Category: Writers (Page 30 of 65)

journal entry #5

My favourite place is home because I can relax while watching TV and I can help my mom a  little bit with house chores. I can play with my cousin, I can watch my mom cook, I can do art and crafts, and I can read and study. Also I can talk with my relatives back home on the iPad, and I can practice my guitar.

My other favourite place is the beach because you can go shell hunting and build sand castles. Its calm, you can eat a ice cream, and you can swim. There are lots of things you can do there in beach.

Journal Entry #5

My favourite place is arenas because you can watch your favourite athletes play your favourite sport. There are also really cool entrances for the athletes, they usually do their celebration when they enter and when that happens the crowd goes wild. A celebration I remember is Lebron James’s celebration where he blows into his hand and then throws baby powder or confetti into the air. You also might be able to see the best trick or the worst fail ever, like once when someone chucked a ball from in-bond and scored a full court shot, but it didn’t count because your not allowed to score from full court. Also it’s just cool to see your idol in person. It’s also a memory you will never forget

journal entry#5 repost

One of my favourite places to go is extreme air park and water mania.  Extreme Air Park is my Favourite place because there is trampolines everywhere! And when and when you jump it makes you feel like you’re flying and it makes you giggle. What I really like about Extreme

Air Park is that you can dunk in the basketball hoop and that feels so good to dunk because you will never be able to dunk unless you’re very good at basketball.  Extreme Air Park is also a good place to make birthday parties because there is a dodgeball gym and you can make team’s dodgeball and there is loud music to make you feel pumped up. After dodgeball you can go to a track that a huge line of trampolines and there’s a camera to record who will win the race and in the best part of the race is that you fall into a foam pit and you have to get out of it and race back to the start then you can see who won in the camera and this is why it is my favourite place.  Water mania is also my favourite places because there slides are super-fast and when land on the slide you inside warm hot water and feels so good you’re going to want to do it again and again but that’s not it right beside the cooling looking water slide there is a pool that has big waves that pushes back because it force is strong also there are 3 diving boards 1 is low 2 medium 3 is high up. What I like most about extreme air park and water mania is there both really fun and also there right next to each other!! And this is why I like extreme air park and water mania!!





By: Azad



My favorite place

My favorite place

My favorite play to be is top on the top of the mountains were this is snow, I like being on snowy mountains because I can snow bored. Snowboarding is my favorite sport to do, you can do a lot of cool tricks and other stuff with a snow bored. It is cool going so fast down what looks like a bunch of cloud’s because it’s so white, my favorite mountain to be at is cypress mountain they have a starters hill and a professional hill were it is really steep, I have not been on the professional hill yet but hopefully someday I’ll get there. I also have another mountain I like to go to, the mountain is called Gross Mountain. This mountain is not bad for beginners, it has a really easy hill for the people who are new to snowboarding, there is also a good hill for medium people and am not too sure they have a professional hill although they do have a skating ring for people who like to skate and am pretty sure they have some place for tubing. They have a big chair lift to the top that takes about 4-5 minutes to get to the top. These are my favorite places to be.

Journal Entry #5 (Repost) My Favourite Place

My favourite place is in Richmond and the place is soccer fields and here is why it is my favourite place. It is my favourite place because there is a lot of fields to play on, there are bigger (real) soccer fields and goals and the smaller ones for kids my age or 1, 2 years older. I prefer playing there because if there is one soccer field that is occupied there is more to play on who are not occupied. There are even nets and walls there to keep the ball from going. Sometimes there are soccer match between two real teams, sometimes those are even girls’ soccer teams. There is no mud, it is artificial turf which you won’t get dirty in if you fall. Plus it is not slippery because of artificial turf.

There are a lot of fans there, there are stands for biggest pitch (for grown girls) who mostly play on there, sometimes there are boys’ soccer teams but they are mostly girls’ soccer teams. Fans don’t make it loud or unveil any banners about how their team will win, they are always watching and enjoying the beautiful game.

It doesn’t have any smells there, only sometimes you can smell food like hot dogs or other fast food when there a big tournaments.

There are even refs and off sides there so it’s really entertaining.

When I go there, me and my dad play there and sometimes my sister comes with us. My mom doesn’t come, my mom goes to the mall that is really close. My dad is most of the time goalie and I’m shooting on him or I’m playing 1v1 with my sister, we switch sides when someone wins so there everyone verses each other, when we are near the end I become goalie because then my dad gets tired and can’t jump anymore so he shoots on me in last 10 minutes.

After we finish with the soccer we go to the mall to eat. Then we meet with my mom and sister, (who is mostly there) and then we eat something there.

And after we finish all of that stuff we all go home.

I hope you enjoyed reading this, and I hope you have a very nice day.

My Name is Andy (Journal Entry #4)

My name is Andy I was born in 2005 June 3rd. I live on Maywood Street. I have a mom, two aunts, four uncles and a lot of cousins. I am from Canada, but my entire family is from China. I usually only visit them every second year for around a month. Every time I visit my mom and I try to see everyone, usually it’s not that hard because one of my uncles run a hotel so everybody goes there when we visit. When we go to the hotel it’s always empty because of how much room my entire family needs. At the hotel every meal is like a feast, but we only get to visit once every two years so it’s like a special occasion when we visit. Also every time I visit they give me a lot of money, but sometimes it makes me feel guilty and spoiled.

I was around three when I got to Canada, at first I didn’t want to leave my family and that was only because my aunts, uncles, and cousins were all I ever knew. That’s only because my mom sent me there when I was a couple months old. Now I’m really glad that my mom sent me to China and brought me back because now I know both cultures. I like Canada now because there is nice people, but from time to time there is always someone who hates you for your culture. At the beginning of the insulting your culture it really offended me, but I’ve learned that just because someone said something it doesn’t mean it’s the truth.

Now I feel like our community becoming a more dangerous and mean place. So now wherever you go they’ll be someone insulting you or someone that you know is a bad person. I think the reason for this is because too much people influencing other people to become a bad person.

Journal Entry #3

Me and my friend Isabelle used  to play ‘’throw your little brother’’. We got a blanket and we held both sides of it. We would make her little brother David go on it. Then we would swing her little brother on the was a really fun game until caught got caught by her parents. It was also really fun for David, he was laughing like crazy when we stopped the game.

We also tried to go on the couch and throw her little brother off was safe because her house had carpeting.

When we got caught by her parents we both got grounded for a month. David was also grounded for a week because he was laughing. We tried to play the game in her bedroom, we didn’t get caught this time but we decided to stop. After we just sat down on the couch and watched a little bit of TV.

Journal Entry #2 Family Stories

Once when I was little, I was bitten by mosquitoes. I ran into my mom and scrap my face to hers because it was so itchy. I scrap until it’s not itchy anymore, I hopped down and ran away. My mom said I was so lazy because I can just scratch it by using my hands.
Once my mom sees me eating a medicine. That time my grandpa is sick very badly and my family put his medicine where they put all the medicine. My mom told me to spit it out because if I ate the wrong medicine I’ll be in danger. But I just stare at her. Then she opened my mouth and checked the medicine. It’s safe, sweet and it will help my stomach working, so I like to use it.
When I was about 3 years old, my family and I went to a place that is kind of like a hotel. There were pear trees but the pears are still young and green, so we couldn’t eat it yet. There are also rooms that we can play cards. When it’s about 6’o clock, we put our dinner on a wood table which is outside. We don’t have any chairs because beside us, there was a family who comes just before us about 25 min. and they each get 2 chairs (they each sit on one and put their bags on one chair). My mom went to ask if we can use the chairs, but they said someone else is going to arrive here in 5 min. Then we waited and waited, when about 15 min. passed, no one comes. I ran over and say to them “please take your bags away”, they saw that I was a little child, so they didn’t refuse. They put their bags on their laps. Then I moved the chairs one by one to our table by myself, then we had a great dinner.


Journal entry #2 A family story

My grandma only told me this story once, but I remember every single part of the story. For me, it’s a family story.

“When I was young” she start the story “I live in a farm. My family was kind of poor, but it’s a very happy family. Until one day, I got sick” She said “My family thought I was going to die, so that night, my father sat beside my bed” “is he trying to be with you for the last moment?” I cut into the story, stopping grandma “no” my grandma said “ that time, people believe that people cannot die on the bed, so when I am dying, my father can bring me down . We heard a sound, it was from a pig in the back yard, a wolf was stealing a pig in the farm. “She won’t die now” my father said. “Why?” I said, stopping grandma from saying the story. “Because at that tme, people believe that you can tray life with life. One life will die that night” my grandma said “and it was supposed to be me, but the wolf came and the pig die.” My grandma said “Maybe life tray life is really true sometimes” “oh”  I don’t really think that life tray life tray life is true, but after that, I remember every single part of the story, like if it was printed in my heart.

Journal Entry #2

Last year before Christmas, I planned to give my little brother’s old shoes for Christmas. My brother’s old shoes was when he was five or six years old that time. When I started my plan, I put his old shoes in a Nike box. So it makes it more convincing that I gave my little brother brand new shoes for Christmas. After that, I wrapped the present with Christmas wrapping. The problem was that I didn’t know how to wrap presents and it took long enough to do it. When I was done I put my little brother’s present under our Christmas tree. And I heard my little brother talking to my mom that he was going to give me something on Christmas. I started getting curious about what he was going to give me. So I started asking him questions, but he said it was a secret. A few days later it was Christmas! I was very excited what my brother was going to react  to my  Christmas present for him. I was also excited about what my brother was going to give me on Christmas too. When it was time to open our presents, I immediately gave my present to my little brother. My brother looked excited about the present that I gave to him. It was hard trying to not to laugh but I couldn’t hold my laugh in. When my brother unwrapped the present, he started jumping everywhere like a kangaroo and he also hugged me. Then he opened the box and he realized that it wasn’t it that he think it was. I started laughing really hard and my brother’s reaction was priceless! After everything, it was my turn to open my little brother’s present to me. I unwrapped his present and inside his present was a bag of popcorn and cup noodles. And my little brother laughed so hard as well. It was unexpected that my brother and I gave each other unnecessary things on Christmas. And this is my family story about me and my little brother.

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