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Blog #2 Repost Teachings Of Perpich

When Perpich is saying ” You are you most valuable asset” And you are all you got I think he was trying to say to Brian to get a move on, not just sit there waiting for something to happen.  He is saying get going start surviving . Get motivated and go. Then later in the day he got moving. remembering Perpich. he said to him self a am the only thing I got, I have to do something. Perpich would tell him to stop messing around. Get motivated. Perpich was also telling him to stop messing around. Get motivated. Perpich was also telling him you are the best thing you’ve got right now. Perpich was a motivating guy and that’s what Brian thought when he was out in the woods alone. He thought about his motivation and how it would help him, and it did. he got motivated and got up and did something

Happy Halloween!

Don’t forget we have our family Halloween event Thursday night (Oct 29) in the Maywood gym from 5:30-7:30pm. There will be crafts, games, treats, and a haunted house! Cost is $2/family and proceeds go to Maywood’s breakfast club.

Friday is dress-up day for Maywood, so please come dressed in an appropriate Halloween costume (no weapons, gore, or suggestive clothing).

On another note…

We will be getting a garden tour Friday morning and will be spending some time in the garden harvesting. Please be sure your child has rain gear for the



Perpich said the best thing you have is a body. Brain should be confined because everything is possible. The teaching of Pichpich if you don’t have a body its bad . Use what you have like a hatchet it meant help brain .To get home early before 4 days. Good positive money is useless when you’re in a forest theirs no stores. Perpich said get on top of things. Get motivated brain.


Teachings of Perpich

What can help Brian is to have good thinking not bad thinking, stay positive because if you don’t stay positive you will be thinking bad things instead of good things and focus what’s happening. Being motivated will help you be energetic and do things faster. Having a healthy body will help you be strong and healthy. A good brain will help you know what to do. Physical abilities help defending yourself, fighting running. Confidence will help you be brave. Stay on top of thing don’t let yourself go down think happy things. And I think this thinking way will help Brian to be positive, motivated and stay on top of things.



The Teaching Of Perpich

I think what Mr. Perpich means is to stay positive, use the things that you have with you and use it well.Also to stay commandant.Also the best thing you have is yourself. I think that when Brian is thinking about what Mr. Perpich said is to just survive school, but he’s in the wild so to survive the wild. But Brain can get a little negative sometimes.

The teaching of Perpich


I think Mr. Perpich means to keep trying and don’t give up. I think mr perpich means about being your best asset is you’re the only thing that you have

To survive.

The Teachings Of Perpich

When Perpich is saying “You are your most valuable asset” and you are all you got I think he is trying to say to Brian that to get a move on not just sit there waiting for something to happen. He is saying get going start surviving. Get motivated and go. Then later in that day he got moving, remembering Perpich. He said to himself I am all l’ve got. I have to do something. Perpich would tell him to stop messing around. Get motivated. Perpich was also telling him you are the most valuable thing you’ve got right now. Perpich was a motivating guy and that’s what Brian thought when he was out in the woods alone. He thought about his motivation and how it would help him, and it did. He got motivated and got up and did something.

The teachings of Perpic

I think that is trying to mean that his body is the best thing to help him to survive, which means he will have to use his body to survive in the forest, he can also use his body to make things, but he can use his body parts to eat, I mean, if necessary.

One thing that Brian can do is think positive, because if he thinks negative, his heart will beat faster and faster, which can give him a heart attack, but, if he thinks positive, his heart will beat normally.

He can use the rest of the gas in the airplane to make fire.

He can use his hatchet to kill animals and eat them, or maybe even make clothes with their skin.

He can make a house on a tree to survive among the night in the forest.

He can eat the pilot if he has to.

If Brian has to survive he will have to do one of those things.

The teachings of Perpich

The plane crashed, Brian was sitting there under a tree alone. He thought the searchers might not find him for four days, he thought of what Perpich had always said “stay on top of things, you are the best thing you have.”

Why are you the best thing you have?

You are the best thing you have because you have your own body, you can walk around and find some plants that you can eat. You can find some tools too, to hunt animals.

You are the best thing you have because you can use your brain to think, you can think of some ideas of what you are going to do. You can think of some things you saw before about plane crashes and what they did. Maybe you really can find some things that are the best for you to do.

You are the best thing you have because you have legs & arms, you can build something that if a plane flies over it, the plane can see it (like: you can use huge rocks to build SOS).

You are the best thing you have no matter where you are and what happened.

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