Category: Writers (Page 22 of 65)

journal entry #7

In term three I want to focus on my future. When I grow up I want to be a movie star. I know someone who is an extra. She told me how to get sighed by a talent agency. She said once you become an extra, you can learn about the set and the crew. The director can get you an audition if you want a line in the movie. For kids each time you shoot is four to eight hours long. If you’re an adult your work for four to twelve hours each time. You email the talent agency and you take a picture of yourself on your left, right and front. You also have to say you name, age, why you want to do the job, and who inspired you.

This term I want to choose a talent agency online and email an agent. I can only shoot on weekends and pro-d days. Geo, a leader from kids out of the rain, she was the one that told me about the extra job. She has worked as an extra for three years. She got to meet lots of famous people, her first movie she worked in was Decadents. She even made a YouTube video with someone famous.

If I can be an extra, I can take steps and become a movie star!

My goal for term 3

My goal for term 3 is to make my C+ into a B and turning my B to A like Gym and starting to ignore the people teasing me. I’m also trying to do my best in all my grades (especially socials); I like to do a lot of things in school but setting goals is the most important right now because I need to reach it like a video game and you’re on the final level and your trying to finish it. Even if I’m lazy I’m serious about learning (mostly because I have homework that is at least 2 hours).

I finish my homework at 7 pm because I start at 5 (sometimes) because I don’t like sleeping late only on weekends. But I want to really bump my grades up because it needs improvement and I need more friends.

Blog Post #6

the best thing that happened in term 2 is when I went to Cypress Mountain. Cypress Mountain is one of my favourite places to go to. In Cypress Mountain there is a lot of people and it is very crowded, and in Cypress Mountain there is a lot of snow and also so much fun.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Cypress Mountain is really fun because you can go sledding and snow tubing. And in Cypress you are free to do anything you want. It’s better to go to Cypress Mountain when it is winter time because there will be more snow. And it will be not a good time to go to Cypress Mountain in the summer because it might not have that many snow. In Cypress Mountain, I am looking forward to come back there soon.

Blog #7

My goal for term 3 is to improve my math by 10%. Math is very important to me this term. I really want to improve it and improve it into an A+.                                                                                                                                            I want to be perfect at math. What I have planned this term is to do my homework and tests wisely. Because that’s where you get your marks from. And I need to improve my problem solving skills because this skill helps you be better in math. And by the end of the term hopefully my goal has been succeeded.

blog #8

I would tell a new comer about how dose this school works.

First I would tell a new comer about S.T.A.R learner because star is representing our school. And I would tell about the place I like to go. Especially Silver Park, Metro Town, and Bonsor. And if it’s a boy then I’ll tell him about soccer game that we play in the field. And I’ll let him join.

And I’ll tell him about my house and tell him to be a friend.


What would I tell a new comer about our community ( Blog #8)

I would tell the new comer that Maywood is a big community and there are many fun places to go like Metrotown, Central park, Silver Park, etc…

I would tell the new comer to go to Silver Park because there are swings trees people to play with and woodchip parks, so you can play on your free time and not just stay home and play videogames.

Another place I would recommend is Metrotown because there are a lot of stores to look at, like games stores, toy stores, clothe stores food stores and there is even a cinema where you can watch movies that you like.

And I would most importantly recommend the new comer to go to Central Park because you can swim in there, you can go and play with your friends, you can walk, there is even a huuuge lake with a lot of ducks and you can feed them if you want to.

To summarize, Maywood is a really good place to live in and explore.


Blog #8

I would tell him/her to go to Silver park because, I like to play there and probably he/she will to. I would also tell him/her to go to Central park so, he/she can walk and bike or even play tennis when they grow up. He can do exercises there and play at the playground. I would tell them about the mall they can get almost everything there and it’s the second biggest mall in Canada. They can get shoes, toys, food , and sports equipment. They can also go to the youth center on Tuesdays and Thursdays then he/she can go to Bonsor park to go swimming, soccer, hockey, and ping-pong.

I love all these places and I hope the newcomer will like it to.

Blog #8

If there was a new comer I would make them feel welcome and I would show him (or her) around the school.
I would show him (or her) where my favourite place is.
To make him (or her) feel a part of the community I would bring him (or her) to the community room.
There`s also other place where most kids are (Which is like a community) is the playground and field.

Blog post #8 What would i tell the newcomer

The first thing that I would say to newcomer is “Welcome to Maywood” then I would show them around a little bit and then I would introduce them to my friends. I would also show them some rules like, no running in the hallway, not being loud in the hallway, and etc. Then I would help them to get the idea of what we are supposed to do here and introduce them to the S.T.A.R. rule and will, get them to know what we are learning and the way we are learning it. Then at recess I will ask him/her what they like to play and I will try playing it or I will introduce them to the group that likes to play that thing. After that when we head back to the class I will help them understand what we are doing and show them the way we are learning it and help him to do some work. Then later when we do P.E. or D.P.A. I would teach him some of our games and the way we are playing them. I would also show him some forms to bring like hot lunch envelope or some field trip forms. I would tell him to always be prepared like to have a pencil and an eraser and do to his homework and planners in the same time. And the last thing that I would show him is library and that he has to have a planner to sign books out and to always bring them on library days and to return them in time, and I would tell him which books are good and which books he should read.

That’s what I would show to the newcomer.

Blog #8

If a new comer came to this community and I had to show him around I would first tell him about the community like what type of things we have here such as food, nature, and places. After I would first take him to Bonsor to see what he likes, because then I can take him to places that he might want to go to. If he likes Basketball I can take him to Maywood from time to time to play basketball, I could also get him a basketball registration form for Eagles. I could take him to his practices and games. If he likes soccer I can take him to a park to play soccer. Or I could take him to Bonsor to get him in a soccer team. He can get some new friends and I can introduce him to my friends. Now he can have friends to play with he has things to do so now he’s a part of the community.

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