Category: Uncategorized (Page 35 of 36)

All About Me

My name is Antoni Yusuf Nicyfor. I was born on the 26th of December, 2002, and I am 12 years old. I am 5’ 3”, weigh   lb, I have short, black hair, and my eyes are a greenish bluish color.

One of the things I like to do the most is read. I usually read fantasy or sci-fi novels, as I don’t really enjoy other kinds of books. Another thing I really like to do is play video games. Again usually play strategy, role-playing, and simulation games. The final thing I really enjoy doing is math. I like math simply because I enjoy solving problems where there is only on answer, and there’s a structured way to solve it.

The first thing I really hate doing is homework. I just find a lot of the time my homework is stuff I already know how to do, and sometimes it’s laughably easy and for me just seems like a waste of time. The next thing I hate doing is cleaning. I probably hate cleaning because I’m lazy and I don’t really mind things on the floor.

Really the only embarrassing experience I can remember is when I messed up some notes during band I my band teacher thought I was improvising. I just accepted that I had made a mistake and the class went on.

There were a few times when I’ve Been really angry. The first time was when I’d found out that my mom decided to put in French immersion only one or two weeks before school was going to start. After a week of being in French immersion my mom let me go back to regular class, and life went on. The only other time that I can remember is when throughout the week, one of my classmates kept telling everyone that id broken the class sharpener, when someone else did, and we were outside he yelled it for the whole school to hear and I ended up punching him in the face. In the end we were both in trouble

Who Am I©

My name is Xavier Chaudhary. I’m 13 years old, born April 29th, 2002 in Foothills Hospital, Calgary, Alberta. I weigh 90 pounds and my height is 5 ‘4. In the light, my hair is a very dark brown colour, but it can pass for black. The colour of my eyes are also brown.

Some things I love to do are play soccer, go on vacation, watch T.V., and hang out with friends. I love these thing because of many reasons. A couple reasons for soccer is because it`s fun and I like playing competitively. Also I’ve been playing for a long time and it`s what I look forward to during the summer. It`s what motivates me to be fit. It motivates me to work my stamina up so I can run longer.

I like doing a lot of things. What I hate to do is homework. And cleaning. On top of that, watching the Vancouver Canucks lose. As you may have guessed they’re my favourite hockey team, and I hate watching them fail. That leads me to one of my failures.

I’ve had many failures and one of them is soccer. Even though it’s my favourite sport, I still have had fail shots, passes, etc. I remember this one time, I was playing and the other team had a corner shot. The ball hit me in the knee and I tried directing it down the field. I moved too quickly and it went the wrong direction. In the net. My team said it was okay and that it sometimes happens, but because of me we lost that game. That was embarrassing to me because parents were watching.

Another moment I have to share is when I have been really angry. One of those moments was during soccer. I was playing defense for that game and it was two on one play. I moved forward to challenge the dribbler and the guy who didn’t have the ball got in my way and blocked me as if he was playing basketball. I got angry because he was thought he was the best player and he didn’t even know the rules. I reacted very quickly by kneeing him in the butt and the pushing him down. It was also funny after that because when I checked the other player, the guy who thought he was playing basketball got a yellow card. My teammates and I laughed at him when he swore at me for pushing him down and told him we weren’t playing basketball. So that was my “angry moment”.

The Books of Umber – I predict…

So my group and I have been reading this book, and we thought about some predictions, I predicted that Occo and Hap could somehow be related. These are some of my reasons.

First of all, both Hap and Occo have some sort of special power/ability. Most people in the Aerie don’t have powers. Their abilities are similar to each other. Hap, has the power to jump really high (sometimes he is called a grasshopper!). Occo, has the ability to jump high too, his legs make him jump so high because his knees are bent backwards, just like a bird!

Another reason I think Hap and Occo are related is because he really wants Hap. I don’t think he could use Hap though, their powers are so similar! Maybe, Occo and Hap came from the same world! Although I don’t think Occo would be a “green eyed” person because he has blue eyes. What if there was something called the “blue eyed” people? Occo has blue eyes and he has a power. We haven’t been told what colour Umber’s eyes are but perhaps they are dark coloured because he doesn’t have a power. The reason why I think its “dark” eyes and not another colour is because dark eyes are most common and they are not “rare”.

In conclusion I think that Occo and Hap are related and those are my reasons. I’m not sure if I’m right but it sure is a thought!



What do you like and not like about weaving

I enjoy that we start off the mornings weaving because I did not like starting the mornings doing grammar like in term 1. Another reason I like weaving is because we got to go to another persons yard to pick the ivy like a small field trip. A thing I do not like is that after a couple of days the ivy gets crumpled and breaks easy. And also I hate that some people take your ivy and then you need to tie it with willow and it does not tie as good. The final thing I hate about weaving is that we do not get enough time at weaving.

similarities between weaving and sam2

Some similarities of sam2 and our weaving project are: They reused things that no one needed and made it into a instruments. In our weaving project we used invasive plants that people did not want because it spreads out to much and does not let other plants grow, and we made it into art. We saved money by not buying art material for example glue, scissors, and paper, they saved money by reusing stuff from the military and the dumpster. The final thing I could think of is that they are both good for the environment because they reuse things to make music and we use invasive plants for art.

Weaving and the Y.P.C

What do you think the Sam2 concert and our weaving project have in common? Well, they both come from unwanted materials! Sam2 used unwanted parts from the dump. They used those parts to make instruments! When we weaved we used unwanted plants. These plants are called ” invasive species “. An invasive invasive species is is a plant that came from another country and through time, it begins to grow somewhere else. An example of an invasive species is ivy, we used ivy to bind the willow together. We don’t want these plants because they kill other plants that we need. Another thing they have in common is that they both use these materials to make something new and useful! Sam2 made some great sounding instruments, one was made only from rubber! With weaving you can make all sorts of creations! From baskets to hat you can make all sorts of things, big or small.

what im liking about weaving

I enjoyed walking to Shona’s house and getting to pick the ivy ourselves because I feel like its a good experience for us to have picking our own art supplies instead of buying supplies that are really boring and we’ve used before. I think weaving is something a bit more different especially because you only need a few supplies and its something you can do to pass time and in the end you made a decoration piece .

What I find challenging about weaving is that when you want to weave something sometimes its hard to wind the willow because most of the time it would crack every time I tried to make it into a circle shape.

Overall I think weaving is really fun to do and it’s an awesome thing to do for art . With it you can make coasters, hats, baskets and more, I think weaving is great for teaching about nature and the wonderful things you can do with it.

What I’m liking about weaving…

Ever since I’ve started weaving I’ve had many thoughts on how I’ve liked and disliked it. (What I found challenging)

First off, I’d like to say that you can weave anything your mind thinks of! There’s so many possibilities that you have. You can make a bracelet, basket, hat so and much more. When Sharon Kallis came to visit us, she showed us some of the things she made! I’m not sure how long it took her to make this, but she made a boat!

I like that you have so much freedom when you weave. When I was weaving I decided to make lots of circles, big ones and small ones. After, I bonded them together to make big circle. It took hard work but it looks great!

Something that I found challenging is that sometimes when you’re weaving with willow it tends to snap when you’re binding something. That’s why it’s important to choose willow that is easy to bend. Another problem is that if you leave your materials (willow and ivy) without water it can shrivel up and dry. On the other hand, if you put too much water your willow will grow little white roots! (this happened to me before!)

Last thing I’d like to say is that weaving is really fun! I had fun making things and I felt really happy when I completed something.

what i like/dislike about weaving

I like the weaving project very much because it has no right or wrong to what we do and I like that because no one can tell me that ”no you cant do this that’s wrong”   I would like it if we did more projects like that. there wasn’t really anything I didn’t like about the weaving because it is fun and I like sitting around weaving and just talking to my friends its like free time but more productive than free time because you actually get stuff done instead of just doing nothing please have more projects like this in the future

The Giver “gabriels pale eyes”

I think it’s going to be significant in the story because it said on the first page that mostly everyone has dark eyes so he looks different than most people in the community. I also think it’s significant because in the community everyone always do the same thing like all the seven girls have to wear hair ribbons so every seven girls hair look the same so maybe that’s why it’s significant for being different. Also I think the giver has pale eyes too.

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