Category: Writers (Page 35 of 65)

Blog #6

I think Brian will get saved by a plane from the Canadian search squad. Brian’s going to send a signal by setting a tree on fire but he’s going to get food if it takes too long. When the search team spots him he’s going wave his arms in a x position. While he’s waving his arms the bear going to attack him by surprise he’s going to fight and kill the bear in order to survive with the help of the wolf, after they kill the bear, the plane’s going to land and Brian’s going to pet the wolf and say goodbye, when he’s in the plane he will sit in the co-pilots seat waiting to get home while Brian’s waiting to get home he’s going to meet a new pilot named Bob. When Brian’s in the plane he’s going to tell bob about how he crashed and about how he was suppose to go to his dad when he gets home he’s going to see his mom and dad together watching the then their going to hug him while he cries.

Then Brian’s going to tell them about how he crashed and Brian’s mom is going to bake them a pie to welcome back Brian and they lived happily ever after.

Prediction #2 of the ending of hatchet

I think that Brain will get saved by a plane or a helicopter by lighting a tree on fire.
When Brian gets saved by the plane (that can float on water) it might crash again and they have to survive all over again.
I think this because almost every survivor survives and get rescued, he might go back to the sinking plane and find something.

Blog #5 Prediction

My Prediction on the ending of the book “Hatchet” is Brain getting rescued by rescuers. I think he is going to get rescued because he does a variety of things to alert one of the planes or helicopters to come and rescue him from the forest. For example, Brian creates a fire to alert the plane from the sky. It will be better if Brain made more campfires or burn a tree on fire to light up the area and to smoke. So the plane can see the fire and smoke to alert them to come and rescue Brian. There is a way that the rescuers are looking for the plane that brain witnessed the plane crash and they probably heard what Brian said in the radio about to come and rescue him from the Canadian wilderness. There could be a tracker on the plane. So the rescuers know where to go and to find Brian. And I think Brian is going to make a big message to the plane using rocks and sticks on the ground. I really hope that Brian gets rescued because he did a lot of effort on surviving in the forest and to help himself to get rescued. I think by the end of the story he is going to meet his father again and be pleased that he is not in the forest anymore. Here is my prediction of the ending of hatchet.

Ending Prediction

I think that Brian will get saved, here are some reasons why I think that. A tornado had come it had pulled the tail of the plane out of the water. The tail of the plane was yellow, and now that it was out of the water it would be easier to see. If a plane flew overhead, it would see the plane’s tail and fly down to save Brian.

If Brian is saved he would go to his dad’s house because Brian is in the Canadian woods and his dad is in Canada. In the book, Brian said that the first thing he would do when he gets back is tell his dad about his experiences in the wilderness. After he talks with his dad he will eat food. But after a long time in the wilderness, I don’t think Brian would get used to eating modern food. It would take Brian a while to get used to the environment and the food in the city.


Letter to Mom and Dad

Dear Mom & Dad,

I’ve landed on this island myself with a dead pilot and now I feel alone and disappointed. Being alone makes me feel very sad because a rescue plane passed me and after that I feel hopeless. I miss both of you and whoever picks this up please help me, I am in a painstaking mood. Although I kind of feel bad for both of you because I know you both miss me too. I tried my best to stay alive, but I can’t take any more of this madness. I’ve survived from a mother bear with 2 cubs, I’ve survived from 4 wolfs and I also survived from eating turtle eggs, gut cherries and fish that I’ve never seen or eaten before. I’ve seen a porcupine and had 8 quills stuck on my leg. I made a fire to cook the fish that I’ve never eaten before. I made a spear and a bow and arrow to kill fish, the spear did not work, but I made the bow and arrow and its can kill as many fish as I want. I survived the plane crash because I directed the plane toward the lake. Oh and the whole reason I’m here is because the pilot had a heart attack, so now is now, then is then.


P.S I miss both of you!

Blog Post #6 Hatchet prediction #2

These are my predictions what will happen to Brian. First of all Brian will explore some new things like caves dungeons etc. Then he will learn something new to do. He also might get in even more trouble than he was in before. He will go back to the plane to get some resources, but the problem is that plane is at the bottom of the lake and he might have trouble getting drowned because  Brian might run out of breath before he gets resources and comes back up. Also some resources might be not useful because they were under water for a long time. He will also make some big fore signs to increase chances of him getting rescued faster. Then when he gets rescued he will become famous and rich, he will also probably make a lot of interviews how he survived in the Canadian woods for a long time. Someone will also probably write a book how he survived in Canadian woods for a long time. When he gets rescued he will first be sent to a hospital then they will send him home to his dad’s house and dad will make him a nice dinner. That was my prediction what will happen to Brian soon.

Blog #5

Dear family… I have survived 47 days in the wild I never thought I would make it this far, but I did. I miss the memories, I miss home, now I’m stuck with nothing but myself, the city-boy that crashed into the woods, I lost hope of people finding me. Ever since I crashed, I was desperate for food, I was desperate for water, I lost everything I’m just thinking of everything I have done was hard, I built a shelter I was hunting for food, I was sprayed in the face by a skunk. I’m tired, I’m thinking of ending it all because I’m suffering out here, goodbye.

Brian writes a note for mom and dad

When I saw the plane going back for good, a bunch of words came to my head like: depressed, low, suicidal, blue, bad, terrible, sick, gutted, clouddown, funk, alone and even the word dead came. Right now I’m feeling even worse than that day when I got lost in the store.

In that time I saw the plane I felt glorious, I got as happy as if I had won the lottery, until I saw it going back. In that moment I got as sad as a jailed bird.

I have been in this forest for about 47 days, 47 days surviving in the wildness. I know I got really close, you might even say no, don’t give up now, sorry but it will end I n this moment.

If the plane would came back it would take years, and after those years I might even forget about you too. I thought that it would have been too much for me, so I give up.

This will be the last note in my life, goodbye.


A letter to mom and dad


Dear mom and dad

I have been in the woods for 47 days now, waiting for a plane to come and rescue me. When the plane crashed, I didn’t know what to do, so I thought of Perpich’s teachings and it helped me a lot. Now I have a lean-to and food. I know how to build one!

I feel like I am a new Brian now. I made fire and I also know how to catch a fish now. I figured it out by myself with a bow.

I don’t know if I will see you again, but I really miss you. I had a ok time here. I know how to survive now. I’ve met bears, I’ve met a wolf, and they didn’t try to kill me. I realized that they are actually friendly. The bear shared food with me and I live in the wolf’s territory.

I feel kind of sad sometimes. I feel like I want to end myself.

In the 47 days, I did well and got my habitat, but I feel like ending it all because one day, I saw a plane flying above me, I thought I am going to be rescued, but the plane didn’t see me, and flew away. I lost hope and I was so sad about that.

I don’t know when you are going to read this, I don’t know if I am still alive or not. I f I am not alive, please give this to my parents. Say that I want to tell them, I did a good job on trying to survive. I love them. But I really lost hope and I want to end this. I hope they are proud of me. Bye.

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