Category: Writers (Page 34 of 65)

A letter to Mom and Dad (repost)

Dear Mom and Dad

I have been in the woods for 47 days now, waiting for a plane to come and rescue me. When the plane crashed, I didn’t know what to do, so I thought of Perpich’s teachings and it helped me a lot. Now I have a lean-to for shelter. I know how to build one!

I feel like I am a new Brian now. I made fire and I also know how to catch a fish now. I figured it out by myself with a bow.

I don’t know if I will see you again, but I really miss you. I had an ok time here. I know how to survive now. I’ve met bears, I’ve met a wolf, and they didn’t try to kill me. I realized that they are actually friendly. The bear shared food with me and I live in the wolf’s territory.

I feel kind of sad sometimes. I feel like I want to end myself.

In the last 47 days, I did well. However, I want to be rescued. But I feel like ending it all because one day, I saw a plane flying above me, I thought I am going to be rescued, but the plane didn’t see me, and flew away. I lost hope and I was so sad about that. I tried to cut myself, but I couldn’t. I feel I cannot live anymore, it’s just too hard.

I don’t know when you are going to read this, I don’t know if I am still alive or not. If I am not alive, please give this to my parents. Say that I want to tell them, I did a good job on trying to survive. I love them. But I really lost hope and I want to end this. I hope they are proud of me. Bye.

A letter for Mom and Dad ( repost 2 )

Dear Mom and Dad,

I’m in the middle of a Canadian forest and this letter will be the last of my life and I am here to say that I give up.

I have been in this forest for about 47 days. It all started when the pilot had a heart-attack and the plane crashed. The only reason I am surviving right now is because of Perpich. He taught me to stay motivated and that self-pity doesn’t work. But you might be asking, if you are doing so well, then why do you want to give up? Well, it happened that the helicopter that was looking for me came, but it didn’t see my signal. As it flew past for good, a bunch of words came to my head like: depressed, low, suicidal, blue, bad, terrible, sick, gutted, clouddown, funk, alone, hopeless and dead. Right now I’m feeling even worse than the day when I got lost in the store.

In that time I first saw the plane I felt glorious, I was as happy as if I had won the lottery. Then I saw it going back. In that moment I got as sad as if I went to jail.

I know I got really close to get back home, you might even say no, don’t give up now, sorry but it will end. forget about you two. I thought that it would have been too much for me, I can’t bear this so I give up.

If the plane would came back it would take months or maybe years, and after those years I will forget how the city works and maybe even forget about you two

This will be the last note of my life, goodbye.

From: Brian

To: Mom and Dad

Hatchet Prediction #2

A plane is going to see the reflection of the plane in the water and go down and see Brian’s fire and see him walking on the ground. Brian sees the wolf when was he was walking again and the plane comes down to Brian and the person diving and the diver and he saw the plane and he knows that the plane was crash plane and Brian heard a noise but Brian woke up and he know that it was a dream he grab he bow and arrow and went outside and saw a tornado coming his whey Brian gets hit by his home. Brian has a little cover of coal and he takes it off and goes back in his cave when he wakes up he see the plane flipped and 20 days pass a and brain has seen a helicopter and it save him.



Dear Dad,

I am stuck in a forest. I am hopeless I need some help. I can’t survive by myself in the wildness. I feel alone. I need some company. I am not going to survive. There are wild animals here like wolves and bear’s.  They might  kill me. I feel like I am going to kill myself, but I won’t kill myself. I am not going to quit because it’s been 47 days since the plane crash and I did survive. Dad I made a shelter with sticks and grass under ridge near a lake.  I am still alive dad. I drank water from a lake. I drank too much so I got sick. I made a spear and a bow and arrow I shot a fish with my bow and arrow with an angle. A rescue plane came I used fire as a signal but the plane did not see me I was happy when I saw the plane now I am sad depressed. Then a tornado came and blew my shelter my everything then a moose came and took me down. So i slept in a cave bye.

Form Brian

Letter to mom and dad

Dear mom and dad

I have been in the woods for 47 days . I feel I’m alone , I’m empty, I’m disappointed, and dead end. Because when the plane crashed I felt all of that and the plane crashed in the forest. Ifeel like done and done. I’m very suicidal I feel like I’m bad. I do not think you find me. I feel low, bad terrible, gutted, cloud down, in a deep  funk, sad upset. I’ve  survive for  47 days here i eat food that I don’t like but before I ate what ever I wanted. If you find this letter please read it. I still loved you. Please read this mom and dad  because this is an important letter.if some people find this please read it.

Love Brian

Survival Kit

Survival Kit

-Hand Sanitizer


-Some kind of energy bar

-Some kind of energy drink


-Setup boiler

-Tools of some sort

-Another hatchet


-Flare Gun

-A blanket or a pillow

My Survival Letter repost#2

Dear Mom,

I’ve been lost in this forest for 47 days since the plane crashed here. Now, I am feeling depressed. It has been really hard out here in the wilderness. At first, I had lots of hope that a pilot would come and save me, but now I am hopeless and all alone in the dark. You are probably wondering how I managed to survive 47 days in the forest. Well, I had motivation from my teacher Perpich. With Mr.Perpich’s motivation, I built my shelter with the tools I had. I  found food that made me sick for a while, like some of the berries that I first tasted. After a couple of days, I found a raspberry bush that didn’t make me sick and I had tons of raspberries to eat. There have been really hot days here but I am lucky that my shelter is near a lake I have water  to drink  in the boiling weather. That’s why I built my shelter to hide myself from the sun and the rain. Once when I was sleeping there was a porcupine right next to my leg so I kicked by accident without noticing the porcupine struck me in the leg. I had pain in my leg for a few days from the porcupine. Once again when I was sleeping I heard this slithering noise dragging across the sand and in to the lake I was frighten because I couldn’t see what was going on so in the morning I went searching for clues for what type of animal it was soon or later I have found turtle eggs 4 inches under damp sand it was exciting because I had knew it was safe to eat cause of this TV show about turtles I never knew it was going to help me. So I decided to eat one turtle egg everyday it might last till the rescuer comes saves me. After a couple of days I had lost hope… I lost hope for a rescuer not finding me because a rescue plane flew past me and did not see me which made me feel like they wouldn’t save me. After that I had felt empty and suicidal if the rescuers can’t find me what would I do  in this forest I can’t hold the painstaking feeling every day.  now I just feel like I should be done and done to end it all and stop this madness in my brain but its to hard to even try .

How Brian will be saved

I think Brian will be saved because after the tornado, Brian saw the plane’s tail had been out of the water. When the tornado went into the water, it flipped the plane. The searchers will search in the forest again, and they will find Brian or Brain’s shelter. If they find Brian’s shelter, they will think someone is still alive, and they will search in the forest and they are going to find Brian. Brian will be saved. He will go to New York and see his dad.

Brian will be different when he gets home. He will not be the Brian that is lazy, he will help his mom do the house work, and he will learn to cook. When he went to camping again, he will be very good at cooking, finding woods, making shelter and tools.

He will be different, he’s the new Brian now.

A letter to Dad Repost

To Dad

This is your son, Brian Robeson. The plane I was on crashed when the pilot had a heart-attack and died. Now I’m in a Northern Canadian forest. It was tough at first, but now I’ve found 4 main things to help me survive. First, shelter, I made my shelter near the far end of the ridge. It protects me from sun, rain and mosquitos. It also keeps me warm. Second, the body of water-here is an L shaped lake so I can drink water from it. Third, I’ve found a lot of food to eat. First, I had found berries to eat, but I don’t think berries would be enough. I spend few days making the bow, but I still failed when I gave it a try. I failed few more times, then I realized that something was wrong .I stared in the water for a little while. The light that came above me bent in the water. Refraction, I thought. How could I forget? I’ve learned in science, that when light travels through the water it bends. When I remembered this, I learned to use my spear for in another way, then I caught lots of fish all by MYSELF. The golden fish were really delicious to me, because I had spent many days making the bow, and I hadn’t eat anything. I ate so many fish that I couldn’t count. I went to catch the fish, bring it to the fire, cook it and eat it. Then went to catch the fish, bring it to the fire, cook it and eat it, so on. All of these thing are helping me to survive. Few days ago, a plane passed overhead. Its engine was so deafening. I was almost sure that the plane would take me home and I could visualize me eating the food in the mall. I was so surprised and happy when I thought the plane will come down to rescue me. The plane only needs to turn to see me, but it didn’t. It didn’t turn or come lower, but it did fly away. Depressed, hopeless, dark and empty feeling filled my whole body. Maybe it was my last chance for me to get out of this forest. Maybe it was your last chance to find me. I miss you, miss Terry, and miss my home. If the rescuer could see me, I could be in home now. I just want to end this, let it be done. So I climbed around the rock and tried to end my life by using the hatchet (which mom had given to me) to cut my arm. The word I’ve been thinking over and over again is Clouddown. So I laid on the rock wishing for the death. ”For 47 days,” I thought, “I’ve been hoping for the plane to come. But it did come, then left. Everything I have done for me to survive has been useless. “The second morning arrived and I found myself alive. Now I still have hope but different ones. I am hoping that I can survive by working harder while the searchers are still looking for me. I need to use work to get some hope. I don’t know if you can see me in person or if you’ll see this letter, but I want you to know what happened to me. I don’t know if I will still be alive when you see this letter, but I hope to see you again.

From Brian

During the summer

Prediction #2

Do you know what is going to happen to brian I know you don’t so am going to tell you well I don’t so I’m thinking so brian got hit by a cow like 200 times so I don’t think he is going to make it so 25% he well live with minor injury and I think he’s going to die and my other production is he is going to get saved and made it and the mom and dad are back together and live as a big happy family but you want to know of how he got saved well I think he make some kind of sos and some plane is flying around the sky and maybe the dad called someone to go out there and save hem and that how the mom and dad is together or maybe more moose hits hem and kills hem because it’s like 12 moose but that’s sad

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