Category: Uncategorized (Page 4 of 36)

We’re a NUT-FREE classroom!


Just a friendly reminder that Division 3 is a NUT-FREE classroom. We have several students who have serious nut allergies, as such I’m asking that families refrain from packing granola bars or other nutty foods in your child’s lunch.

Thanks so much for your understanding!

This month at Maywood

  • Thanksgiving. Monday, Oct. 11 was Thanksgiving. I hope you all enjoyed the extra day to spend with family and reflect on what you are grateful for!
  • Photo orders due in this Thursday. If you plan on purchasing a photo package of your child’s photo take, please complete the package sent home last week. We will be collecting these to submit to the the photo company tomorrow, Thur. Oct. 14th.
  • Next Monday is Take Me Outdoors! – an annual day to celebrate the great outdoors and the beautiful places we have access to. Expect to spend some time outdoors, rain or shine, next Monday, Oct 18th
  • Provincial-wide Professional Day, Friday, Oct. 22. No school for students. Teachers across BC will come together in collaboration and learning.
  • Maywood celebrates Halloween, Wednesday, Oct. 27th. This is a free, ticketed event. Please be sure to submit your ticket requests! Friday, Oct. 29th we will have a Halloween assembly. Students are invited to dress up!


Online Consent Forms

Dear families:

Maywood Community has moved to having all our Consent Forms completed online. As such, there is no form to go home for signatures but rather you are to complete the form ONLINE. An email has been sent to you explaining how to do this.

Please know, Division 3 cannot continue our Central Park “Forest Fridays” until all online forms have been completed. We were able to do our Forest Friday in September as students were still on last year consent timeline.

If you could please remember to complete your online consent forms as soon as possible, I would greatly appreciate it, as we would like to start planning our October Forest Friday. Please let me know if you need help with this!

BLOGfolios have begun!

Dear families

This week, Division 3 began our learning in Digital Citizenship and is now learning how to post to their BLOGfolios! This is so exciting, as many students have not done this before. This is a great way to share in your child’s learning. A letter is going home this week to explain what blogfolios are and how you can access these password protected learning spaces.

For information on accessing your child’s blog, I’m providing a link here so that you can read the new “how to” page for parents.

On my Language Arts page (here’s a quick link), students can remind themselves how to make a blog post, embed pictures and videos, and find other information. Burnaby School District’s Learning Technologies has also provided the following instructional information. Students can check the link on how to post.

Happy blogging!

Teams is now up and running!

Hello friends

Division 3 now has our Team set up in Office365. Students can now access the team and see homework posted there.  This will be posted into the Team’s GENERAL channel. Because I may not be consistent with this, students should continue to keep their own planners up to date with homework and assignments.

This is also an opportunity for students to ask each other questions related to homework and other assignments. Chatter on this site is to be focused solely on school related work and activities. This is another way students can reach out to me for help if they need it (though I don’t always check in the evenings, I do try to respond when I get a chance).

We’ve had a great Truth and Reconciliation week / Orange Shirt Day, capped by a lovely day in the forest. Please have a wonderful weekend!

Here’s a sample of one of the forest bouquets we made today! Each student made their own and I can’t wait to see what these will look like woven into our Maywood blanket!

Forest Fridays start this Friday!

I’m so excited to be able to begin our Forest Friday excursions to Central Park, starting this Friday, Oct 1.

Please dress for the weather! That means, if it’s rainy (or threatening to rain), please come with rubber boots or hikers, a rain coat and maybe rain pants if it’s really wet!

The weather can change and the sun could come out. Dress in layers! Bring a hat.

I always suggest bringing an extra pair of socks (or other clothes) on really wet days since we’ll be outside for a couple hours – rain or shine!

I have sent home a notice explaining more about Forest Fridays. Please read and sign so your child can return it tomorrow. I need this by Friday. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me.


Welcoming Conversations

Hi friends

This week is a busy one!

  • Just a reminder that your child has brought home a notice with your time and day for our 10 min conversation. If you are unsure of your time, check your child’s planner for this notice or call the school, we can help you out!
  • Thursday and Friday are early dismissal days for Maywood. Our division will be let out at 1:50pm each day.
  • This Friday, Sept 24 is the TERRY FOX run – students will be running with their class at Bonzor.  Students should dress for running activity!
  • Monday, Sept. 27th is a Pro-D day (no school for students)

Thursday, Sept. 30th is Truth and Reconciliation Day (no school). We will be spending time next week discussing our history with residential schools and the impact on Indigenous Peoples. We will be watching portions of a documentary on the Making of the Witness Blanket. Students will hear some survivor stories; this will be discussed with awareness and gentleness. However, if you or your family members have a history with residential schools, please let us know if you would not like to participate in this learning or you would like us to provide extra support during this time.


Home Reading

Hello parents and guardians!

Division 3’s HOME READING program has begun. Students are expected to have at least 20 minutes of undisrupted, quiet reading time at home. It is hoped that students ask a parent or older sibling to verify this time spent reading by initialing their READING LOG, which must come back to school and return home everyday. This program not only encourages reading and builds reading stamina, but it will also help students to develop their organizational skills. I truly appreciate your support!

This is on-going homework and should be written in their planners every day. I encourage you to review their planners daily for notices home and assigned homework. 🙂

Thank you so much!

Happy reading, friends!

Pick up and drop off at North Door


Just a friendly note that pick up and drop off for Division 3 is at 8:50 a.m. and 2:50 p.m. at the NORTH DOOR (by the staff parking lot).

This has become a very congested area, especially since we have both primary and intermediate classes coming through the same set of doors. At the end of the day, Primary parents are asked not to come too early as that is when our intermediates are being let out.

Because of this congestion, especially at the end of the day (and especially when it is raining), we are asking parents who are waiting for their child to please wait near the line-up area where your child lines up. These areas are marked by teacher name and division. For Division 3, students line up against the wall. If you are waiting for your child at the end of the day, please do no line up near the fence, but find a place instead near the grass perhaps, closer to where Division 3 lines up.

This is greatly appreciated by the Maywood teachers and other parents looking for their children. 🙂

Welcome to Division 3

Hello friends!

Welcome to Ms. Lanaway’s class (Division 3)! I’m so happy to have you joining us this year and look forward to the many new learning experiences and fun adventures we’re going to have together.

Today, a welcome letter to parents and guardians went home. On the back is my detailed school supply list. Please take a look, as it may be slightly different from the one given on the Maywood website. For example, zipper binders do NOT fit in our supply bins, so please buy the more simple 1.5″ binder. If you have already bought a zipper binder, it will have to be stored in your child’s bag which can be a pain!

I’ve also sent home  your child’s Reading Log. It is to be signed by a parent or guardian EVERY NIGHT to verify that the reading was done. Students should be reading a MINIMUM of 20 min per day of home reading.

Please look out for both these notices and be sure to encourage my home reading program, which is shared by some of the other intermediate teachers at Maywood.

I look forward to meeting you all. Feel free to get in touch (email best) if you have any questions or concerns!


Ms. Lanaway

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