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Perpich said the best thing you have is a body. Brain should be confined. The teaching of per Pichpich if you don’t have a body is more important. Use what you have like a hatchet it meant help brain .to get home now early before 4 days. Good positive money is useless when you’re in a forest theirs no store. Perpich said get on top of things. Get motivated



The Teachings Of Perpich

Brian remembered what Mr. Perpich said to Brian and said  what is the best thing you have, he is trying to say what is the best thing what Brian have? One of the two best things is his body and his brain so he is able to do a lot of other things with it. To know what to do and to know what is right to do. And Brian needs to be more confident and needs to be more strong to survive in the wilderness. To use his special abilities and to use his strengths and hands to do more things with it. And Brian needs to be responsible and achieve his goals in the wilderness.


In summer both of my parents worked at morning shift , so me and my brother are always alone. Sometimes my mom calls if she is in a  meeting and tell us to not wait for her. My dad usually gets home at 6:00pm or 7:00pm. My brother and I are not worried because we know what to do if there is an emergency. Once the fire alarm went on while me and my brother were about to sleep then we took the passports and waited outside for 5 minutes. Me and my brother was freezing cold outside because I was wearing shorts. That really scared my Mom and Dad. So my Dad switched to night shift and babysit us.


when I was alone

Me, mom, dad and my brother went to the supermarket. To buy some stuff like food. I was looking at something then my family started to walk .I did not knew that  so then I asked my mom if I can have that but they were gone. I ran around the supermarket I asked for help then a worker in the supermarket asked are you lost . yes I answered . the worker helped me . I found them checking the stuff. My mom dad were worried  I was happy.


Once when I was alone at home (not alone I was with my cousin she doesn’t talk to me that much) I feel free (this was on Monday September, 28, 2015 Pro-d day).

So I just played video games on my laptop like, Roblox, (this one is not playing it’s watching) Youtube and other things. I also ate breakfast and lunch but I forgot what I ate.

I have  a screen recorder in my laptop, (called Bandican) I record the things I play most of the time.

I have Bandican but not the full version, full version  means is that you can record for as long as you can, if you don’t have the full version it means you can only record for 10:00 minutes. So after I’m done using the laptop i just watch T.V. until someone came home.

when I was alone

one day I was alone with my brother in my house. I was in turkey me and my brother had nothing to do. after we played this game that we made up the point of this game is to  get our big plastic tub and we”d  go inside it and go down my stairs with the tub and it was very fun and dangerous. After that we got bored so my brother did his homework and I was playing with my  kitten after I had a silly idea I thought of climbing my  window and i did when i was climbing my window  it broke in pieces of shattered glass . I could’ve died because my house is two story’s high but luckily  my brother was right next to me  so he managed to grab onto on to me and held by the window very tightly because he wasn’t strong enough .when my dad came and saw what happened he pulled me up quickly and then he got really mad at me he said why would you climb a window he said one the reasons im mad and frustrated he said first you could’ve died and second you broke our window and we have to pay for it.the end


When I was alone. When my family went out shopping for snacks and stuff like that for school. I was left home alone I honestly don’t care if I am alone or not, but being alone is nice once in a wile to… I was just home watching Netflix or like T.V eating a sand witch and drinking pop and whatever stuff like that so yea.


A time when I was alone…..

Once I  was alone with my friends in a really big church I was seven  years old at that time. The adults were still having dinner.  We were playing hide and seek, I was trying to find a place to hide.

Then I got lost from all the stairs,paths,and turns.It was also night , so it was  dark and scary. So I just sat on one of the stairs.

I was so scared I didn’t even have the energy to cry. I sat there for something that felt like hours, but was probably about fifteen minutes. After about two minutes later the ”it” person found me. I got saved! I felt so happy and relieved. Then we played the instruments in the music room ,because it was safer there.

When I was alone

When I first come here, my mom took me to T & T and we went  to bakery, I saw a little box, full of hard strings, I took one and play with it, it’ s so fun! I thought. We kept walking, but when we went to buy some snacks, my string was broken! So I decided to get another one, so I told mom, but I am only 7 years old!  instead of saying, mom, can I go get another string? I said” mom, wait here, I’ll come back in a minute!” and I ran away to the bakery. But my mom don’t know where I am going, so she yelled” wait! ” But I just ran away. When I come back, I didn’t saw my mom, and than I knew, I was lost. I have no idea of where I am going, I just ran around, I am so scared that I am going to be lost forever, I went to the bakery again, than I heard someone calling” HOPE! Hope!” It was my mom, so, I find my mom and went home.

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