Category: Writers (Page 17 of 65)

Blog post 11

These are the things I think I have achieved this term. I think I did well in the community map and my writing. The reason I think my writing got better was because the teacher told me. I think I got faster at typing and a bit better at grammar. I also think I did well in social study’s because I handed in most of my work still working on handing in the rest thou. I don’t really think I got any better in math but oh well. Another thing I think I improved in was baseball I really like the sport. I think I got better in my reading and LA, I am really happy I achieved a goal to get better at reading and out of ELL.


One thing I am proud of in term#3 is how my writing skills improved between the second and the last term. I can finally choose the right words for my paragraph and best of all, I can place my paragraphs correctly and something that used to be a challenge (conclusion) is not much of a challenge anymore.
Another thing I am proud of is how I can take useful notes in science because in term#1 I used to take no notes at all.
The thing I am most proud of is how I improved in baseball and how I started liking baseball because on term#1 I hated it and I was really bad at it but now, in term#3 I started liking the sport and started to get good at it too.
I feel like I have improved a lot comparing to what I was.

Blog #11 The thing that I’m most proud of in term #3

The thing that I’m most proud of in term three is that I’m starting to get a little better at math, By that I mean that I’m starting to understand what the teacher wants from us, I’m understanding the concepts of what we’re doing like for inequalities, algebra, and ratios because I’m starting to understand what the teacher is saying and I can finally keep up with the class. I’m proud because before I would never understand what the teacher was saying, so I would always have to ask a friend what the teacher meant and it took a lot of time. So now I get more time to do homework during class which makes math a lot easier and if I do need to ask I can do the work with my friends.

Wild Fire

Wild Fire

If I had three minutes to evacuate I would bring Food water my pet and cloths. Now I will tell you why I would bring these items. I would bring food because while I am walking to a oil sand camp and I got Hungary I would have something to eat. Obviously I would need water because I don’t want to get dehydrated on my way. Now these is no doubt I would bring my pet, the one and only Charlie. I would bring two more sets of cloths in a backpack because if my cloths catch on fire I would need to change.

blog #9

If I could live somewhere in the world, it would be San Diego, CA, United States.

I would live there because it is full of fun places like SeaWorld, San Diego zoo, San Diego zoo safari park, and balboa park. I wouldn’t live really close to the fun places because that would be noisy and crowded every day.

Another reason why I would live there is because of the weather, it won’t rain as much as it does in Vancouver. That’s good because sometimes I want t play outside, but it rains, so everything is wet, and then I can’t play. I want good weather no matter where I live. Rain is good, but when there is too much bad weather you get bored of it, and its not fun to stay inside all day. If I lived in San Diego, I would visit all the fun places 10 times a year or maybe even more! Basically, I would live anywhere that has sunshine and very little bad weather!



Blog # 8

If a newcomer came to our community I would make him/her feel welcome and i will introduce him/her to my friends. Burnaby has a lot of cool places, thats why if there is a newcomer i would tell the him/her to go to Metrotown Mall and Burnaby Public Library. Metrotown Mall has a lot of stores like Footlocker, Champs, and also Home Sense, all these stores are great and affordable. Central park is also really good to visit because its free and there are a lot of activities family’s can do. If the newcomer likes basketball i would show him basketball sport leagues such as Burnaby Eagles, Dream Hoops, and RBL. I could already relate to this because I showed my good friend James these wonderful things in our community.


My goals in term 3 are get better at math, and science. I want to get better at my math because when I grow up I will become an adult and I have to do lots of math so I want to get better at it. I also want to get better at my science because I want to be a doctor or a nurse so I have to study really hard for science to be a doctor or a nurse. And those are some goal I want to improved in term 3.


If I were to lived in another community I would choose Australia. I pick Australia because they have   beautiful beaches, a large group of wildlife and many popular tourist attractions.  The people are friendly, the animals are sweet, and the crime rate is low.Australia has rich in minerals, and a good government. We have many races and backgrounds in Australia, including Native Aboriginals, Europeans, Asians and Americans. We don’t have wars, and our states get along. We have an impressive health system, and our education is top priority. We have a wide range of sports for children to get involved in, and many jobs for our adults and graduating students. And those are some reason why I would pick Australia for my new community.

Blog #8

What would I tell a new comer is say welcome to this school my name is Azad what’s your name.  i would also play soccer or basketball with him to have fun together  also he can meet new people while we play together.

I would invite him to my house to let him play some of the games that he never had. I would take him out to fun places like the arcade or laser tag. I would always be with him to make him not feel lonely and sad because that makes him feel like no one likes him.  I would go out with him with my friends a lot so he can learn

English while me and friends walk and talk and he can listen to what we’re saying

Which will help learn faster English.  I would help on his homework a lot but I won’t tell him answers I will just explain what he has do or I will show him an example for one of things he’s working on.  I would also take him to school programs like youth center, track, or run and read. I would take him to loonie swim to Bonsor or Edmonds community center which really fun. If I had some clothes I didn’t need or some cups or dishes I would donate to him to use it because he will need and he will appreciate what I did to him and he will know I am one of those really good friends to hang out with I would do some cool challenges with him like try not laugh or grin.

And that’s what I would do with a new comer

Blog Post #11 Repost The things I’m proud of in Term 3

There are a few things that I really wanted to improve in Term 3 and here are some that I did. First of all I wanted to get in better shape and I did it by exercising more and I also started training soccer and I have 2 practices a week. Then the second thing that I wanted to improve are my grades. I want to have 4 A’s or more and no C’s or lower. Last Term I didn’t get any C’s or lower but I only got 3 A’s. And I was disappointed to see that. I improved my score on tests and homework and things like that by studying and reading more books in almost every second when I wasn’t busy. And those were the things that I was proud in Term 3.

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