Category: Writers (Page 26 of 65)

The best thing that happened in term #2

The thing that I liked best in term two was when we went snow shoeing. It was really fun because that was the first time I had ever seen that much snow in my life and it was also the first time I’ve ever gone snow shoeing. Its best part was when we stopped and played in the snow. But it could have been better if we had a snow fight.

I also liked the basketball games we’ve had in the gym and outside, I’ve improved my passing, handling and shooting skills, and something very important: sportsmanship.





I hope we get to do more awesome and challenging things in term #3


journal entry#6 the best thing that happened in term 2

The best thing that happened in term 2 is I get a better score in my math test and that is my best thing that happened, and I will do my best in other subject too and when I was grade four I wish that no math but now I love math, and I learn more English, and I learn more games in DPA we play capture the flag, baseball, cricket, Octopus and Cops and Robbers. And those are the best thing that happened in term 2.

Journal Entry #6 Best thing that happened in Term 2

The best thing that happened in term 2 was I got to learn more about science like body parts, planets, space. Another thing that happened in term 2 were lit circles I really like it because we got to read books and make questions for your group. I also like PE we got to play basketball and learn how to play it. And art I like it because we did colour wheel because we got to paint and also another thing we got to do is more LA and more writing and more English. Another thing that happened in term 2 were DPA we got to play lost of games like capture the flag, baseball, cricket, octopus and cops and robbers. And those are the best things that happened in term 2.

My name is ( Journal entry #4 )

I have a small and normal family. It’s okay for my family to have one mom, one dad, and one brother. Every Monday my dad drops me off at south slope for basketball practice, and it’s okay for my dad to watch me play basketball at Burnaby south. It’s okay for my family to pray before eating diner, and also thank the lord for the food he has given us. We also don’t start eating until everyone is seated. My family usually eats Philipino food such as Sizzling tofu and cinigang. My favourite philipino food is Chicken adobo, and my favourite philipino desert is Halo-Halo. MY family always goes to mass at St. marry every Sunday.

the best thing in term #2

The best that happened to me in term 2 I have basketball to train me and I have much fun train to hit the nest and I have some difficulty to play because I not tall to throw and to take the ball and I never see snow before because I come from I hot country and a build a snow man and why you can throw snowballL. Because I never have hold I snowball before but I don t have gloves I my hands freeze and I think term 3 is goanna be for fun!!!


By: Luiggi march 9





A family story

My family story is that when I was 6 I saw a ghost! I had gone over to my aunt’s house with my mom for a visit, it was during Christmas vacation so we were decorating the tree. I was bored just watching my tablet so I decided to play with this ferris wheel with all the characters of Winnie the Pooh on it. I was just watching it go round and round, then looked at the hallway, then I saw the ghost in front of me! Creepy

journal entry #6

In winter break my friend and I  went to the Harrison hot springs. We stayed there for two days. We relaxed in the pools for hours. I was in a robe and I just sat on one of the big chairs. It was the best day of my life. We raced and jumped in the pools. One of the hot springs were burning we only stayed in that one for five minutes.  After we went to have dinner, it was really tasty. I ordered spaghetti. The put really yummy sauce in the food.  I ordered a piece of cinnamon cheesecake. There was chocolate in it. It tasted like heaven. Then when it was seven and we finished dinner, we went to the hot springs again. We stayed to ten. After we all took turns having a shower. We watched a little TV and went to bed. The next morning I had the best breakfast ever. It was kind of like a buffet. They had bacon, cereal, eggs, and lots of other treats.  My favourite were the cookies. After we just wandered around town and went home. She also came to my house to hang out for a bit. We had a really fun time.

Journal entry 4

It’s okay for my family to de different because I have a mom, dad, step mom and 3 sisters. We live in an apartment with our dog, Fluffy and he is very friendly. Sometimes we go outside to play in the park and get slurpies on a hot day. We like to eat soup, meat, macaroni n’ cheese. We also like Chinese food. We go to Play land with our cousins and friends. My family believes in god and destiny. We also believe in ourselves.

My dad is from Serbia and he used to live on a farm. He helped his dad do chores and he played with his friends.  They played a game called Kick the Can and he said it was fun.

When I was a baby my dad put a big watermelon in front of me and I made a surprised face and looked hungry. When my sister was young she got electrocuted and her hair went straight up. It was very funny.

At my dad’s place we have a dog and I have a computer, 3ds, TV, tablet, I pad and a ps3 we also live in Brent ­wood. At my mom’s house I have a sister, a basement and an up stars.

It’s ok to be different because everybody like to do different thing and have a different life. When you grow up and when someone tells you that you are different, it is ok to be different because you like doing different things and it is just how you are.



The game shake off

The game shake off

My friend made a game called shake off, you play the game by balancing on something and push the other person off. Capture the flag shake off is the same thing as shake off and capture the flag but you have to touch the other person’s edge of the cores, and hold it for 6 seconds to win and the game was fun.

Places (journal entry#5)

I love to go to water mania, Bonsor and Edmonds Community Centre. I love these places because it’s cheap and there are a lot of activities to do. But my most favourite place i love to go to is Extreme air park. I love extreme air park because there are trampoline’s you can jump on, and Extreme air park also because you can jump off into foam pit. You can also do flips when you jump off and into the foam pit. Extreme air park also has a dodgeball where you can jump around and throw dodge balls to other people. Thats why i love extreme air park.

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