freeze for a moment and ran away, when the bear was gone, he walked back to get more. When he’s sleeping, he heard something and got up, and then he saw footsteps, he thought of it and find out that the animal must did something important, so he dig a hole from where the footprints stopped, and he find turtle eggs! There were ten of them, at first Brian was scared to eat them, but when Brian taste a bit of it, it taste so good! Brian thought. He ate more and more and more when he stopped, he found that he ate 6 of them, and saved the rest. One day, Brian saw a bird catching a fish, Brian decided to catch some fish too. First, he tried to catch fish with his hands, but he failed, so he made a spear, but it still didn’t work, the fish was too fast.

Third, Brian was thirsty, he looked at the lake. He decided to drink a little bit, only a little bit, he thought, but after he drank a bit, he wanted more, so he drank and drank and drank until he can’t drink anymore. He got sick, but he has no choice, so after that, when he was thirsty, he still drank water from the lake.

Fourth, the natural helped Brian to do a lot of things, first, how he find his shelter is because of the ridge, he saw the ridge and used it to build a lean-to. Second, he looked around very carefully to find food, and he found berries in some berry bushes. Third, he drink water from the lake, and it helped Brian a lot from not getting thirsty.

Brian had lived in the forest for a long time, he was starting to be in tune with nature by noticing everything and can hear and see very carefully. When he hear something, he knows what it is without looking, like a bird moving,,,   or a raccon moving in the bush. He know if a fish is a food fish or not. Brian and the wolf understand each other, they understand that as long as they are not too close to each other, they don’t have to hurt each other.

Brian is a new Brian now, he was not the weak Brian that live because he think he’s going to be rescued in some days, now he lived in nature like a home.

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