Category: Writers (Page 33 of 65)

Childhood game

I used to play a game with my brother that I made up, it is called Dark Hide n’ Seek. The rules are all the lights had to be out and the player that’s not it needs to wear a box with hole in it. The it needs to scare the players by getting behind them (without being seen) and scream. You don’t want that to happen, so if you see the it you need to light up the given flash light and say “I see you” three times and it will run away.

The player wins if it stays there without being scared or taking of the mask for 7 MIN, the it wins if it scares the player 2 times.

Family Story

I was in my grandfather’s farm playing with his dog, and then I heard a shrinking sound, I looked back and saw a bat with a broken wing, NO it was a black bird with a broken wing, maybe my grandfather’s other dog heard it too because it was coming to kill it and eat it, then the dog I was playing with saved it by kicking it into the pool, how did that save it? My grandfather’s dogs hate water then I called my parents and told them what happened.

At that night my grandfather and me fed it and cured the broken wing, at the other day we freed the bird and the “Hero” got his treats for saving it (smart dog…)

Journal entry #2 My first day in preschool

Today I will tell you my own story, it is going to be about my first day in preschool. My mom and dad woke me up very early, that was really strange to me because I never woke up so early and I didn’t know what was going on. They told me to get dressed up and eat my breakfast which was on the table. So I dressed up and ate my breakfast and then my parents took me to the car. When I got in the car I noticed something very strange, my sister wasn’t in the car, so I asked where is my sister and they told me she had a headache and she won’t go with us. After some time of driving we pulled off in a parking lot I’ve never been in before, then we got out of the car and walked towards small building that looked like a house just a lot bigger and weirder. When we got in the building we went to the left side which was a long hall. Then we got in the one of the first doors, there was a whole room filled with kids, then they told me they are going to comeback latter for me. At first I didn’t know what to do so I just walked around the room for about 5 minutes, when I got tired of walking I found a toy car and then played with it for a really long time. Then the teacher told us I was lunch time. The old lady who was probably a lunch lady came in the class and handed out the whole class a plate with food in it, she also gave us plastic spoons to eat the food with them, the she left and the whole class started eating, I only took a few bitted of the food and left it like that. Then I got off the table and found the same car I played with before the lunch, so I just stared playing with it again and this time I played even longer with it. Then I tried to join other kids who played together but I was too scared and shy, so I continued to play with the same car. After 5 minutes my mom came to pick me up and take me home. After a long walk back to home we finally got home. When we got home I told her I didn’t wanted to go back there. Then she told me that I was supposed to play with other kids and make them my friends. And that is how I made some of my first friends, I still make them now. And that was my first experience in preschool.

Journal Entry #2

Once when my grandpa was about 20 years old, he got sent to the Northwest part of China because of his job. He lived in a village, but there was an important meeting in another village. There was quite a distance between the two villages, and there weren’t any cars or bikes. So he had to walk back and forth.

The meeting took a very long time, and when he was about to go back to his house, it was around midnight. Between the two villages there weren’t any houses or anything, there were only tall trees and mountains and hills. There wasn’t much light because there weren’t any street lights like there is now. The only light to guide him was the moon light.

As he walked he saw two green eyes staring and him. When he saw them, he knew that they were the eyes of a wolf. My grandpa didn’t have any weapons, but he did have a sickle. He held on tight to his sickle, and he picked up a rock. The wolf and my grandpa walked face to face. The animals made noises, and the wind howled. They walked looking at each other. The wolf looked at my grandpa’s sickle, and when the moon shone on it, it looked like it was blood red. After that the wolf backed off and walked away. Luckily the wolf didn’t attack him!

journal entry #3

A game that I used to play was ‘monster fight’.

We build a little house with snow and the one person gets to be a monster.

Then he grab a stick and start to break the house.

And the people in the house start to protect the house.

The way they protect is when he start to break, then we start to build again and again until the monster comes in.

But monster loses when we protect our house for 5 minutes we won. Whoever wins we gave them a 2 chocolate each.

It was a fun game.

Family Story

A family story I have is when I was a baby my mom sent me to China because she had to study, so my offered aunt to take care of me. Then my mom would tell me that when my cousin saw me he thought I was really cute so he was going to touch my cheeks, but that time my teeth were just growing so when he stuck his hands out I bit him. This happened to all of my family members when they were carrying me, feeding me, or try to touch my cheeks. Then when my cousin couldn’t take it anymore he was pretending to hit me, but then my aunt had an idea she said “every time Andy bites you mark it down and every mark equals ten dollars. During the years my mom where studying I bit everything within my reach like curtains, phones, and people. When my mom came back to take me back to Canada I didn’t want to go. So during my mom’s stay my cousin told her that she owed him around ten thousand dollars, but my cousin knew that wasn’t going to happen so he just said that as a joke. Every time she told me that story she would say “look what a loving family you have” she would also ask what the lesson was. The first time I had no idea, but now I know the lesson its treat someone the way you want to be treated.

journal entry #2

I like music. My primary intelligence is musical and especially I like playing drum.

Mom said when I was 10 months, I played drum. I hitted with chopsticks on the table in every meal time and then my father bought kids drum for me but then after braked because as many hitting

After that I made drum with pairs of books for hitting. Finally when I was 7 years old, my father bought electronic drum because it was too noisy and I really love playing drum. I still love playing drum.

Mom said that her mother liked playing drum, she practiced by hitting her pillow. And she worked as a DJ at classical café. So she knows about all classic music and opera. Also my mom’s dream was to be pianist. I think that I ingerited musical the talent from the mother and grandmother.





Journal Entry 2

A family story is when I was a little kid I was with my dad at the mall I was crying for no reason and my dad try to calm me down but I could not understand him so the security thought that my dad was a stranger, so we called my mom to come to the mall, then mom came. Then she told the security that the stranger actually my dad.

Journal Entry 3

Jail breaker is a game i made how to play is there is one guard, two officers and the others are in jail. The people in jail have to try to get out and try get to a tree, something or the end to win. The guard has to block the people in the jail. The officers has to stope the people in jail from geting to the end. For the officers and guard to win is to keep the people in jail a 1 min. The rules are no kicking, hitting or hurting anybody and no cheating, you are are allowed to sneak pass by guard and officers.

Blog Post #7 New Year’s Resolution


My New Year`s Resolution is to eat more veggies and fruit and less unhealthy food. For now it`s going good I`ve been eating a lot more healthy stuff than unhealthy stuff. I also skipped dinners for 1 week. I got a bit skinnier since I Started eating more veggies and fruit and less unhealthy food. I want to get fit until the end of the summer because that`s when the soccer season starts and that way I will find a team a lot easier. That was my New Year`s Resolution and I Hope you enjoyed it.

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