Category: Writers (Page 20 of 65)

Blog #6

The best thing that happened to me in term 2 is that when the class got to watch “Star Wars the force awakens” in Silver city. It was he best experience of my life. Everyone got popcorn and a drink. The movie was really thrilling. The plot twists were really unexpected just like when Han Solo was killed by Kylo Ren/Han Solo’s son. When Han Solo died i could see that my friends were really shocked by just looking at their face. “Star Wars The Force Awakens” was the best movie i have ever seen, plus i got to watch it with my friends.

Blog #10

If I had 3 minutes to evacuate, the special items I would bring are my iPad, my basketball, food and water. The reason I would bring my iPad because it is one of my favorite things to use. In the iPad you have a lot of things that you can do and  feel free to do anything. And I don’t get bored when I use my iPad, so that’s why I would bring it with me. Next I would bring my basketball because basketball is my favorite sport. I could just play with my basketball anytime when I need to. Next I would bring food and water because everyone needs these two things to survive. I would bring food and water so I don’t have to be hungry or thirsty. These are the specials items that I would bring when I have to evacuate.

Blog #9 If I Could Be In A New Community Where Would It Be?

If I can live in any other place or new community I would live in Hawaii because Hawaii is a very beautiful and I could always have something to do. Like for an example I could go to the beach for the whole day doing different things. Like collecting shells, swimming and tanning. Another reason is that Hawaii has music every corner and the music every corner sounds very catchy and the music sounds very tropical so it goes very well with the island. And lastly the food in Hawaii is very delicious the food is very tropical and the food has the right amount of spices and the food has lots of flavor that gives the last punch of amazement to finish every thing off. So that is why I would want to live in Hawaii!

Blog #7

I have a lot of goals for term 3, but the most important goal for term 3 is getting better at writing paragraphs and letters. Writing is very challenging for me, I always had a bad grade for language arts. I’ve been trying to read books, but i always get distracted with my electronics and my friends. Getting better in math was really also my goal for term 3. I always had trouble with numbers. I want to get better in math so i can solve problems in the future. Math and Language art are really important. Thos are my goals for term 3.


If I had 3 minutes to pack and evacuate, the special items I would

bring my necklace that my Grandparents gave me before I came here

to Canada and when I wear it I always remember them and I always feel

love when I wear it, a family and friends picture because I would like to have

a remembrance of them and so I can remember them what they do when I have

a problem, lastly my passport because it is very important to me so I can travel the world

with my family and friends. Those are the three items that I will pack with me.

Blog #8 What I would tell a new comer

I would tell him/her to be nice to others, then others will be nice to you. Talk instead of fight. Try to do your best. Try to be an S.T.A.R. Do the homework. Ask teacher if don’t understand. Help others. Try do to the best on English if he/she doesn’t speak English. Step by a step. If she/he spoke Chinese, then it’s a little easy to learn English. Some English words translated to Chines and they sound similar. Try to make some friends even maybe he/she won’t stay here long. More friends means more happiness.

I would let him/her go to Central Park for walking around and visit nature. If he/she comes from China, then they will have a completely feeling. Some places in China had been polluted very badly. Bonser Recreation Complex for playing in the playground or field, and he/she could go  into the building to do some programs like swimming , hip hop, badminton, basketball dancing or singing and many programs. I would tell him/her to go to the Mall. They sell some rings, sandals, clothes, watches, pets and snacks on the 1st floor. There are lots of food in the 2nd floor (Food Court). On the 3rd floor, there are clothes department like Old Navy, Winners and Gap. Also movie theaters. They play popular movies like Star Wars or Zootopia. I would let him/her to go to Maywood, and let him/her to feel what’s like in another country. If he/she comes from China, he/she will clearly feel the difference. The schools in Canada are a lot better than China’s (for me). It’s because that schools in Canada always have field trips and have programs. In China, we barely have field trips or exercises. We never have programs in school. We wake up at 6:00 a.m. and sleep when 10:00 p.m. (Because of homework) and many tests. I would let him/her to walk around more, for that Canada’s environment is really good. He/she can join programs like kids out of rain or Track in Field.


A new community to live

If I were at a new community to live I would live in Italy, because I want to learn how to speak Italian language. And they have flowers in the windows they made for you, and their beach is always relaxing, it’s also when the Italian alps come to life with beautiful blue skies and a good amount of snow that draws throngs of skiers, simple living and the emphasis on things that truly matter go a long way in promoting a sense of happiness and well-being.


If there is a new comer in school, I will show them where I show them other room like gym, music room, I will help her/him to be active and not to be shy and I will ask her/him if she/he wants to play or she/he can tell me what fun games that she/he know.

If there is a new comer in this community where going to central park and feed some squirrel and run, play in playground have some fun, some more you can do in central park.

blog #9

If I could live in any other community I would live in L.A. California. I would live there because L.A. has lots of film studios, Disneyland, luxurious hotels, and Universal Studios Hollywood.

I would live near a film studio because L.A. is known for being the capital of television industry and its film studios. It would be cool to live near a film studio because you can go to behind the scenes and get backstage passes. The film studios are also cool because there are usually celebrities passing by.

I would want to live near Disneyland because you can go whenever you want and you don’t have to live in Disneyland Resort. The bad thing is that if you live too close, there are lots of sounds.

I would live in L.A. because they have lots of 5-star hotels (like The Ritz-Carlton or Hotel Bel-Air). When you live in one of those hotels it is usually about $400 a night. Five-star hotels always have pools and places you can entertain yourself.

I would live near Universal Studios Hollywood because it’s a theme park based on Universal Studio’s movies. It is kind of like Disneyland except it doesn’t have as many rides, but its still nice because its like your living the movie.

L.A. is a great place to live. The sun is always shining (unlike Vancouver) and there is a beautiful beach. I will move to L.A. when I’m older.


Blog post #6

Blog post #6

My favorite thing that happened this term was when me and my class went snow shoeing at Seymour Mountain. It was so fun except for the fact that I forgot all about it and came in joggers and Jordan’s. So I did not have the gear to go out in the snow, after we got there we put are snow shoes on and we started walking beside a snow bored and skiing hill. We walked on a path that was pretty long, when I tried to sit down in a place I just sunk in because the snow was so soft it couldn’t hold my weight. When we finally got to the “Frozen lake” we sat down beside it, we were supposed to be allowed on the frozen lake but it wasn’t all froze and we did not want to fall in that could water. But all in all it was one of the best field tips I’ve been on so yeah.

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